Pushing Yourself

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Yaoyorozu shot up on her bed. Her heart was racing, but she couldn’t tell if it was from the sudden awakening, or from the remnants of a dream she could no longer recall. She turned to the desk by her bed, panting as her mind slowly came to. Realizing it had only been her alarm clock, Yaoyorozu groaned and lay back, rolling over on her side and slamming her hand down on her alarm and knocking it from it’s perch beside her bed. “Damn it.” She stared down at the clock, now on the floor. “Well, at least it’s off.”

She was physically exhausted; not just sore, but drained, her muscles weak. Her hands were stiff and aching, like they’d been clenched into fists for hours. She rubbed them together, sitting up and swinging her legs over the side of her bed. What time was it? Yaoyorozu snatched her phone, thinking that maybe her alarm had gone off too early.

“6:30?” Huh. So my alarm was correct. But why do I feel so tired, then? She looked down at herself, taking in her injuries. Her legs were bruised and cut up, and it was the same with her arms. The pain seemed to amplify, worse in the morning than it had been the night before. That’s when the events from the previous day came back to her.

Her and Todoroki had faced one another in the sixteenth battle of the training exercise. She had lasted for about a full twenty minutes of full powered fighting until Todoroki finally pushed her out of bounds. They both had caused considerable damage to one another, but in the end, it was Todoroki who was named victor.

She rubbed her ankle tenderly, where the bruising was the worse, pain shooting through her. “Guess it’s time for school…” she mumbled, then rose to her aching feet to get ready for the day.


Yaoyorozu walked down the hall to classroom 1-A, gripping the strap of her bag tightly. She was running late. Then pain in her right ankle was bugging her all through the morning as she got ready, so she had contacted Recovery Girl to see if she could come in to see her. Of course, the old school nurse didn’t have a problem with it, but Yaoyorozu also learned that she may have sprained it. Recovery Girl had given her a brace for her ankle to get through the day after a little stimulated healing from her quirk, and instructed her to rest as soon as the day was over.

But now, after Recovery Girl’s quirk and the awful night’s sleep she had, Yaoyorozu didn’t even want to move her legs to walk. She felt even more tired than before. I guess she did warn me that I would be exhausted, though. I just chose to ignore it. She made her way to her classroom without running into any unnecessary problems, arriving to class seconds after the bell rang.

"Yaoyorozu. You’re late,” Mr. Aizawa observed as she opened the door. Everyone’s eyes were on the Class Representative Deputy, and she looked down at the ground before replying.

“I went to see Recovery Girl. I was a little late getting to class today. I apologize,” she said with a slight bow, her raven hair a black curtain that shielded her face from the class as it fell from behind her ear. She didn’t have the time to put it up that morning and didn’t want to mess with it out of the fear of being late, rushing.

"Don’t let it happen again,” he warned sternly. Yaoyorozu nodded as she started her way back to her desk in the corner of the room, ignoring the multiple stares she received in the process.

“It won’t.”

Yaoyorozu took her seat, placing her bag at her side as she pulled out her textbook like everyone else. Some of her classmates were still watching her, and she already had a pretty good idea of who they might be.

"Yaoyorozu?” She glanced in Todoroki’s direction as she heard his voice. “Are you okay?”

She nodded absently to his question, following along with Mr. Aizawa as he continued with his lesson. She could tell Todoroki wanted to keep asking her questions, but he bit his tongue and copied her, returning his focus to his own textbook. Yaoyorozu leaned the side of her face against the palm of her hand as she listened to Aizawa’s lecture, honestly not really focusing quite as well as everyone else. Grant you, it was a Monday, and everyone was mostly half-asleep at this time, but Yaoyorozu was always one of the people who were bright and awake and ready to engage in whatever they had planned. Now she was one of the zombies in class. She could feel herself beginning to doze off, but she tried to fight it, blinking rapidly and widening her eyes as they threatened to close, trying to keep herself awake.

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