14 | ❛ Accepting Her Praise ❜

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❛ She would be proud

Two weeks had passed since the funeral of the Carter couple

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Two weeks had passed since the funeral of the Carter couple. Two weeks had passed since darkness bestowed itself upon Annabelle and she was left to question everything that had made itself known in the world. Two weeks had passed since it was confirmed the Carter Mansion was an elaborate plan and not just a gas leak. Two weeks had passed since Annabelle had made eye contact with Oliver for more than five seconds.

She had told the Queen family about her proposal to accept the Carter Provision, and though they were hesitant for things to happen so soon, they welcomed her idea wholeheartedly and promised to do all they could to promote it.

Ever since the service following the funeral where people had gone and confessed their sorrows and apologies to the young woman, the family had been worrisome toward Annabelle and wondered how her mental health and physical health would be affected. She hasn't admitted any pain or troublesome, but Moira knew it was just a fragment of time before the girl snapped.

There had been countless ignored phone calls from Laurel Lance that Anna had stubbornly denied, and many video chats with Tommy that had drained on for hours as they worked together to finish her sublet's plans. They decided to collaborate on the idea and after settling on a name, Annabelle was ready to present her idea to all of Starling.

She was nervous for how the people in the Glades would respond for the entire Provision was for them. Hank Carter started his company to improve life in the Glades by supplying health care and medicine and basic survival needs for its people. And with his death, outbreaks and riots swarmed the streets with people angry at who took away their opportunity for life as they had grown accustomed to.

Things were certainly going downhill, and with two civilians dying in a clash between a gang member in the Glades, Anna was rushed to announce her plan and hopefully stall the madness.

The girl stressed as she looked down at her shaking fingers, her fresh nail polish shining under the light of the golden chandelier in the living room above where she was seated on the couch. Anna's head was dropped low as she pursed her lips and stared at her hands, her heart beating a thousand times a second. Today was the day, it all came down to this moment wherein one hour she would be standing in front of a crowd of people and asking them to accept something that could be impossible.

Her nerves would not calm and the girl took a deep breath before she began to count to ten. She closed her eyes as she tried to focus on something, anything, other than her anxiety for how this event would go. 

"Hey," someone spoke up, Anna's head jerking up at the sound of someone's voice. She turned her head and saw Oliver Queen walking into the living room with a reassuring smile gracing his lips. "Hi," she softly returned, her frown staying prominent on her cheeks. "I heard you counting," he added before cautiously sitting next to the woman. Part of him knew she still hated him for what he did to hurt her, but he knew she needed comfort especially since her stress was high. "I know whenever you count you're stressed, so I just thought I'd make sure you're okay."

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