- Day 1

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My name is Rival Guardian, I am 17 and I live in foster care. This is the story of my life, but we're going to start the day before I was born, and I will give you a run down of everything leading up to why I am where I am. Let me start by telling you a bit about my parents and family. Dorthy and James. My mom was placed in the hospital for a few months before I was born because she was unstable because for her to be able to have me safely she had to be taken off her schizophrenia medication, and there isn't much to say about my dad at this point but will be told later. I have one brother,his name is Colton and at this point he was just a little 7 year old boy waiting to become a big brother. And the last person I'm going to tell you about for now is my grandma. My grandmother has always been my hero, and she saved me before I was even born, and to think that this was the most peaceful time in my life Day -1.

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