The Note

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The next morning, Yaoyorozu woke bright and early, leaving Jiro to sleep on her humongous bed. She got ready for the day in the bathroom, changing into a clean school uniform and putting her hair back up into it’s usual spiky ponytail. When she exited the bathroom, she found Jiro still asleep, sprawled out across the bed. She smirked, taking a pillow and throwing it at the girl’s face.

“What the-” Her head bounced up, glancing around with squinted eyes. Yaoyorozu couldn’t help but laugh at her friend. “What the hell was that for?!” She cried, suddenly furious once her mind came to. Yaoyorozu shrugged.

"Get up, Earphone Jack. Time for school.”

She groaned, burying her head under the pillow that had just been thrown at her. “Five more minutes.”

"Nope. I gave you about ten. I let you sleep while I got ready. Get up, let’s go.” Yaoyorozu grabbed hold of her wrist, tugging at her arm. Jiro’s body went limp, growing heavy as she attempted to pull her upright. “Kyoka Jiro, get up! Come on, you’re gonna make me late! I am not letting you make me late for something again.”

"That was different; I didn’t want to wear a dress,” Jiro replied, finally looking up to meet her onyx colored eyes. “Why do you want me up so badly anyway?”

"Because I’m not leaving you alone in my room and we need to go. We need to get to Yuuei in thirty minutes. Up! Now!” She smacked Jiro on the head, making her wince.

“Hey! Watch it! I’m up, I’m up!” Jiro swatted her hands away from her head, her face flushed. “Are you always like this?”

"Like what?” Yaoyorozu questioned.

"Chipper at six in the morning?” She grumbled, her grumpiness only half-invented.

“It’s almost eight. Let’s. Go-!” She finally managed to yank her off the bed, Jiro landing on top of her as they both tumbled to the ground. Yaoyorozu laughed as Jiro sat up, her face redder than a cherry, obviously flustered at their current position. “You look like a tomato,” Yaoyorozu giggled. It only make Jiro’s blush darken. She hurriedly pulled herself to her feet, offering her hand to her friend to help her up. Yaoyorozu straightened her uniform, smoothing out her skirt.

"Okay, you need to hurry! Go on, out! I’ll come with you to your dorm to get your uniform. I would lend you one of mine, but I don’t think it right.” She gestured to her chest, Jiro glancing down at her own.

Right. Gotcha. Come on.” With that, the two girls left the room, heading for Jiro’s dorm down the hall.


“Can’t believe we’re actually early,” Jiro said as they entered the classroom, being met by their chatting classmates, who seemed not to notice them enter.

"You can say that again. I honestly didn’t think I could get you out of bed,” Yaoyorozu replied. Jiro grinned.

"What can I say? I was tired. I didn’t even want to come to school today.” Her eyes briefly skimmed her neck, and she let out a gasp. “Momo, your neck!” She whispered loudly. In that moment, sharp pain ran down her shoulder, and she held a hand up to the burn. Instead of the soft feel of the bandages, she felt the raw patch of skin on her neck. She quickly clapped a hand over the burn, glancing around.

"Shoot! I completely forgot to put the fresh bandages on after I cleaned it!” She whispered frantically. “How did I not notice it before we left?”

"I dunno! We don’t have enough time to go back to the dorms.”

Yaoyorozu kept her hand over her neck, pressing a little too hard and making herself wince. Then an idea sparked in her mind. “Oh! Hang on a sec!” Sparks of blue and pink emitted from her hand as she extended it out, the end of a bandage forming seemingly right from her skin. She looked up, meeting Jiro’s eyes, who nodded. Jiro followed Yaoyorozu to her desk, allowing her to sit so she could stand in front to cover her. She undid to collar of her shirt, carefully avoiding scratching the burn, and began to clumsily bind her neck in the bandages, ripping the end of the bandage from her hand and tucking it neatly into place. Once finished, she exhaled and fixed the collar of her shirt, motioning for Jiro to move aside.

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