Feel It Burn

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I am so sorry for the long wait!

Thank you for the ONE vote! I am so happy, it was only a prologue!!

I have TWO fans :D Yay!!


Love you all my Sexy Hats,

The_Secret_Scarf <3


I actually have a few friends. I'm not a total outcast and loser. I have friends in the dram department. Even though I'm not cast in this years play.

Ash Roberts and Seth Michaels.

Ash is really...weird.

She's a special child. She has short dyed blonde hair with her brown roots still showing. She has unnaturaly big Carmel eyes, she has a natural blush on her cheeks and hates make up. Her hair cuts off just below her ears and is shorter in the back then the front. She's the one who came up to me and started talking to me.

Thank God that she's also a freshman like me, some one can share my fears of freshman Friday.

It is a real thing.

That's how I met Seth, her friend. Unfortunatly he's a sophmore. He has semi-curly black hair, a light black beard, rectangular glasses, he's tall too. At least 5' 7'' but he's lean so it makes him look even taller. He's naturally pale but running around for an hour in the blazing heat is starting to give him a natural tan.

Back to my point.

Spanish is over and I quickly exit building 11, giving a polite good bye to Senora Sanchez. I walk across camous past the two thousand plus students who are rushing to their next class. I walk down to building two then up to the second floor to math with Mrs. Simpson. A chubby blonde woman who scares the crap ot of me.

I'm not a dumb student, in fact I'm kind of smart.

It's just that I get nervous easily so it can be hard for me to talk or do examples in front of an audience. Of course today is the day she wants me to solve a problem.

"Ryce! Can you solve the problem on the board please?" Mrs. Simpson asks.

"X over twelve equals three." I answer knowing I'm right.

"On the board Miss Trent." Miss Simpson demans as her left eye twitches a bit. I better move before her right one twitches, then I get detention.

I slowly walk up to the board, feeling extremly self concious. I shakily write the problem on the white board in front of me with a blue marker. I can hear people snickering from behind me, I guess they can smell fear.

I'm probably reaking of it.

"DEVON! Detention after school tomorrow for laughing." Mrs. Simpson shouts at Devon, who I guess was laughing. I finish writing the problem and quickly sit down in my seat as the snickers from other class mates increase at my shyness.

I can feel my blood begin to boil and my hands stat getting warm. Damnit, I know what's coming.

The fire.

I grab a batroom pass and rush out of the room. I run into the janitor's closet and look at my hands, they are glowing red, no fire yet, but they are glowing a fire like red.

It's way too late and hard for me to stop what's going to happen next.




A orange and red flame appears in the palms of my hands. Thank God this one is controlled. I should explain what happened. If I lose my temper, lose focus on keeping control of the fire, or get way too stressed out, a fire will erupt. Sometimes my whole body, sometimes just my arms, today it is only my hands.

I honestly have no idea how it started I've been doing this for as long as I can remember.  I relax as the fire vanishes from my hands.

My hands are left in perfect condition.

"So you too?" I hear a deep voice ask from behind me.

To Be Continued!

Sorry it's so short ):

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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