The Comedown

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So sorry you guys! This story is taking me a lot longer to upload then I thought. I will try to be fast getting the next chapter up.  The side picture is Lex. Enjoy! -Wasted

*The Next Day*

I woke up in a bunk that wasn’t mine and it took me a few minutes to remember I’m on Of Mice & Men’s bus. I poked my head out of the bunk and could hear chatting in the front lounge. I slipped out of the bunk and made my way to the front lounge as I ran my hand through my hair to get rid of some of the knots in it. I smiled at Alan who had seen me walk in first. Austin was the next to see me thanks to Alan who had nudged him. Austin stood up and walked over giving me a hug. I hugged him back and buried my head in his shoulder still tired. I yawned as I pulled out of the hug and trudged over to the counter and unplugged my now charged phone looking through my several messages from fans. I smiled slightly and slid my phone inside my pocket and sat on the couch next to Austin, “So how long have we been stopped here exactly?” Tino turned from the movie he was watching and looked at me, “First off good morning, secondly we have actually just gotten here a couple of minutes ago. I was going to send Austin to wake you a few minutes from now if you did wake up.” I nodded, “Thank you for thinking that Tino. I would love to stay and chat but I need to get going over to my bus actually get dressed.” I stood up and grabbed my phone charger and stopped for a second about to ask where my longboard was when Phil spoke up, “It’s in the back.” I thanked him and went to the back grabbing my longboard and made my way back to the front of the bus sitting on the couch slipping on my shoes, “I’ll be back to grab my things from you guys that is covered in cake later today.” Austin nodded and opened the door for me, “See you later then.” I nodded and stepped out of the bus walking a few meters over to security asking for the location of my bus, “Your bus has not arrived yet.” “Thank you for that information,” The guard nodded and I walked away heading toward the entrance to wait for my bus. I leaned against the side of the fence and pulled out my phone opening my Instagram taking a picture and posted it with the caption, ‘Come see me while I’m waiting for my bus guys, I’m ready to socialize!’ As I waited for the bus I saw a few people who were early arrivers and smiled at them as they passed me. I saw my bus arrive and start to pull in, with the Pierce The Veil bus on their tail, and more kids came to the gates. A girl that was probably close to 14 years old came over and hugged me. I smiled hugging her back, “I take it you are a fan?” I saw looked down at her as she nodded, “I was coming to watch Of Mice & Men and Icon For Hire and Pierce The Veil, and on the walk over here I saw your Instagram post and I practically jogged the rest of the way here so I could tell you that I love you and I love your music. You inspired me to not give up, gave me a distraction and I can’t thank you enough for that.” I smiled wide and hugged her even tighter, “You’re not alone sweetie. Let me see your phone.” She pulled out of the hug and handed me her phone. It was open to her Instagram and I smiled holding the phone out taking a picture with her and posted it for her. I closed out of her Instagram opening her contacts and put my number in her phone saving it. “If you ever need someone to talk to or you feel like you are going to give up, I don’t care what time it is, I want you to call me. And I swear I will answer. You are too young to be living this way and I’m going to do my best to make sure it ends this year.” She nodded and took her phone and I hugged her again leaning down to give her a better hug, “Don’t give up, you have someone on your side.” She smiled at me as she pulled a bracelet off of her wrist and handed it to me, “I made this for you a few years ago when it was your first warped but I wasn’t able to meet you. So I kept it because I knew that one day I’d be able to give it to you.” I smiled wide and slid the bracelet on my wrist as I read it, ‘Inspire the Dream’ I hugged her once more, “Thank you so much. I’ll talk to you later okay? My crew is just about to pull in. Have fun today and be careful.” The young girl nodded and she walked back to the gate where her friends where at joining them. I walked back to the buses as my bus stopped to talk to security. I opened the door and climbed in seeing that everyone but Lex seemed to be nursing a hangover. I chuckled, “So I’m not the only one that had fun last night. The buys groaned and I laughed more setting my longboard down against the counter and made my way back to the bunks grabbing my bag, looking through it for a pair of pants setting my phone and charger on my bunk. I went into the bath room and changed my pants applying my make up for the day and grabbed a bottle of asprin for the guys and took it out to the front lounge tossing it at Lex, “Have the boys get ready we have a signing today.” I walked back to my bunk grabbing my phone and my sunglasses along walking back to the front grabbing my longboard and making my way out of the bus.” As soon as I was out of the bus I was greeted by Andy Biersack, who was standing outside his bus in front of ours, having a smoke. I smiled at him and walked over, “Can I bum one? I’ll give one back later tonight or something.” He nodded pulling his cigarettes out of his back pocket handing me one along with his lighter, “No need to repay.” I nodded lighting the cigarette handing him his lighter back taking a drag. “Thank you Andy.” I set my longboard down riding out to the gate and glanced around stopping by security. “Hey