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Name: Morgawr

Features: Large hump-backed water serpent

Source: British Folklore

Habitat: Falmouth Bay, found near Cornwall England

This enormous and very popular sea monster is usually described as having two or three large humps along its back and a long snake-like neck.

It is also often described as having short stubby horns above its eyes and numerous spikes all along the back of its very long, intimidating neck.

Just as the famous Nessie - the Loch Ness Monster, this huge sea beast has captured the interest of local residents for centuries. Some have managed to take pictures and even capture some video of this intriguing sea beast - all done in an effort to prove its existence

In 1976 the local newspaper, the Falmouth Packet published pictures sent in on the front page of their paper. The two pictures were sent in by a local woman known only as Mary F. She sent in the pictures with a short description of what she had witnessed.

She reported that she had observed the large sea beast swimming in a very odd and strange way. That it had humps along its back, it was dark in color, the size of an elephant but had a small head like that of a snake at the end of its unusually long neck.

Many sightings claim this sea monster likes to devour the conger eels that it catches while frolicking about in Falmouth Bay.

This popular sea serpent even caused some self proclaimed "witches" to travel all the way and gather at Falmouth Bay. There they swam naked in the waters in efforts to lure the popular serpent beast but unfortunately failed.

Some people believe this Morgawr may in fact be a remaining Plesiosaurus, a creature that first lived in the Triassic period and became even more common in the Jurassic period.

As history dictates, this prehistoric water creature previously had a worldwide oceanic presence. Their left over fossils have been found in various parts of the world and have since been intensely studied and recorded by many.

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