capitulo dos

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•I need you to hurry, monse's is gonna her herself killed. Meet me at Cesar's house now

I read the text from Ruby and rushed to put clothes on then ran out the house.
"You little bitch!"
I saw monse and rushed over. She was beating up the boy Cesar
"The hynas wild!" A guy said
"Here come the other hyna."
"Shut up puto!" Monse yelled
"Monse stop!" Ruby and Jamal ran up and helped me pull monse back
"This is why we didn't wanna tell you!" Ruby said
"Cause you're going crazy!" Jamal added as we pulled her away
"Crazy? I'm crazy?!"
"Calm down." Ruby said
"I don't need you! I was just trying to keep our crew together but since I'm the only one who cares, you're all dead to me! I'll survive on my own!"
She walked away, leaving me, Ruby and Jamal standing in front of those guys
"Come over here mami!" A voice yelled from the group of guys, I turned seeing it was the same one that was sitting next to the boy Cesar yesterday.
I began walking over
"Don't do it." Ruby grabbed me
"I'm grown, I'll be fine. I know what I'm doing."
I walked up to the guy
"What's your name mami?"
"Addy, whats yours?"
"Spooky, how old are you?"
"Does it matter? As long as your little puto brother over here keeps disrespecting monse, I'll never give you a chance. So save yourself the embarrassment and stop trying before I show you how much of a "feisty hyna" I can be, okay spooky?"
"You might not wanna talk to me like that hyna"
"You might not wanna talk to me at all puto. I'm not like the rest of these little bitches around here. I been about it, and I'm not lowering myself to please you"
He laughed
"Addy lets go, Now!" Ruby yelled
"Your little pet is calling for you, better go." Spooky said
"Vete a la mierda"
Spooky laughed again as I walked off
"Do you want to get killed?" Ruby asked as we walked down the street
"He don't scare me."
"His name is spooky for a reason" Jamal said
"Names dont mean shit."

The next day came around, it was now Sunday. Tomorrow I'd be starting my senior year in freeridge.

•Send help, I'm with jasmine and she won't stop talking. And I wanna talk to you about what happened yesterday because I don't know what to do

I laughed to myself, knowing monse was probably hating every second of being with jasmine

I'll be over in a little bit•

I sent back before getting in the shower and getting dressed
Once I got to jasmines house, I saw monse siting there rolling her eyes at everything jasmine was talking about
"Jasonse or monsmine? Which one you think is a better bestie power name?" Jasmine asked monse
"Hey guys," I said while walking up to the gate, across the street were ruby and Jamal sitting there watching and talking.
"Adelina! My bitch. We gotta put your name in their too. How about jasadyse?"  Jasmine suggested
"That's a great name but can I borrow monse for a little bit." I told her
"Yeah sure go ahead."
Monse walked out of the gate and stood with me
"Should I just get over the whole Cesar thing?" She asked
"Mamita you got two great friends over there that I know, don't want to lose you."
"I guess I'll go over there." 
We walked across the street to ruby and Jamal who were drinking something out of brown paper bags
"Hey"  monse said
"Hey" Jamal and ruby said in unison
"So... I'm cool if you're cool." She said as she leaned on the gate
"I'm cool" they said
"Cool, whats in the sacks?" She asked, referring to the brown paper bag
"Y'all better not be drinking." I added
"Forties" ruby said
"Gatorade." Jamal confesses
"That's what I thought."
"I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Monse asked
"Yeah." Ruby assured

I walked around the corner with my headphones in, not really paying attention to anything around me. This place might be dangerous but I felt more comfortable here then I was in Brentwood.
"Bebécita!" I heard through my music
I looked turned my head, realizing I had made my way to the front of Spooky's house
"Buscando buena mami." Spooky said as he laughed with the guys around him
I put my middle finger up before continuing to walk
I need this guy to stop trying to talk to me.
"You can't ignore me forever hyna."

The next day, the day hated the most by all of America, Monday.
I got up and took my shower then did my hair and fixed my makeup.
Once I was done with everything, I grabbed my bag and walked out the house after saying bye to my aunt. I saw monse walking down the street so I caught up to her, then we saw Jamal, then came ruby. We stood in front of Cesar's house and waited for him
"He's not coming with us." Ruby said
"And why would you want him too?" Jamal added
Monse began walking towards the house and we followed behind.
"See, bitches be bonkers."
We stood there for s couple seconds before Cesar came out.
We began walking again. Monse walked best to Cesar so I guess they're okay now.
"I can't do this. I can't keep a secret. It's gonna make me implode, i don't know why anybody keeps secrets." Jamal said
"There's something I need to tell you." Monse said before hearing gunshots and they all said "44."
Crazy kids
We heard as a red car pulled. Spooky got out and Cesar got in the back
"You comin too bebecita." He said
"I'm good."
"It wasn't a question."
"Well I'm not getting in."
"Suit yourself hyna. And start wearing some clothes before we have a problem" He got back in the car and drove off
"What were you gonna say" I asked monse
"We have to save Cesar."

Gaurdian Angel [Spooky- o.d] • On My Block Where stories live. Discover now