I nod, then look back at where I was trying to go, "I'm great. Hey, I actually have somewhere to be, I was just walking to my car-"

"I'll walk with you! I'm headed in that direction."

We walk and talk, catching up about some of our other classmates, and matching stories about some of the things that had happened with them as well as ourselves. As we get closer to my car, Becca smiles.

"I'm glad I ran into you today. There's something I need to talk to you about."

I stop in my tracks, and then she stop.

It's like my inner self is waving a red flag that reads "danger" on it, and alarms are going off in my mind.

"...How would you have something you need to tell me... If-"

"I'm Brenda, your baby's, birth mom, and I want her back!" She blurts out, then sighs as though a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. I, on the other hand, feel like that same weight is thrown onto every part of my body.

My stomach twists, and it feels like my abdomen is tangled in a large, intricate knot. 

"What... I don't-"

"Two years ago, you donated your eggs to a bank, which was amazing and generous. A few months after that, my boyfriend and I used your eggs and donor sperm to fertilize the eggs and implant them in me. He has a low sperm count, and I had almost no eggs, so that was our last option after trying with our own genes. It took two tries, and then we got Ami. But, he left me for someone else and I just... I couldn't... 

Anyway, I found your info and I gave her to you, which you know. I figured since you're her bio mom and a good person. But, my boyfriend wants to be in her life now and I think he should be so... I want her back."

My eyes are wide, and I back slowly away from her on the somewhat busy street. She watches me as tears fill my eyes. 

"You've been stalking me!"

Becca reaches out, "no! I swear I ran into you by accident today."

I suck in a breath, "right near where I-. No," I shake my head, "I shouldn't say anymore before I call the police."

"Please, don't do that. I just want to talk," Becca took a step towards me, and I took five steps away from her. 

"Don't! I swear to God, you'd better leave me alone."

I turn around and run towards my car. Before I get in, I look around for her to see if she is watching me. When I know she isn't, I get into my car and drive home.

"Oh my God... Oh my God!"


"Mama, aba mama!" Ami squeal with joy when I pop up behind my hands. I smile and pick her up, "I got you!"

I rock her in my arms, studying her happy features. She's so beautiful, and it's hard to believe how lucky I am to have this amazing girl in my life. My baby.

Not only is she my baby in a familial way, biologically she is my child. No wonder she looks so much like me.

It is definitely a lot for one day. Finding out that Ami is related to me, and that I was chosen because of my DNA. Now the woman that chose me wants to take my baby from me. A baby that she gave up because things didn't work out with her boyfriend?! 

I don't know what that's like, but I would never. I believe that giving up a child is hard, and brave. But her story just doesn't seem right. Only wanting her back for the sake of her ex that left her?

"I love you, Ami. I love you, and I'll do everything I can to protect you."

I hold her close, kissing her cheek as tears roll down my face. It feels like I could lose her any second, and I don't think I'd survive that.

"It's just cruel-"

Knock, knock, knock!

My head moves from Ami's as I stare at the door. My heart pounds, and I think of the worst.

"What if it's Becca? She knows where I live."

I stay where I am, breathing deep as I weigh the options of what I should do in my head. Eventually, I get up with Ami in hand and walk to my front door. Before I look into the peephole, I make sure I have my phone in my hand, ready to call 911.

Slowly, I lean into the door and close one eye, using the other to look through the small hole. I feel instant relief when I see who's waiting on the other side.

I go back over to the living room to put Ami on her mat under her mobile, then walk back to open the door.

Kevin's eyes light up as I look at him, and his smile is wide, "Fawn, hi."

I give him a small smile in return, "Kevin... Hey." I look down at the floor, and I start to feel tears well up in my eyes again. My throat gets tight, and I fight the urge to cry. It feels like the best timing in the world that he's here right now, but I'm scared to let him into what might turn into a huge mess. 

I start to close the door and, to my surprise, Kevin holds it open. My eyes move up to look into his.

"What are you doing here, Kevin?"


On My Doorstep [Editing]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें