"Uhmm, i met him but he does the usual, which was sending me out, but his wife was so elated to see me there, that she even try to shut the door at my face. She was also kind enough to laugh at my face when he asked me to leave his house." Yusuf replied in his usual sarcastic tone. He is always full of sarcasm mostly to soften a tension, or just out of humor. His smile is always so welcoming along with his amiable nature, his warm bright eyes can tell more about him. People like Saif can guess what he is feeling through his eyes, and sometimes even that too can be hard to do, when he is too buckled up. But right now it was neutral, Saif can only see a hungry friend not a hurt one. The situation with his father is only getting worst, there is nothing either of them can do about that, more than to pray for the better.

"How about Marwa?" Saif inquired again, changing the subject.

"She is fine, we talked last night. She is busy becoming a surgeon." Whenever Yusuf talk about Marwa he became a different person, his eyes sparkle with joy and he speaks with such tenderness. When he look at his friend, Saif was wearing that smug smile, which can mean anything.

"Why? You still don't like her, right? I know you don't. She is a nice person, Saif. I am going to make her my wife when the right time comes, get used to the idea."

"Did i say anything? That's something i have no say in, man. She is your girl after all, i am cool with that. I just feel like she is stealing my spot in your heart, oh my." Saif patted his chest dramatically and Yusuf furrowed his dark brows almost touching each other. He knows his friend better than that.

"Ewh, that is creepy. Start looking for a wife and get over that woman." And their order was brought by a fine young lady, she arrange the platters on the table and left with a smile.

"Stop reminding me of other people's wife, you're awakening my pain." He said rubbing his nape. And Yusuf knew his friend was just faking it. He knew it doesn't hurt him anymore, maybe a little sensitive.

"I thought you will never get over her, Saif. I am thankful you're." Yusuf added with a teasing smile. It almost messed him up when his ex-girlfriend ditched and got married. It was a long story.

"Whatever, why you're being evil today. Eat that thing of yours and stay quiet, why do you eat that thing anyways?" Saif remarked at the chicken stuffed buns that Yusuf eat everyday as the last course of his meal.

"It's a necessity, bro." Using his forefinger to make a point, he ogle at the buns amorously. "I will love to meet the maker of this, because he or she is doing a good here."

"You are drooling, Yusuf. I hope your future wife knows how to cook that. Because the way to get through Yusuf's heart is definitely through his stomach." They both smirks and Saif shook his head.

"Marwa is a good cook, if that is what you're insinuating." Yusuf winks with a smile taking a spoonful of his vegetable rice.

"I know love bug has bitten you a long time ago. So let just eat." What Saif doesn't understand upto now is whether his best friend is truly in love with Marwa, or it's only pure appreciation he have toward her, which he mistaken as love. She had helped him alot in the past. But even if that maybe the case, Saif has nothing against her, he only wishes the best for his friend. The man deserve some love.

Ikram throw herself on the sofa immediately after entering her aunt's living room. That place has always been like a second home to her. She was also greeted by her aunt's jovial face after her salam.

"Wa'alaikumu salam my dear, you seem to be tired, what happened?" Aisha asked lovingly, her attention which was earlier on the telly, now centered on her niece. If Aisha didn't know her well enough, she would think the poor girl will past out anytime soon.

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