Chapter 2

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This evening I sat down with my chill roommate named Lauren. "Ok sis spill the tea." she said as she opened a bag of Lays Honey BBQ chips. I take a deep breath. "Ok so there's this cute guy in a few of my classes named Jacob Perez. You probably heard of him before." "Hmm, I don't think so. I heard of a Jacob Rodriguez and Jacob Lopez. But I haven't heard of Jacob Perez." "Oh, well he's one of the popular kids on campus, but anyway he's really nice and sweet to me and we have small talk sometimes, but once he's around his friends he pretends that I'm invisible when I try speaking to him and he's flat out rude and I don't understand why." "Did you try asking him about it when it's just y'all 2?" Lauren asked. "Yeah I asked earlier today and he was acting completely clueless and denied that he was being rude. He wouldn't give me an explanation."

"Damn..well you did say he's popular. Maybe Jacob doesn't like talking to you around his buddies because maybe he's ashamed of what they'll think of him for talking to someone who's not apart of their clique." "That's true but it's dumb." I scoffed. "Or...maybe he has a secret crush on you. Have you noticed any signs of him coming off flirty to you?" "I uhh...I saw him lick his lips at me a few times and he looks at me a lot." She nods her head fast. "That could be it! He's probably afraid to show his soft side around his friends." "Ugh, why does he have to be so complicated though?" I lay my head on my pink furry pillow and sighed deeply. "Yeah he's probably one of those guys who have to stay masculine around their friends just to fit in. Kinda sad to be honest."

Something came to mind and my head pops up. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention this." "What's up?" "In the library today when we were talking about him ignoring me, he said he likes my character and that he doesn't hate me, so I told him he need to act like it. Then he laughed and said that was sexy." I said as I rolled my eyes. "The fuck? What was sexy? Did you ask him?" Yeah he said he liked how I said Act like it which I don't understand why or how it's sexy." "Hm, maybe he liked the way you said it. Or maybe you had a certain tone to it that he found attractive." "Either way he need to show that he doesn't hate me. Words don't mean shit." "Yup. Actions speak louder than words." Lauren agreed. "Also there's one more thing. Before class started, one of Jacob's friends asked him would he date me but he said that I'm not his type. And the way he said it was soo sassy. He was like Nahhh, she's not my type. I mocked him.

"Yeahh I feel like he just doesn't want his buddies to know his feelings towards you, ORR.. he's fake and probably just playing with you." "See that's the thing. Why not be straightforward? Why mess around throwing all types of mixed signals and different vibes all the time?" "I guess you just have to gently push the answer out of him. But don't act desperate to know or anything. Maybe he'll show his true side when you least expect it." "You're right Lauren. Thank you for listening to me and helping me out." "You're welcome. I kinda had to deal with the same thing with my last ex. I hope you get your answer." "Thanks again. It's just gonna be hard because I wanna know now, but I have papers to write for English and Science." "Focus on your work first. Like I said, Jacob will show his true self when it's least expected. Give him some time." I sigh, "Ok, I will."

Next morning I drive to Starbucks to pick up a cinnamon soy latte. When I got to class, I see Jacob and his friends sitting on the table talking. "Hahaha!!!" Jacob laughs super loud as he chews on his floss. He freaking loves tho things. Almost every morning I see him flossing his teeth. Actually no, he rarely floss, he mostly chews on them like it's candy. I go to my seat and prop open my laptop to start on my paper. I stayed up until 3am trying to figure out what the hell should I write. I'm surprised that I was able to manage to wake up, grab coffee, and be in class this early. I put in my headphones and opened Spotify.

I'm a few minutes into writing my second paragraph. I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I ignore it because I know it's Jacob standing there. He tap me again and I brush my shoulder giving a sign to leave me alone. I see eyes peak at me and I turn. Shit that's not Jacob, it's some girl. "Do you have a pen or pencil that I can borrow real quick?" she asked. "I don't, sorry." "Oh ok." she turns around and leaves real fast. I continue to type when I see Jacob pulling out a chair in front of me. He sits down and looks at me. I continue to write and pretend he's not there. "Hey Yn." he said. I can hear him over my music a little but I act like I ain't hear shit. "I know you see me." he said. In a heartbeat he close my laptop as I was typing. I snatch my headphones out. "Bro what the fuck!?" I semi yelled. "I'm trying to speak to you and you're ignoring me. I know you saw me sit down." I squint my eyes at him. "So it's ok if you ignore me but once I ignore you it's a problem?" I grab my coffee and took a sip. "You ignored me on purpose though. You're the rude one." I know this boy did not just-

"Nah Jacob don't sit there act like you're the innocent one in this. I'm actually trying to do my work. You on the other hand ignore me when you're with friends. How do you justify that, huh? Is there something that you don't wanna tell me?" Jacob chuckles underneath his breath and just stares at me with a charm in his eyes. "What? Do you like me and don't want ya pals to know?" "No Yn, it's not like that." "Oh. So do you hate me?" I cross my arms at him. He sighs. "Noo. Look why can't we just be acquaintances? We don't have to talk ALL the time ya know." "I'm not talking about- ughh! Oh my God you don't understand what you're doing is hypocritical. You find it ok to be rude to me around your friends and other people in general but once I ignore you I'm the rude one. You know what get out of my face!" My heart begins to pound real fast. I plop my laptop back open and start to type real fast. I didn't wanna go off on Jacob but he's just so damn confusing. He's definitely hiding something between his friends and I and don't wanna come clean. I know Lauren told me to be patient but I'm done. I'll never get the answer out of him no matter how long I wait. Jacob turns around in his seat not saying anything else to me. I probably hurt his feelings but I honestly don't care.

After school I chow down on some Beef Ramen with hot sauce in it. I'm fucking starving. Lauren comes in and noticed that I'm not myself. "Hey, how it go this morning?" I sat my bowl down. "Mission failed Lauren..." I sighed. "What!? What happened? Tell me!" She throws her bag on her bed and rushes over to me and sat down. "I tried to not bring it up but I did anyway. I ignored Jacob for a minute when he tried to speak to me and he got mad." "Pff! Oh wow." "He's such a hypocrite. When he wants my attention I have to give it to him, but when the tables are's a whole other story." "Damn, I'm sorry things had to go that way." "It's fine. We haven't talked for the rest of the day. I told him that I'm done and he just turned away not saying anything else after that." "Daamn. Welp, that's his loss. He shouldn't of been a manipulative, hypocritical ass hole. I know he was your crush but he brought that on himself." I continued to eat my ramen and started to watch YouTube videos with Lauren on her laptop.

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