Mistletoe and Snowflakes

402 4 0

Relationship: Barson

Word Count: 2034

Synopsis: Lt. Olivia Benson and ADA Rafael Barba get closer than ever before at a work Christmas party.

Lieutenant Benson smiled at her friend as she was handed a drink. The Christmas Party had taken off at a brisk, but calm pace; there were officers clinking glasses and toasting all around the bar to various things, and there were friends and other colleagues joining in.

Fin bumped Liv's shoulder and nodded towards the closing front door, indicating the man who had just walked in. "Your besties turned up."

Liv's eyes widened at the sight of Barba waltzing his way up to the bar in his three-piece, just off from work. She didn't expect him to be here, he wasn't too much for socialising with anyone besides an exclusive few. But maybe Barba had a little holiday spirit after all.

She told Fin, Carisi and Amanda she'd be back and went off. She struggled to snag a spot beside Rafael as it was so jam-packed. She saw his hair was a little messier than usual and his face was flushed. "Quite rough outside? You look a little wind-swept."

He turned his attention from the server to Liv, in surprise. A flicker of a smile and his eyes darted down for a moment. "Hey." She smiled at him quickly in return. "What you drinking? It's on me."

Liv looked across at the bartender, whom was patiently waiting. "I'm good for now, but thanks. " She raised her rum and coke a little and nodded her thanks.

The server looked to Barba, his eyebrows raised. "Just a scotch then?" Rafael agreed and thanked the young man.

He turned back to Olivia with a smirk. "How're you doing?"

"Oh, you know. Just trying to keep up with the squad. They seem to be trying to get a head start tonight. " Amanda and Carisi were both on their third and Fin looked on in slight disapproval.

Barba scoffed unapologetically at the sight of the group across the crowd. "You could give them a run for their money."

"Well you certainly could." Liv quipped, knocking his elbow with hers.

"I'm not actually sure when last I was drunk, Liv." He caught her eye again with a wide grin. "It's been a few years since I drank that much, intentionally at least."

The Lieutenant raised her eyebrows in faux impression. "Huh? You must be one of those guys who just loves the tastes of whiskey."

Barba grabbed his drink from the bar and took a swig, keeping eye contact. "Scotch whiskey." He corrected.

Olivia laughed and looked down to her drink. She felt her face go red then; she didn't know why she felt so embarrassed about it either. She let the silence between them be, concerned that he might get the wrong impression.

Barba reached across and touched her arm. "So, how's Noah doing? Hes enjoying pre-school?" He asked.

She was happy to reply to that. "Yeah, Noah's great. He's been getting on well with the other kids; he had a play date with his friend, Sarah, the other day. Apparently, he's going to buy a house one day, one they can all live in: him, Sarah and their six dogs." She laughed at the thought of her sons ambition

Barba joined in with her. "Wouldn't that be something?" He remarked. "Have you ever had a dog, Olivia?" He raised a brow and finished his drink.

"Uh, no. My mom wasn't aptly equipped to deal with animals in the house. I never really had any strong inclination for one. You?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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