Shatter Dreams

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Annabelle POV

I woke up to the smell of blood as it lingers all through the room. I went to tap on Devon but he was missing, my heart sank. I was frighten, I got up from my bed and noticed blood everywhere. This smell of blood is familiar, but it can't be him. I searched around the kitchen and I noticed a demon similar to the one I saw at my house but he was eating something. I slowly walked towards him, cautiously. He snapped his head at me, his eyes were red and popped out, his teeth all bloody with guts hanging from his mouth, and his body wasn't like the other one. He had his ribs out, he arches his back like an old person, and his growl was the scariest. I still wanted to know who body is that, and the monster looked like he understood me and whimpers.

"Why are you whimpering?" I asked the disgusting creature.

"I am not disgusting, I am human just like yourself princess. And this body is not your husband, for he was killed by you." He replied with a deep voice.

"Why would I kill him? What do you mean husband?" I asked.

"Dear princess, you are the most powerful demon that can kill any of us. You feast on our blood to stay young and beautiful." He replied.

"You must be misunderstanding this, I am not married." I replied.

The creature drops the body and walks turns me, slowly he was turning into a HUMAN!! I looked at him in shock. He has short black hair, bright blue eyes, and he had a six pack. I inched away from him.

"Do you not know who I am?"

He asked.

"No, I don't." I replied.

He smiled and wow, his teeth are perfect.

"Thanks, by the way, I am Blaze Swan." he said looking into my eyes. I couldn't move, I was feeling frighten. Is this a dream? Am I really dreaming? Why doesn't my body wake up? He came towards me again and tries to touch me. I ran out the door, I didn't care about the demons that surrounds me. I panicked. That was Blaze, Ammora's brother. That wanted me die.

Devon POV

Annabelle is moving too much. Is she having a bad dream? Why is she breathing hard? I got up from my bed and went to her side and sat down and watched her carefully. She was breathing too fast, she needs to calm down. I slowly start to shake her to wake up, but she isn't getting up and I was starting to get worried.

Annabelle POV

I am running for my life, I can't see where I am going anymore. It's pitch black. I am breathing hard and can't seem to calm down. What's wrong with me? I looked around to find any sort of light. The gas station that looked like a feast went on in there. Dead bodies were all around, blood stains on the walls, the light flickering on and off. I looked around to see if there was any demons left, there wasn't. I was walking down the isles looking for food. I stepped on something, and my body froze. I was in shock, I looked down and starting screaming. Devon body was laying there deathless. I was heartbroken, I was crying, I bended down to touch his face, I was shaking terribly.

"Devon...don't be die p-please...I need you..." I said sobbing loudly, while holding his body onto me. Suddenly, the glass shattered and demons came running in looking for leftovers. Looking up at them, tears falling down my cheek. I kissed Devon's lip once more and went to hide. The creatures saw Devon's body and grabs it. I whimpered loud and was shaking horribly. They took a bite of his head and ripped his body into pieces. I screamed at the top of my lungs.


Devon's POV

"NOOO!!!!!" Annabelle shouts out loud, waking up and cries like hell.

"No please don't kill him, don't eat him please, I am afraid to be alone..." She said sadly.

"Annabelle calm down, it's okay." I told her, she looked at me with the most terrify face ever. Shaking, she comes towards me and touches my cheek, her hands trembling as she cups my cheeks. She looked at me and cried.

"Your not dead..." was all she manage to say before coming to hug me tight.

"Of course not, why would you think that?" I replied looking into her eyes.

"My dream felt so were eaten and ripped into pieces...Blaze was in it...." She replied looking back into my eyes.

I kissed her forehead and hugs her, I laid down and pulled her tiny body close to mine. I cannot lose her and she cannot lose me, we both will breakdown if that were to happen. She calmed down, I tried getting up, but she was gripping my shirt very tightly with dried tears on her cheek. I cupped her cheek and smiled. She is too beautiful...

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