"I like your top, Zed. Did you get it today?"

"Yes. I went shopping with Elisabeth this morning." She replied. They walked onto the grass and stood there for a while. Then Aunt Dis and Tedv, who had found what he needed and had put a top on, came and stood with them.

"Shall we go now?"Aunt Dis asked.

"Yes. The hall is this way. Follow me." Dunrik said. He and Aunt Dis led the way, walking on the pebble path to the hall where Tedv's party would be held. It took a while to get there, but they got there in time for the party.

When they entered the hall they saw that someone had decorated it. Streamers hung from the ceiling and there was food on tables that were on one side of the room. Chairs were also assembled along the sides of the room. When they entered the hall they saw that some of Tedv's family was already there. Aunt Dis and Tedv rushed over to them to greet them, as they had not seen each other in a long time. There was a few tears from their family, but they quickly got over that. Zed, seeing no point in greeting the strangers, sat in a chair neer the tables with the food. Dunrik also came over and sat with her.

"What's up, Zed?" He asked.

"I'm bored."

Dunrik sighed. "We've been here for five minutes."

"I don't know any of those people, Dunrik."

"Well, it's time you met some of them."

"Do I have to?"

"Do you want your aunt to come over here and tell you to?"


"Then come with me and talk to some people." Zed sighed and followed Dunrik to a mob of people. He went to a woman who was plump and wearing a purple dress. She was older than Dunrik, about 50.

"Hello, Bethany. I haven't seen you in ages. How are you?" Zed smiled and tried very hard not to laugh at her friend's introduction.

"I'm very well, Dunrik. Was it your idea for this party?"

"No, it was Dis'. Are you enjoying it?"

"Yes, I am. Who is this youngester?"

"This is Zedra. She is Tedv's cousin."

"Zedra Waterxia? I never knew you knew her."

"She is Dis' but I'm in the area so I help out a lot. I'm also a Feeder and a Bodygard." "Ah..." She lowered her voice. "Does she know anything?"

"No." Dunrik had lowered his but Zed could still hear him.

"Well, it was nice talking to you and Zedra. Goodbye." She was not lowering her voice anymore.

"Bye, Bethany." Dunrik watched as the woman walked off to talk to another woman. Once she was far enough away so that she couldn't hear Zed, she burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Dunrik asked.

"You were very formal to her. I hadn't imagined you saying that to someone." She was still laughing. Dunrik sighed and led Zed to another woman.

"Hello, Dunrik. How are you?" This woman was skinny and wearing a blue dress. She was about Dunrik's age, maybe a little younger.

"Good. How are you, Gemma?"

"I'm good. Who is this?" She nodded her head towards Zed.

"This is Zedra."

"Hello Zedra. How are you?"

"I'm good, thank you." Zed tried her best to be polite to Gemma.

"That's good. Are you enjoying the party?"

"Yes, we are. Are you?" Dunrik answered for Zed.

"I am. Are you enjoying your work, Dunrik?"

"Yes, I am."

"That's good. It was nice talking to you, Dunrik and Zedra. Goodbye."

"Goodbye Gemma." Dunrik politely waved to her and turned to walk away. He walked out of the mob and towards the chairs they were sitting in before. As he sat down, so did Zed.

"I did it, Dunrik. I talked to someone so now I have an excuse to why I am sitting down." Dunrik laughed.

"You did. But I don't want you to talk to people by yourself. You either need to be with me to your aunt." His tone was very serious and Zed nodded. "On a less serious note, I'm hungry. Are you?"

"Yes. I forgot to have lunch today. I'm starving, and that food smells really nice." "Right. Let's go get some food!" He stood up and headed towards the tables. Zed did the same. She grabbed a plate and filled it up with food. She then sat down next to Dunrik and ate.

"I think this food was made by Aunt Dis. Do you?" She asked.

"She did. She dropped it off when you went shopping with Elisabeth."

"Ah... That explains the really good taste then." Then they ate in silence.

Once they had finished eating, they sat back in the chairs. Then Aunt Dis came over to them.

"I haven't seen you for a bit. Where were you?" She asked. She looked very stressed. "Well, we spoke to Bethany and Gemma, then we ate. What have you been doing?"

"Talking to all my relatives. I haven't seen them in ages."

"Oh, good."

"What have you been doing, Zedra?"

"I followed Dunrik." She said.

"Ok. I might have something to eat now."

"Oh, by the way, the food's really good." Dunrik said. Aunt Dis laughed as she walked away to the food. "Let's go talk to some more people." He suggested. He got up and the Zed followed. He headed towards the mob and a woman greeted him. She was wearing a black dress and gave Zed a bad feeling.

Be careful around this woman, Chell said.

Why? But he was gone.

"Hello, Dunrik," the woman said. She had a beautiful voice.

"Hello, Verpoi. How are you?"

"I'm good. Who is this?" She asked.

"This is Zedra."

"Zedra Waterxia? How?" Dunrik gave the woman a look. There was a long silence. "I'm sorry. Are you enjoying the party?"

"Yes,I am. Are you?"

"Yes. Goodbye, Dunrik and Zedra."

"Goodbye Verpoi." Dunrik and Zed walked away to the chairs again. Then Aunt Dis came over to them.

"We might get going, Dis. We ran into Verpoi and..." He gave Aunt Dis a look and then she nodded.

"Ok. You do look tired, Zedra. Dunrik, you can take Zedra home and stay there." Aunt Dis said. She gave Dunrik a look and then she whispered something in his ear. He nodded.

"We'll go now. Bye Dis," Dunrik said.

"Bye Aunt Dis. Can you say bye to Tedv for me? I can't find him." Zed scanned the room to see if she could find him.

"Ok, I will. Have a good sleep." Aunt Dis then gave Zed a big hug. Then they headed out the door and onto the pebble path.

"Did you enjoy the party Zed?" Dunrik asked.


"Are you tired now?"


"Am I going to get any answers from you that give me some more information?"

"No." They both laughed. Then they reached Zed's house and Dunrik opened the door. "You can go up and go to sleep. I'll just be down here if you need me," Dunrik shouted as Zed went up the stairs. She quickly got dressed into her pajamas and into bed. As soon as her head reached the pillow she fell asleep, not knowing that she was being watched.

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