Chapter 9

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Genevieve's PoV

Having been laid in bed basically all day yesterday, when I wake up this morning, not surprisingly, Lillia is up and outside, which seems to be a passion of hers. The outside, she goes for walks most mornings unless I keep her in bed another half an hour and then she doesn't have time, but most mornings she goes for a walk. And so I climb out of bed, take a shower and come out of the bathroom expecting clothes to have been laid out for me to wear, but instead all I find is a note saying that she's unsure what she's supposed to wear so can I pick it out for her and me today. Smiling at her uncertainty I open my wardrobe doors and walk into the familiar room.
For Lillia I pick out an off the shoulder, pale pink, lace dress that reaches the middle of her shins, with matching pink lace and a pair of pink stilettos. Then for myself I pick out a floor length, red velvet, off the shoulder, a-line dress with red stilettos that have golden leaves on the heels.
Putting my hair into a simple low bun, I sit at my dressing table doing my makeup when Lillia comes in with a smile on her face. Smiling at her smile and her energy I say while applying lipstick "Your clothes for today are on the bed."
She nods and takes them into the bathroom to get changed. When she comes out I stare in awe before she holds up the heels and says "How do I walk in these?" Laughing I beckon her towards me and get up before making her sit. Then I say still holding back laughter at her face "You put them on, and sit while I do your hair and makeup and then I'll help you walk to the hall."
She frowns before reluctantly putting them on her feet and turning so I can do her hair. I split her hair into two and gently twist both sides into two buns at the back of her head. Then I turn her around and apply lipstick and mascara and a slight bit of eyeshadow. Then swivelling the chair around again she opens her eyes and gasps at her reflection. I lean my head on her shoulder whispering "I love you."
"I love you too."
Taking her hands in mine I help her up in the heels, and then she stands. She looks at me before attempting to take a step but ends up in my arms. We carry on like this around the room until she can take five steps in a row, just about. Then we set off through the halls to our future throne room. A few stumbles later we make it and I see that the glass roof has been cleaned and is now sparkling at its former glory, with the wonderful sunlight warming the room. Turning to Lillia who's still wobbling slightly in her heels, I say "I think we'll do some heel practice to start with."
She smiles an awkward smile at me before I start the training.

Lillia's PoV

Heels hurt. And are extremely difficult to walk in. Oh and did I mention they hurt? Cause they do.
A lot. In the past two hours, I've fallen more times than I can count, I've screamed in frustration so much my throat hurts and then. And then I've actually got so many blisters it's unreal. But after this two hours of torture I can walk in stilettos. Just about. And now I'm sat on the floor rubbing my feet and applying plasters every other second, while Ginger explains how this ball tomorrow will work becuase I quote "You can get some early practical training." I mean she loves me I know, but this is like she's a different person. She shouts and she points me out on things and I know it's all tough love and that but like does she have to shout?
The door to the hall creaks open for Nelly's head to pop around, and then proclaim "This is where you're training is it? I remember this room. Always used to find Gen in here hiding from her lessons and even as a child she'd run around the halls and I'd find her here. Just sat staring up into the sky. Anyways, Lillia how are you doing?"
"Not too bad, my feet hurt though."
"Well I'll have the staff send a bucket of ice to your room tonight, that always helps my feet."
"Thank you" I say sympathetically.
Then Ginger says in an impatient tone "Ok, thanks mum, you can leave now we have a lot of work to do."
Nelly looks at me with a roll of her eyes before she leaves the hall, the closing of the door echoing around the hall. Barefoot, I walk up behind Ginger as she mumbles to herself and before she can realise I'm here I shout "Boo!" She jumps out of her skin before saying in a stern tone "We have practice to do!"
But before she can say anything else I crash my lips to hers and she responds immediately by putting her arms around my waist and pulling me closer to her.
Savouring her citrus smell I pull away without warning and run away as fast as possible. She opens her eyes to see me across the room before she puts her ands on her hips, which makes me smile, before saying in a mock stern tone "You know we actually need to do work."
In reply I burst out into fits of laughter on the floor and say in between giggles "Sorry, I get like this when I'm bored or tired. You're stuck with it for at least half an hour."
She told her eyes before clip-clopping in her heels over to me and trying to get me up but each time I just fall back to the floor laughing at everything she says or does.

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