Chapter 10

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Jacob and I made out for a good 5 minutes, if not longer. It feels so wrong that we're back here without permission...but at the same time being alone together feels so right. Jacob grasped onto my butt tighter and groaned as he slowly thrust between my thighs. We pull away for a minute and looked at each other. "Damn you fine..." Jacob whispered and smashed his lips against mine again. He gripped my butt tighter and it's starting to turn me on more. I can feel the bulge in his pants rub up against my sensitive area and I start tensing up. "Why so tensed babe? Relax."

Jacob grabbed the back of my head and rubbed his nose against me. Then he rub his private against mine again. His bulge feels so huge, ugh! I feel myself leaking a little and so I push him away gently. "Why you push me away? Is it too much to handle?" he asked playing in my hair. "Uh yeah...I-I mean's just.....I-I'm getting...wet." I blushed and stuttered. "Ohh ok..." Jacob moves towards my ear. "I like it when you're moist." he whispered. I smile real hard and look away from him to hide it.

"We should stop here Jacob, I don't wanna walk around campus with squishy underwear." "I understand, mind if I clean you up afterwards? I saw a box of Kleenex on the librarian's desk."

*Beep! Beep!*

Jacob's phone vibrated in his pocket. He takes it out and stare at it. "Who is it? Aren't you gonna answer?" I asked. "Nah, it's Tony. He can wait." He mute his phone and put it away. "Now, you didn't answer my question. Want me to grab some tissue for you?" "No, but we should stop here before it gets worse." I hop off the desk and Jacob grabs my wrists. "Wait I heard something." Jacob puts a finger on his lip signaling me to be quiet. He walk to the door and peek out of it. "Shit, the librarian's here and I forgot to put her keys back." he whispered. I punch him in the side of his stomach. "Ow! Yn what was that for? Are you trying to get us in trouble?" he whispered. "You should've never brought me back here in the first place." "You liked what I was doing so you're just as guilty as I am." Great he has a point. "Where are my keys? I know I left them right here. Ugh, I should've kept them with me. I'm so stupid." the librarian said to herself.

Guilty is written all over Jacob's face

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Guilty is written all over Jacob's face. He starts to sweat and his hands tremble a little. "Jacob go return the keys. I'm pretty sure she trust you so just make up a story and give them back." I suggested. Jacob shake his head no. "Hell nah. We just gotta wait until she leave." "Jacob no. Just tell her you were helping me check out a book." "Baby I can't." "Why the fuck not!?" I accidentally raised my voice. "Shhh!" Jacob puts his soft hand over my mouth.

As we quietly sat in the corner, the librarian's footsteps sounded like she was getting close to the storage room. I internally panicked and started breathing rapidly. Jacob noticed I was unease and quickly grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently and kissed it. "It'll be ok..." he whispered in my ear. I immediately calmed down after hearing his soft toned voice and his lips slightly touching my ear lobe. I wrap my arm around his waist, laying my head against his shoulder. He continued to hold on tight to my other hand and rubbed it with his thumb.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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