19 | ❛A Cry for Help❜

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❛ Leave him alone 

Heavy breaths filled a narrow hall as a frail girl searched the surroundings in the room with her

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Heavy breaths filled a narrow hall as a frail girl searched the surroundings in the room with her. She saw mold growing in the ceiling and the smell of rusted water filled her nose. Annabelle Carter scrunched her nose and tilted her neck to her side to stretch and erase the knots on her shoulder. She tried to stretch out her arms when a tight metal pulled her wrist back to the wall where she was chained. Tugging again, Anna let out a cry when the metal snagged on her skin and a drop of blood dropped on the floor. Anna laid her head back against the concrete wall and let out a shaky breath. "I didn't do anything!" she screamed out in distress. She knew no one her head cries and screams, however, she couldn't think of a single reason she would be chained to a wall. She had done all Anthony Ivo had asked, and this was her pitiful reward.

An aroma of growing mold lingered in an empty warehouse and drops of water splashed on the cement floor in the corner of the room. Brown eyes slowly opened and a head full of brown hair lifted slowly with a sense of drowsiness pounding in the back of Annabelle Carter's head. She blinked several times to ease the cloudiness in the back of her eyes and once she could see clearly, she panicked.

She tried to stand but was ultimately yanked back down by the cuffs around her wrists. A soft groan left her mouth as she tried to ease her way out of her restraints but the harder she tried the more it hurt. "Does it hurt?" a voice asked from behind the woman.

Anna strained her neck to see who was talking to her but she didn't need to look far when two hands landed on her shoulders. She flinched and sucked in a large breath while a warm breath blew against her right ear, "Sit tight, Ms. Carter," the person whispered. "It's story time."

Anna slammed against her chair and pulled her restrains as much as she could, "Who the hell are you?!"

"Ah ah ah," the person uttered while waving a finger in front of the brunette's face, "In due time."

"Once 'the Hood' finds out you - "

"Your boyfriend will find you," the man stated simply while grabbed the back of a chair against the back wall and dragging it in front of Anna. Her face fell and she blanked on what to say. "Cat got your tongue?"

Anna narrowed her eyes at the man and opened her mouth to speak before he sat down and shook his head knowingly. "Oliver Queen will find you after I want him to."

"How do you - "

"Stop interrupting me!" the mystery man shouted hysterically while leaping to his feet in anger. Anna flinched.

"Do you know who I am?" he wondered while slowly sitting down again and narrowing his eyebrows. Anna hesitantly shook her head due to not wanting to anger the hysterical man any further. "Should I?"

He laughed. It seemed the man couldn't catch his breath so he grabbed the back of his chair to try and keep himself steady. "She said - " he burst into my laughter while looking somewhere behind me. I tried to see who he was talking to but I couldn't see anyone there. "She said should I!" 

Rushing Arrows | Oliver QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora