
After being told by Alaric that Hope was having difficulty controlling her powers, just like Valerie was, but for a different reason, Ophelia decided that she should have a sparring session with Hope to talk with her before she had to find the moonlight rings.

Hope and Ophelia stood in gym, sparring with two sticks each, "So, what's wrong with you?" Ophelia asked Hope concerned.

Hope stopped sparring for a moment to look Ophelia in the eye, "Nothing, I'm fine." She responded, even though it was a lie.

"Landon told Alaric about your little incident and he told me," Ophelia informed Hope, who didn't seem too happy about the revelation.

"Isn't boyfriend confidentiality a thing?" Hope asked with an attitude as she started to spar with Ophelia once more, "It should be."

"Landon's just worried about you, that's all." Ophelia tried to reason with Hope, who was clearly not taking it.

"He doesn't need to be." Hope argued, growing annoyed.

Hope swung the stick at Ophelia, but the elder female was able to dodge it.

"Are you sure about that, Hope?" Ophelia questioned Hope curiously, "It seems like you're manifesting a little stress and anxiety. My guess is, you're still dealing with the trauma of seeing Landon dead and the fact that Valerie, the anchor to your humanity and sanity, won't even speak to you."

"I've been through worse. Val will come back, I know it. It might take a week, maybe even a month, but it'll happen," Hope told Ophelia, earning a sad look from elder female.

"Hope, what I'm trying to say is, with your family history, I just want to make sure—"  Ophelia began to tell Hope, but was cut off by the younger girl.

"I said, I'm fine!" Hope screamed at Ophelia, using her magic to cause Ophelia to go flying across the room.

  "Okay," Hope said as Ophelia got back on her feet, "I-I could stand to blow off some steam. I'm gonna go check the woods to see if I can wolf out."

"Hope, Wait," Ophelia spoke up, causing Hope to turn to the woman, "There's something you need to know about Valerie before it's too late."

"Whatever it is, you can tell me after, Ophelia," Hope responded before leaving the room, which led to a even sadder look to grow on Ophelia's face.


Valerie walked into the auditorium to see that the room was almost full. She glanced around, searching for a seat. Hope was sitting with Landon and immediately looked over at her, wondering if she would sit with them. She looked the other way to see Rafael staring at her as he sat with the wolves.

Just then, a familiar face walked over, linking arms with her, "You look troubled," Penelope spoke to Valerie with a smile on her face, "Come sit with me."

Valerie gave Penelope a small smile, even though it was clear that she was hesitant. Soon enough, Alaric arrived and walked over to the podium, "I have some news," He announced ot the students in a loud tone, "Many of you, like me, have forgotten that we are hosting this year's Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. Trust me, I know. But the rotation is set in stone. So, let's take the opportunity to maintain our image as a normal school for the rich and awful. As usual, anything remotely magical, enchanted, vampire, wolf or witch-related must be kept tucked away, hidden, and under lock and key. Now with your chore assignments."

Once he was finished, Alaric gestured toward Lizzie, who took his spot at the podium once he moved out of the way, "Okay, so we'll split into teams."

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