16 | ❛ What a Fire Hazard ❜

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❛ Don't mean to pry 

Two major holidays had swept by the Queen's and Annabelle, yet she was still not recovered from the fight that nearly claimed her and Oliver's life

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Two major holidays had swept by the Queen's and Annabelle, yet she was still not recovered from the fight that nearly claimed her and Oliver's life. She walked with a limp around the house (mainly due to the fact that she had a big black boot on it), and hissed every time she bent over for an item from the floor, yet her worst injury was her hand. She had broken two fingers, her wrist, her palm had been severely bruised. On top of that injury, she still had her ulcer, which thankfully hadn't caused her any trouble in nearly a month since she had retired her black hood for some time while the rest of her body fought to catch up and heal.

She left the house only for the Carter Provision, and when she was there, she sat at her desk for hours and did not rise unless she was ready to leave. Jordan had quite a task, always running to get her things and make sure she was pain-free throughout the day. 

Her fight against the Copycat had taken a toll on her, but also on her boyfriend - or perhaps ex-boyfriend. Neither of the two had suited up as their alter egos, and instead watched with sorrow that they had failed their city. 

Annabelle sighed as she sat in her chair at her desk. She stared at the notebook before her, the words catching her attention written in childlike handwriting since her dominant hand still shook with a tremor. 

Her attention was lost in the words that she wrote every so often, always to start a story or memory that had flashed across her eyelids as she slept each night:

My name is Annabelle Carter. For five years I was stranded on an island with only one goal; survive. Now I will fulfill Robert Queen's dying wish: to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city. To do this I must become someone else, I must become something else.

Annabelle hadn't written an entry in weeks, not since she had been stripped of all her confidence when she was defeated so horribly on Christmas Eve.

As Anna stared at the words, her hand shook vigorously, she didn't notice and stared off into space. However, her door to her office opened and her assistant walked in, saying the woman's name only for her not to respond. He walked around her desk, standing to her side and looking at the journal that her hand rested on. Unfortunately, her shaking hand covered the majority of the words and he could only read the fragments of her paragraph, not enough to piece anything together.

"Ms. Carter," Jordan tried again, this time watching as she jolted back in her seat and stared at her shivering hand. She looked up and saw Jordan watching her with concern, and she cleared her throat while slamming her book shut. "Are you okay?" Jordan asked softly, raising an eyebrow with his question.

Anna nodded and covered her right hand with her left, "Yes, I am," she replied with her head held high. "Is there something you needed, Jordan?"

The assistant nodded and backed away toward the door, "Mr. Queen is here to see you," he said, his hand grasping the door handle and waiting for further instructions, "Send him up," she sighed.

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