Chapter 17

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Genevieve's PoV

I still can't believe she left. She took all of her stuff, all of it.
My wardrobe is basically empty, my dressing table sparse and that one book is gone. Of course she took that one. The first book she ever read to me. The one that she so bravely took and read out loud to me on the very first day.
And now it's all gone. And I've lost her. I mean even if I turned around and said I wanted her back I know she wouldn't take me. Not now. I mean I broke her heart. No I shattered it. I doubt if she'd ever take me back.
For, I don't know how long, I sit on my bed, doing nothing except thinking about nothing before a knock on my door forces me to get up and answer it because she isn't here anymore. And she would normally answer it for us.
Shaking the thoughts from my head I open the door to see Zachary stood with a bouquet of daisies, and a big smile plastered on his face. Taking the flowers and placing them in a vase he says from behind me "I figured since I missed the courting period I'd do it now instead. And also your parents want to speak to us in the throne room."
Sighing, I fake a smile and take his outstretched arm, his hand clammy and disgusting.
My mother exclaims as soon as we step one foot in the throne room "Miles and Dalia are engaged. Isn't that so exciting! It's been so long since we've had a royal wedding! And we've been invited to their engagement party at the end of the week. So that means we can announce your engagement as well. Oh this is so good! Zachary can get his redemption and we can announce it that way."
Nodding I stay silent as I said I would and my mum, ever the eagle eyed, seems to notice.
"Gen dear, what do you think?"
I shrug my shoulders, not really caring at all.
Zachary speaks for me "I'm sure she loves the idea."
Sceptically my mum says "Well ok. Both of you be well dressed then. Dismissed."
And so we leave, me going back to my lonely rooms, Zachary saying he needs to see the chef about something.
And so again I sit on my bed, cold and lonely, thinking about how much I hate my inability to not be able to disappoint my mother. And how I've always done as she's asked, been courted by whoever she gave me, done all of my lessons to my best ability, never skived, got the top grades in all my classes throughout the kingdoms.
All of it. Absolutely all of it. And look where it got me. A broken heart and shattered soul, my voice unable to be used.
To calm my mind, I decide to take bath with a bath bomb and some bubbles, perhaps they'll relax me. And so after running the bath and taking half an hour to actually choose the bath bomb I want, eventually settling on a rose and glitter one, I climb in and attempt to relax. Really hoping I get at least an hour until someone interrupts me.
Not a chance. There was never even a one percent chance.
Not five minutes later someone knocks on my door and I say "Let yourself in I'm in the bathroom."
And so in bustles my mother looking her normal snobby, homophobic self.
"What do you want now?" I say annoyed my peace was ruined.
"Turns out they've invited us for the week."
"Who've invited us where?"
She sighs "Corallone for the engagement party."
My brain lights up at the thought of seeing Lillia again and spending the week with Dalia, properly catching up and explaining all of this.
But still annoyed at my peace being ruined I say "You're telling me this now because..?"
"Because we're leaving in an hour so you need to pack." She says impatiently.
Rolling my eyes I climb out of the lovely bath and get dressed, sluggishly walking to my wardrobe to start packing. My mother tuts at my slow pace before she takes over completely not allowing me to even have a word of input to what I'd like to take. In the end I leave her to it and pack my makeup and books instead.
By the end of the hour she's packed two suitcases full of clothes and a whole other suitcase with shoes. Carrying them all out to the car I climb in and wait for my mother to climb in beside me but instead in climbs Zachary, his smile already irritating and his voice already grating. But I smile politely and allow him to sit next to me, holding my hand.
The journey to Corallone is spent with Zachary talking my ear off about himself and how much he's missed all the extravagant things in Corallone, like the cheese and the music festival and the caviar and the wine and the champagne and the ladies. And how he's excited to see his family's reactions when they see him.
I block him and his incessant talking out, instead focusing on the scenery as it passes by in a blur of colours and shapes.

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