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"Ok I'm ready." I told Bruce, he held the photo up to me,I began to imagine my self like her. The hentchman I was going to be undercover as was 26 year old Charlotte Little, she was from England which made the accent easy to copy but being her was hard. I had to do my training as her so I don't change back to myself by accident. She was a few inches shorter than me with long black hair, tanned skin and had big brown eyes, when I trained usually I would be fighting Stark whilst Bruce watched us if I changed my appearance even in the slightest we'd stop fighting and we'd start all over again.

"Right Red hope your ready for it I'm not going easy on you." Grinned Stark before putting his red metal plate thing back on his head,

"Like you ever are." I grinned. Once I was fully shapeshifted I waited in my corner of the boxing ring.

"Right. Ready. Set. Fight!" Bruce shouted, we both came forward. We circled each other for a few moments before Stark threw the first punch that I easily blocked. I threw one then but he also block, he kicked in the side but I didn't fault, he went to throw another punch but this time I caught his fist, grabbed his arm and flung him over me. He lay there for a second then jumped back up,

"Giving up?" I joked

"You wish." was his reply, he grabbed me and flung me into the side of the ring. I pushed myself off but he caught me in the face. I hooked him in the face, whilst he was stunned I grabbed his right leg, twisted it then jumped on his back so he'd fall to the ground. I held him down as Bruce gave the counts that ended our match, Stark stood up then clicked a button that removed the suit.

"Your good red." he told me. I saw that I left him a shiner on his right eye,

"Thanks Stark." I replied, I walked over to Bruce.

"How was that?" he smiled,

"Apart from putting Tony in his place you done your best fight yet. You didn't change back once or changed noticeably anyway." he told me,

"Brilliant!Right we'll let Stark take a break before trying again." I told him,

"Oh no I don't want a matching black eye thanks I'm done."

"But Tony!" I pleaded,

"I'll do it." I turned round and saw Steve standing at the punching bag rail ( the bag was actually on the floor in front of him)

"Well if you want to get in the ring we'll just sort these papers out then We're good to go." Bruce told us both, as he and Stark both left the room. Steve came into the ring.

"So I'm just to fight you whilst your looking like her?" he asked,

"Yeah. Its to make sure that in a life threatening situation on Loki's ship I won't accendentlly change back." I explained,

"So you wouldn't change if I did this?" he got me in a headlock,

"Steve! Let go of me!" I screeched, we were both laughing though. I pushed him off.

"Aparently no. How about this." he began to tickle me, we both fell over as he did so.

"No...please... your... killing me here." I shouted between laughs, I couldn't stop. I'm extremely ticklely, he stopped,

"Nope still look like her." we both knelt in front of each other, our faces were only millimetres apart,

"what about if I do this?" he whispered, his lips met mine. My eyes nearly jumped out my head in shock back then I closed them and kissed back. It felt amazing, so gentle but rough at the same time. We both pulled away slowly. I stared straight into his crystal blue eyes, they we so mesmerising. I wish this moment would never end.We both pulled away slowly. I felt my face burn bright red.

" That worked." Steve whispered, we both stood up.


"You changed back." I looked at my hands and saw there were my own. So that's all the kiss meant? It felt like it meant more than that? No Melody it didn't. He could have any girl he wants. Why would he want you?

We both stood up Just then as Stark and Bruce came back through,

"Ready to start?" Bruce asked, I shifted back to Charlotte.

"As I'll ever be." I replied, Steve nodded. We fought for around 5 maybe 10 minutes before he pinned me to the ground, we both throw punches, kicks, tackles the works. As I laid pinned by my arms with his face only inches from mine I felt as though my heart had turned to butter just staring into his eyes,

"Good job Melody. I think we can stop for today." I heard Bruce from one of the corners, Steve got off me then. We stared at each other as I got up, I turned away first to get my water.

"So do you think I'll be ready to go in two days?" I asked Bruce, he smiled.

"Loki won't even know its you." he replied, I smiled. I shifted back to myself then left,

As I walked down to my room to shower I bumped into Natasha and Clint.

"Oh hi guys." I said, Clint smiled but Natasha gave me the usual stare.

"Hi Mel so how is the training?" Clint asked,

"great yeah Bruce thinks I won't shift back on the mission so that's good."

"Yes we wouldn't want Loki getting hold of you if he knew about you." added Natasha, I gave her a questionable look as Clint gave er a cut it out expression.

"What she means is that we don't want anything bad to happen to you." Clint corrected,

"Right. Well I better be heading now." I told them. As I walked away I heard them talking about not talking about Loki finding me. Strange.

After my Shower I decided to go for a walk around the ship, I wasn't really heading anywhere really. I just need to clear my head. Steve kissed me, Was it for the training or not? Do I have feelings for him? I don't know but everytime I see him, I feel like I can truely be me, Both the Red Thistle and Melody not one or the other but he won't feel like that about me would he? As I was deep in thought I bumped into Thor.

"Oh Thor I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."I told him,

"It is fine. You seemed troubled Melody is something the matter?" He asked, I shook my head.

"No everything is fine." I told him, he crossed his arms.

"Ah. I know this expression well. You are confused about the feeling you have for someone." For a Demi god he's really good at guessing.

"I don't know what to do." I told him,

"You are leaving in two days to face my brother. Tell him how you feel. If he does not feel the same then he is a fool." he told me, maybe he's right and if he doesnt feel the same I won't be here long anyway.

"Thanks Thor. I hope you brother becomes sane again I know how much you care for him."

"Thank you Melody. Now I must go. Director Firy wishes to speak with me." with that he left, I felt a thud from under me.

"The helicarrier has landed." I heard over some speakers, we must be in the sea. Oh it will be so I can go to Loki's location. I ran along to the door that lead to a leader. I climbed up then opened the shaft door, the wind blew into my face as I stepped up onto the roof. I pulled myself out and sat on the smooth metal, the air smelt of the salted water. I breathed in the air and looked at the scenery, miles and miles of blue without any land in sight. A smile danced across my lips as the air filled my lungs. My happiness didn't last long as I heard someone come up the leader, I flew down the side of the roof so who ever it was didn't see me but I could see them. It was Steve. Great the one person I wanted to avoid, he stood there for sometime then took out some kind of compass, he stared at it for sometime then threw it over my side of the roof. I caught it before it fell into the sea, I opened it and saw a beautiful woman in a black & white photograph, she looked around 25. Was she Steves love? I placed the compass in my back pocket and scooted around to the back of him. I landed lightly behind him.

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