Chapter 1

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Everyone knows that death take a toll on you and your family. To some it is just a matter of life, to others it is an interruption to life. Death comes in and takes you to a scary place that you can't always get out of. Especially now that death has taken two people out of my life.


"We have to be going." Says Kennedy walking into my room.

I shake my head and spin my pen around on my paper. "I know you're upset..but we need to go." She says setting her hands on my shoulder. I shake it off and shoot her a warning look.

"I'll be there. I don't need a baby sitter. "

She looked at me and walked away.

I rolled my eyes and look out the window. Strangers dressed in black with microphones pointed at the house. Waiting to ask questions about the explosions.

The first explosion took out the wear house, Greg's drugs and other things that I can't even list. The second, took away apart of my heart along with Greg's life and one hundred achers of land. The news broke about Greg and his million dollar pimp club not even 24 hours later. National news.

When I walk outside to join the rest of the family a lady dressed in black looks at me with a camera in my face and microphone pressed to my mouth.

"Can you tell us about Greg--"

"Get the fuck out of my face before I take that mic and shove it up your ass."

The reporter glared and backed away flashing me a dirty look. I glared back and walked to the car.

"You didn't have to be rude.'' Liam tells me.

I look out the window at all the news casts crowding our yard and want to scream. Today is supposed to be a day of peace. These people are making it a story.

"Yes I did. These people are vultures.''

"One of the richest men in L.A. was murdered, and land was ruined last week. This is a story that people will pay to hear."

I rolled my eyes and was doing my best not to punch him in his face.

"There is more to the story, then Greg and everything else. You know that."

"All I know is my cousin is dead. I may not have liked him very much but he was still family, and now he is dead. He was a multimillionaire."

"He was rich for all the wrong reasons and he deserves to be dead, he tried to kill--"

Liam held his hand up to me. "All I am saying is, to the media you are a killer, to the court you are a murderer. To the people you're a wanna be love story, and they will want to know what happened that night. You need to be carful how you go about things."

I close my eyes. I shouldn't be labelled as a murderer. This shouldn't even be apart of the trial. "Liam, I suggest you be careful what you say also. I've got a lot of rage in me and I'm ready for a fight. I won't hesitate to punch you in the face."

He scoffs. "Please."

I ignore him as we drive away from the blood hungry reporters.


Everyone is dressed in black. Some are crying, some act like they are here to see other people miserable. But no matter how you look at it everyone here is grieving in some way. Including me.

When I walk into the church the first thing I see is a closed casket placed in the front of the church. My stomach tightens as I walk deeper into the church. Tinsley at my side. I'm happy she doesn't understand the true meaning of death. I couldn't stand to see her cry. There are over 50 people in this church, but the one face that stands out most is wearing a frown and a leg brace.

"Tinsley go find Bill." I tell her.

She hugs at my leg. "No..."

"Tinsley...go!" I said sternly.

She frowned and walked away.

"You're crabby." She said and walked away her arms crossed. I tried not to laugh as I walked over to sit by the sad face.

"I'm not here to start trouble." He tells me. "Just pay my respects.''

I shrugged. "I'm not here to argue."

I can tell he has been crying. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone, and when I realized who the bad guy was I didn't want to be apart of it-"

"Jaxson...stop. I'm not your friend. I'm not your family so I don't want to be friendly. I'll let you stay here only because at one point you and h--"

"I just want to make things right." He says. I look down at his leg, and frown.

"Sorry, but you lost your chance to be a good person when you killed a child and joined Greg again. You lost my respect a long time ago."

I stood up and walked away leaving him to mourn on his own. I walked over to the casket and placed my hand on top. The police told us there was hardly anything left. Just a jacket. They say it is a miracle I got away without loosing an arm. I lost plenty that night, but was blessed to keep a life filled with new demons.

My hand placed over an empty casket was hard enough. But hearing the whispers behind me from people saying it was my fault made me feel like I should just place my own self inside and let them mourn me as well. My life was lost as soon as the police told me the heart breaking news. I haven't left my room in three days. The trial starts soon and I havn to start living a lifeless life again. But, it doesn't see doable anymore.

I'm heartbroken.

"We need to make a statement before the service starts." Bill tells me. Tinsley jumps into my arms. I kiss her head and follow Bill outside of the church.

"Is it true that Greg was taking in minors with dead parents?"

"Did Greg try to kill you as well?"

"How did you meet Greg?"

The questions were overwhelming.

"Yes! It's true, Greg only wanted people to join his "family" who didn't have a family to miss. He trained these people to be heartless and mean. I can't say much more then that other then that I'm glad it's all over. After today I want to move on with my life.''

I looked at Bill and he nodded letting me go back inside. "That's enough. Today is about family, please respect our request.'' Bill said walking back in with me.

"You're doing good. Just remember to say a lot without saying anything at all next time."

"That doesn't make sense to me. How the hell do you expect to me to do that!?" I said.

"Try. You're a smart kid. We have a long few months ahead of us."

I turned around and walked back into the church. Kennedy and Liam were sitting in a back pew silently. I went and sat with them. "We're supposed to be in the front." I told them.

Liam shrugged. "We aren't real family."

Kennedy glared and smacked him. "You're such an asshole Liam."

Tinsley tucked her head into chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. This should be her nap time.

"It just doesn't seem real." Kennedy said.

I nodded and turned my head not wanting to talk about it.

"We should really be sitting with our family." I told them.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I nodded and stood up. "This is just another funeral." I told her. "It doesn't bother me."


She shakes her head and walks away. "You are both cynical bastards.'' She said her voice cracking before she started to cry.

Liam and looked at each other before walking behind her.

"Today is a sad day, but it is also a day to remember." Said Pastor Linsky on the stage.

I looked around. Everyone was seated. They must have been waiting on us.

"Today we remember the life of a soul gone to soon. Today we celebrate the bravery of Maxwell Thomas. A true man, father, friend and hero."

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