Chapter 3

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"She does some bomb makeup, ain't that right Yn?" Lauren said as I was half listening to her. I'm still stuck on what happened today with Jacob. "Yn? Hellooo??" Lauren waves her hand in my face. "Huh? Oh my bad. I can't get Jacob out of my mind." "Screw him. He wanna act all wishy washy. Wanna go out somewhere to get him off your mind?" she asked. I shrug. "I don't know. I mean I can't even half pay attention to these makeup videos. Maybe I just need some sleep." "Aww, well do what's best for you." I climb in my bed and pull the covers over my head. I hate getting stressed out over a guy. It shouldn't be this way, but I can't take my mind off of Jacob.

The next day, Lauren and I go to the library after first period. My paper is due tomorrow and she's helping me finish it on my laptop. "Ugh, just 3 more paragraphs Yn." she said. "I need another cup of coffeeeeee!" I whined and laid my head on the table. I deadass have bags under my eyes and I don't have any concealer on me to cover it up. I look a mess. "Lauren can you write the last 3 for me?" I asked desperately. "Tuh, uhh no. This is your paper. You gotta write it, I'm just here to help." "Oh my God I'm so sleepy." "How are you sleepy? You went to bed super early last night after you had ramen for dinner." "I didn't sleep good last night and you should know why." "Yeahh, I know. But still..don't let him get to you." Lauren said.

Speaking of him, I hear Jacob and his friends walk in the library. "Damn that guy is cute." Lauren said leaning over nudging my arm. I look up and Jacob and I connect eyes for a second then he turned away. "That's Jacob in the middle." I whispered. "Wh-? That's Jacob? He's cute as hell. Now I see why you can't stop thinking about him. He's too fine to be treating you the way he do." "Yeahh" I turned back to my laptop and reread the previous paragraph I wrote. Lauren nudges me again. "Dude, Yn Jacob is looking at you again." "I don't care." I mumbled. "Oh right, you're not supposed to be thinking or talking about him. Come on, the quicker you finish this paper the quicker you can leave and don't have to deal with being around Jacob in the same room." "You're right." I sit up straight and start typing my next paragraph.

Once I finished everything, Lauren revised for me and then I sent the document to Mr. Oregon. "Thanks Lauren! You're the best!" "No problem." I packed my laptop and we both leave out of the library. I noticed Jacob haven't said anything to me at all today. I guess that's good, well for my part at least.

I don't have any friends at this college except for my roommate Lauren. She's a junior and I'm a sophomore. I'll miss her after she graduate next year. She invited me to hangout with her group of friends named Ryan and Cassie, they're together by the way and they're fun to be around with too. I did my makeup before we left and afterwards we got inside of Lauren's Chevy Volt. I sat in the passenger seat while Ryan and Cassie got in the back. "Y'all wanna go to The Grove?" Lauren asked. "Yeah!" the rest of us shouted.

We went to The Grove and shopped

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We went to The Grove and shopped. I feel very confident outside of campus. I smell amazing food and my mouth starts to water. "After we purchase this stuff I wanna eat." I said. "Ok deal." said Lauren. Meanwhile we all head over to Veggie Grill. I ordered a veggie burger and fries with a cup of water. I ate like I haven't ate before and people in the restaurant started to stare at me including my friends. "Damn Yn, omg!" said Cassie with her mouth hung open. "I'm HuNGrY!" I said with my mouth full. A guy who works there was sweeping the floor and he approaches our table. "Be careful missy, you're too small and cute to be eating like that." I make a stank face at him. "Man mind your business!" He gets scared and leaves real fast. I haven't ate anything all day, college be having you starve yourself just so you can pass a damn class.

Ryan chuckles to himself, "Yn you're so angry when you're hungry." "She's hangry" Lauren added. "I had ramen for dinner last night. That was the last thing I ate." "Oh damn." Ryan's eyes got big. "So guys, what should we do after we finish eating?" Cassie asked. "I wanna do something fun, and also something that'll distract Yn from a guy that's in her classes." Lauren said. "Fun like what? The club?" I asked. "Noo, I mean unless you want to, but I meant things outside of that. Like getting your nails or hair done." "Ohhh, shit I wouldn't mind getting my hair dyed. I think it's time for me to change up my look anyway. I be showing up to class looking busted but it's whatever, I kinda don't care." "Gurrrll! No you don't. Your makeup is MAD POPPIN'!" said Cassie trying to hype me up. "Yeah I'm poppin' now but I don't wear makeup to class unless it's eyeliner and lipgloss. I don't need a beat face for school, it's time consuming and my education is way more important. So I throw my hair in a bun or ponytail and leave." "I wish I can leave out simple like you, but I also like to stunt on everyone on campus." said Cassie. "Of course you do Cas, you like attention." Ryan playfully teased her.

"But yeah, dying my hair wouldn't be bad. I'm tired of black hair to be honest." I shrugged. "What color are you getting?" Lauren asked. "It's a surprise." "Aw ok."

We finished our food and drove to the hair salon. Lauren and the others waited in the car while I was getting my hair done. I want something that'll amp up my look. I told the lady what color I wanted and she smiled and nodded her head. "That'll definitely compliment you. I'll make sure to hook you up." she starts on my hair and I sit back and relax my shoulders.

An hour or so later, my hair is done with its new color. I pay the lady and after I leave out of the salon and walk to the car, I hear Cassie hyping me up again. "YASSS BITCH! YOU BOUTA SLAY EVERY HOE AT SCHOOL!!!" I blush and got in the car.

Guess what color you dyed your hair? Comment below :)

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