Chapter 9

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Next morning in English, I peek over at Jacob and his friends talking. I have headphones with no music playing. I want to eavesdrop on their convo. "Aye Jake what was with you and that girl at the party Saturday?" "Ha! What girl?" "The one you were defending when I was joking about that beer game." "Ah..her. Why do you care?" "You said you don't fuck with her and that she's not your type. So why were y'all dancing together and all that?" Tony asked. "Right I saw them together a couple times too." the other guy added. "Bro, it was just a party. Shit end up talking and dancing with people you normally don't hang out with. Now get off my dick!" Jacob snapped. There you go baby boy!

Tony grunts and I see him turn his head towards me in the corner of my eye. "Aye girl?" he called out. "C'mon leave her alone, she got her headphones in." said Jacob. "What's her name again?" "I don't know, go ask her!" Jacob got smart. Tony walks over to me and taps my shoulder. I take out an earbud, even though it wasn't like I was listening to music anyway, but acting is key. "What?" I asked unwelcoming. "Yikes! You don't gotta bark at me." "I'm sorry but who's barking?" I asked. "Chill, it's a metaphor. I gotta question though. You like Jacob?" he slightly whispered. I quickly glance at Jacob who looks pissed as he shook his head for no. "Nah, last time I checked. None of y'all popular boys like me so why are you wasting my time when y'all could be talking to the popular girls?" "It's just a question damn. Why y'all quiet girls always got an attitude? You need some dick in yo life-" I quickly smacked him across the face and Jacob and the other guy jumped back a little in fear.

"Ughh! You stupid-" Tony holds his face. My slap left a red mark on his cheek and Jacob quietly laughs to himself. Tony goes back over to their table and sits down. "Jacob that shit ain't funny!" "Maybe you should've watched what you said." Jacob pulls out his phone and mine vibrate on the table. I look at the message on my lock screen and it says:

Jacob: Good one haha!!!!! 😂🤣

I set my phone on silent so his friends wouldn't find out he's texting me. Then he sends me another message.

Jacob: I need to talk to you after class

You: Why not send it through text? I silenced my phone so it wouldn't look obvious

Jacob: I know but we need to talk face to face when my friends aren't around, please?

You: Ok fine

Jacob scratch his beard and put his phone away. Class started 10 minutes later and we had to present our essays from our phones. A girl was called up first and she began to read. My phone lit up as I listened to her.

Jacob: Thank you again for writing my essay! 😘😘😘

You: You're welcome 😊

Meanwhile 2 other students read their essays and after them, Jacob was called to the front. He looked super nervous as he walked up there. He bit his lip and pushed his curls back and looked at me. I smile and nod to reassure that he got this. He takes a deep breath and begins to read. "My name is Jacob Perez and my research paper is about the history of video games..."

As he read, I was mesmerized by his voice. Honestly he can talk me to sleep any day. I noticed as Jacob read his research essay, he would glance up at me once in awhile. "In conclusion, even though I've never played video games before, I think they're good to play if you're bored. I watch my cousins play games on a Xbox or PlayStation. The gaming world is huge and is still expanding more and more."

Everyone clapped and he quickly walked back to his seat. I was called up next and I walk up and went to the Google Docs app. "My research is about planets that are similar to Earth..."

After everyone presented their research essays, the teacher emailed us our grades. I got an A+ on both my essay and presentation. Jacob sent me a message and I opened it. He sent me a screenshot of his grade.

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