" hey nikumi" Let's go checkout the enemies territory " why am I always forgotten" zoko-sama" you to zoko" 

" no wonder our shops have their riches on the rope" yukihira-kun that's nothing to joke about"hey what are you looking at" s-s-sorry" hey nikumi don't be mean to kurase" we walk all the way to the store and we wait in line until I recognize one of the shop keepers 

" hey what are you doing here" yukihira-kun I,m sneaking into enemy territory don't blow my cover" oh so your here" the owner of the shop comes towards us 

" well you should just accept that you can't do anything against our karaage" but you,ve also come all the way to try it" well here " we all bite into the dish the squeezed lemon on the karaage as well as the crunchy texture 

" you see now " there's no way you guys could ever defeat our karaage " so if our shopping district beat your karaage " it'd be a huge embarrassment for mizuya- San huh" you talk big boy" but you'd never be able to put up such a fight" 

Zoko's pov 

" miss mizuya I,d like to talk to the real owner of this restraunt " oh sorry deary the real owner is me" you don't fool me I know it's eizan etsuya" come with me" what gives you the right to meddle with other people's affairs " well i,m the Zeroth seat so you'd do well to respect me " sorry forgive me for my insolence" I,d like to speak with eizan" yes sir " mizuya why did you call me " hello eizan" zoko" it seems like your using your old tactics" but I ensure you that your business will fail" zoko don't you even try to make anything in that district" I won't be the one to destroy your business" yukihira soma will" your overestimateing him" we,ll see"

" sorry I returned so late guys just talking with someone in enemy territory " zoko you made it in time try this" but our taste tester is " yeah she already tasted it I want to hear your response" fine" the curry and cheese is okay and the regular is good to" but compared to theirs this is like really bad food" yukihira-kun you could try to put them on a skewer" yeah" that could work" but what if we put it in a wrapper " oh those box things" exactly" that could work" well I,m going to go get some notebooks from my room" I guess we,ll wait out here" um mito-san" yeah" h-h-how's high school going" huh" mito-san your amazing" your in the most rigorous cultural school in japan" he's such a deadbeat" become the don rs don" I guess yukihira's not so bad though"but" and then yukihira drops a lot of notebooks on mito

"You should really watch were your going yukihira " oh I,m sorry nikumi" what the hell do you think your doing yukihira" well back on topic yukihira how are those going to help you" you,ll see zoko" and here" it's delicious" is it really kurase " yeah it is zoko-San" I,ll taste it then " such a warming flavor" it's better than before" yeah buy using low fat meat the taste is amplified due to the balance of both fat and peppers and salt " woah but do you think this will be enough to beat mizuya " well" 

1day later 

Mizuya' pov 

Huh all our customers are leaving and they haven't even bought are karaage where are they going following them sure is exhausting and there in that second district why walking over here just disgust me but our customers are so attracted to the food why " hey mizuya-San " how long have you been hatching this plan brat" the flyer and packaging was made by the printer" and everything was made here on this shopping district" remember what you said mizuya-San " a place without creativity and competiveness deserves to die out right" try it yourself lady" yeah it's really good" what's wrong with you guys" there right " you let us try your karaage last time " so dig in" I gran there karaage and take a bite the sauce with the karaage and the patie around it it's concept is made of a match made in heaven like the Vietnamese dish it doesn't allow me to resist 

Zoko's pov  

"Glad you enjoyed" you always say that yukihira" well now that you restored this place back to it's former glory" I guess it's time for me to leave" your leaving already" yeah I,m going back to the school " but if you guys leave as well won't we be back to square one all over again" yeah your right" then we should put someone in charge till we come back" how about kurase" me yukihira" yeah you've always been responsible ever since we were kids" like how you looked out for the flowers at school" thanks" zoko-San wait" how are that good at cooking your skills in the kitchen where amazing" because there's someone I want to impress with my cooking " and of right now my skills aren't enough"

Yukihira's pov 

Zoko's skills aren't enough to impress someone who is this person and just what is there importance to zoko

Elite ten meeting 

" we are deciding participants for the autum elections " hum oh yukihira is here I,ll approve him" z-zoko why would you approve yukihira he shouldn't be there" do you have anything against yukihira nakiri-San" you too isshiki " well then I guess that means yukihira's in " next you and Erina" sadly you guys can't participate in the elections" please I really want to" zoko we" we can override the directors decision if the majority agrees " so we can put me in there " come on I haven't been polishing my skills for nothing" fine zoko" we'll approve you into it and vote against the director" thanks you guys are the best" but actually try" we wouldn't want you demoralizing everyone your up against in the main tournament" I can't promise anything" also megushima " I,m sorry for using you third seat status " everyone would probably freak out if they knew my seat" it's fine zoko" thanks" 

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