how long we got till gates open?” I questioned sliding my sunglasses on top of my head. The guy looked at his watch, “About half an hour.” I nodded and thanked him pushing myself toward the tent with the maps sliding my glasses back down. I high fived a few crew workers who had been setting up the stages and thanked them for their help and stopped in front of the tent and smiled at the guy who was still setting his things up. “Could you spare me a marker and a map? I’ll pay if you wish.” The guy turned around and saw me instantly smiling, “No need to pay, you’re an artist, you get it free.” I watched as he picked up a map and a light blue sharpie handing them to me. I grabbed them from him, “You are too kind, thank you.” He nodded and went back to what he was doing. I set the paper down on the table in front of me and circled the restrooms, water tents, medical tent, and our tent slipping the sharpie in my pocket and folded the map up sticking it in my other pocket. I got back on my board and pushed myself over to out tent section and pulled out my phone texting Lex. Alex: Hey try to get the guys to help bring out our merch and the tent we need to get the stuff set up. Lex: The guys are all getting their hung-over bodies taken care of. I’ll see if I can get someone else to help. Alex: Okay. Hurry. We’ve got like 20 minutes now. I huffed and sat down on my board waiting for Lex to come with the stuff. I pulled out my phone and opened up my Instagram looking through the already thousands of comments on it. I smiled and hear someone clear their throat. I looked up from my phone and saw Austin, Lex, Aaron, Alan, Tino, Phil, Vic, Tony, Jaime, and Mike with things in their hand's. I smiled wide and stood up telling all the guys where to set the things down at and helped Austin set up the tent and table. After the boxes where set down Aaron, Alan, Phil, Tino, Mike, Tony and Vic left leaving Lex, Austin, Jaime, and myself alone to set things up. As we started to unpack the boxes Jaime was needed by the rest of PTV and Lex was need by the rest of our band. I sighed and opened more boxes hanging different shirts and hoodies from the inside of the tent. I pulled out three different small baskets and filled one with bracelets, another with necklaces, and the last with key chains and proceeded to hang a couple beanies along with one of the necklaces and a keychain up for display and turned around to see Austin laying out a tarp and setting plastic bins underneath each shirt and filling each one with the correct shirts. I started on the other side laying a tarp down and putting bins underneath each shirt and filled them with the proper shirts and met Austin in the middle. I smiled at him and grabbed the one of the two last boxes opening it and pulling out three smaller boxes that were filled with the bracelets, necklaces, and keychains, as Austin opened the other putting the beanies in another empty bin and sticking the small box of lanyards under the table pulling one out and hanging it for display. I smiled satisfied and stepped out of the tent as our merch people walked up, “Wow you guys are fast, sorry we’re so late. We got stuck multiple times because of security.” I shook my head, “Its fine I’ve got passes on the bus for you guys I’ll have to grab them for you. Austin and I were able to get everything set up. Lex should be on his way soon with some chairs. Each bin is filled with the shirt it is underneath. The beanies are in the bin closest to the table on the left side inside. The boxes with the all the things here on display are under the table. I’ll have Lex bring out the table cloth and stuff for you guys so you can keep track of everything and there will be price tags for each shirt along with the beanies. Make sure they are attached to the correct item. There is a picture of the item on the back of the tag there’s also sold out tags in case you run out of something. Pay attention to the fans they may try to take the things on the front table. That’s all for now just keep all that in mind.” The merch people nodded, “Got it Ms. Ray.” “Good alright Austin lets go. Leave these people to do their job,” Austin walked out of the tent and looked at the merch people, “You guys seriously have all that? Like I lost her half way through.” The merch girl giggled, “Don’t worry Mr. Carlile. We’ve got it.” Austin furrowed his eyebrows, “Prove it.” The guy spoke up, “She has passes for us on the bus she is going to have Lex bring out chairs, a table cloth, and everything we need including price tags for each individual item there’s pictures on the back of the tag to make sure it goes with the right item. There are also sold out tags in case we run out of anything. She wants us to pay attention to the fans make sure they don’t try to steal anything off the front table. The bins are under the shirt that is within the bin, the beanies are in the bin closest to the table on the left, the necklaces bracelets, lanyards and keychains are under the table,” he repeated with not a single pause. I smiled, “Good. Now I need to leave. The band and I will be back around threeish for a signing so be ready for it. If your cash box gets too full there is probably a small spare box you could use in the tent if needed. Until then have fun. There will be a photographer checking up on you every once in a while to get you some water.” The merch boy nodded and went inside the tent. The merch girl stood there smiling at us. I chuckled, “You can go in the tent now hun.” The girl nodded and went inside the tent help the merch boy place lids over each bin to keep them hidden without closing them completely. Austin looked at me his jaw slightly slack. “What’s the matter Carlile? Never seen someone give orders to have them be remembered?” “Exactly that, I try to tell my merch people that and I just get ‘what did he say,’ faces.” I laughed, “Well these two actually are twins, the boy is very quiet unless asked to remember something, his sister pretty much talks for him.” Austin nodded, “So you can say something and he remembers it right off the bat but doesn’t say a single thing?” “Pretty much, come on lets go, Lex needs a break from the guys and he also need to take the things over to the merch people.” I leaned over the table and picked up my longboard that was resting on the ground and walked over to the cement setting it down and stepping on it, “Remember Carlile, I’m not all you remember, I’ve changed.” I pushed off with my back foot rolling down the sidewalk leaving Austin standing there. I pushed myself off faster riding through the park and past the gates where I could hear a few screams come from. I cracked a smile and made it to the bus gate entry and stopped right before the sidewalk turned to pavement and flashed my pass to security and walked toward my bus seeing Lex pulling things out from the storage underneath the bus. I smiled seeing the chairs leaning against the bus long with a table cloth and the tent barrier that wraps around the outside of the tent keeping everything inside. I smiled, “Lex, you know too well.” I could hear him chuckle slightly, “I’ve been both with you and on warped for almost 4 years now. I’ve gotten used to it.” I nodded and made my way onto the bus and grabbed the passes for the merch people, “Be a dear and give our new merch people their passes for me?” Lex rolled his eyes and grabbed the passes from my hand sticking them in his pocket, “Be lucky Alex, I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t love you.” I laughed and made my way back into the bus seeing Ryan, Oliver, and Jay sitting on the couch drinking water and eating chips. “Alright boys where is Damen?” Ryan nodded toward the back and grabbed his water taking a drink of it. I made my way to the back and found Damen in the back lounge humming along to what he had playing through his ear phones. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around pulling his earphones out smiling at me, “Band meeting in five in the front lounge. Damen nodded and stuck his earphones back in and made his way to the front. I huffed and ran a hand through my hair setting my board against the wall in the back and made my way back outside of the bus seeing Lex getting ready to head back to the tent, “Hold on a few minutes Lex, I’ll help you but we are having a band meeting right now. Lex set the things back down and followed me back in the bus. I stood against the counter and watched as Lex sat in a chair. I looked at Damen and waited for him to pay attention, I sighed and went over pulling out one of his earphones. Damen looked up at me turning of his music, “Sorry Alex.” I shook my head and looked at the guys, “Okay, we have a signing at 3, and a meet and greet both at noon and 6 that means everything today is three hours apart. I will be having the photographers at all three events. The signing is going to last for an hour, which will give you 2 hours before the last meet and greet. The first meet and greet will last 2 hours giving you an hour before the signing and the last meet and greet will last 2 and a half hours. After the last meet and greet I expect you all to come back here and start helping the merch people putting things away so we can get our things put away and leave on time. Black Veil Brides and Automatic Love letter are supposed to be having a barbeque tonight and we are expected by both Andrew and Juliet to be there. Now do any of you need a map for locations?” Lex got up and headed toward the door, “Grab me a Map and just leave it in here on the counter or something I’ll come back to get it.” I nodded and the rest of the guys agreed. I sighed and pulled out my map unfolding it and pulled out my sharpie circling the other locations for the meet and greets writing which event it was for then wrote where our tent was at and set it on the counter, “This has the rest rooms, medical tent, water tents, the tents for our meet and greets and our tent circled on it the notes for all each location is written next to it. I expect you all to go get your own damn maps. I will be getting Lex’s map. Get your own marker as well you will need it for the signing. I expect you all to pay for your maps. Now I’m going to let you all get ready more because you look horrible, I’m going to help Lex take things to the tent.” I opened the door and stepped out seeing Lex heading toward the tent already. I picked up the last few things he couldn’t get and jogged to catch up with him. “So how’s your tour crush going?” Lex asked still walking. I looked at him confused, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Lex, I don’t have a tour crush.” Lex scoffed, “Yeah just like how I don’t play music for a living.” I shook my head, “Lex, I don’t have a crush, I don’t even plan on having a crush. I am just going to focus on my music. That’s it.” Lex chucked, he didn’t believe me and I personally didn’t believe myself either. I sighed looking down as we continued toward the tent, “I don’t know Lex. It’s just weird you know? Like I am so different from what I was back then, I think it would just make things difficult in the relationship.” Lex nodded understanding, “It’s not like everyone stays the same, everyone changes.” I sighed deciding he was right and followed him into the tent setting things down on the table leaving back to the bus with Lex just before the gates had opened.

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