;I'm offended | Smol! F.I. x Tol! Reader | (1/?)

Start from the beginning

Shaking my head, I walk faster and put an arm around Frank, under his arms, "Sorry for the inconvenience, even tho it's minor." I say dragging Frank along with me as I walk down the hall. "Stop or else someone will really hit you and I won't be there."

Frank crosses his arms, "I'm strong enough." He pouts. "Let go of me."

"You'll fight the floor because you'll hit it." I tease.

"Just put me down!" He whines and I do so. "Where are you going?"

"Gonna take a photocopy of some papers I lost." I say.

"Wow, can see everything from up there but still lost your papers?"

"Says the one who doesn't even know where their pencil case is." I twist my mouth looking down at him.

"I lost it?" He raises his eyebrows and opens his bag, looking for the object. "Oh hell, I lost it!"

"You forgot it in Literatures." I say taking it out of my own bag and handing him.

"Oh!" He takes it from my hand and puts it inside his bag, closing it. He proceeds to grab my hand, "Big hands..." He mutters holding it with both of his and I chuckle softly at it.

Soon, we arrive to the secretary. I have a bit of trouble with getting my hand out of his grip but eventually do so. I take my folder out of my bag and hand the secretary four sheets of paper, "Photocopy, please."

While she's doing it, I put everything back inside.

"80 cents." The secretary says coming back with the eight sheets.

Nodding, I look for my wallet, but I can't find it. Probably by the bottom of the bag. "Frank, can you hold this for me...?" I mutter taking the pencil case.

"Sure- Hey, you didn't put it on my head, did you?!"

"Don't move too much or else it will fall and I hate it when the pencils are broken." I say and finally find my wallet. I get 80 cents out of it and hand the woman with a smile, thanking her and taking the papers. "Thank you too, Frank." I grin getting my pencil case from the top of his head and placing it back inside my bag.

He narrows my eyes, "Your height offends me."

"I'm already used to hearing that." I ruffle his hair.

"Good, adorable, wonderful things come in small packages." He says placing a hand over his chest.

"Y'know what also comes in small packages? Grenades."


"What did you put on this one?" Frank asks showing me the question 4 on his textbook.

"C." I answer and he nods, walking back to his desk. Just to return a minute later.

"And this one?"


A few seconds later... "This one?"

"B- Why don't you stay here at once, Frank?" I ask, "Sit here." I adjust myself in my seat, leaving a part of it free.

He gives me a look, "I'm small but not enough to fit there."

"Then sit here." I say pulling him on my lap. He places his textbook over the desk and looks at mine. "Hey, you admitted it."


"I'm small but not enough to fit there." I mimic him. He sighs in frustration and leans his head against my shoulder.


"What? Who knocked at my dorm's door? I don't see anyone!"

"I KNOW you can see me!" Frank says and I chuckle, looking down at him and stepping aside, letting him in.

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