Moment's Decision

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Sliding up to the bed, Yaoyorozu placed his jacket - freshly cleaned and neatly folded - on a chair at his bedside. Todoroki acknowledged the gesture with a simple nod. She'd learned the hard way that he'd avoid speaking if he was able to. Maybe it was easier for him that way. Or maybe he didn't know how to voice the proper thank you because he'd never had to before.

"How's your leg?" she asked, noting his bandaged calf and kneecap.


"Well, that's good."

"How are the others?" He deflected.

"They're fine. The villains were taken into custody." Yaoyorozu glanced at his jacket again. "Your quirk should have returned to you by now." Had he intended to cauterise the wound? She wondered. Or did he simply feel lost without his quirk to fall back on? Either way, she'd never forget the look of emptiness in his eyes, nor glimmer of desperation as he leaned his injured body against hers. "I guess Bakugo got pretty beat up," she told him. "Self-inflicted, they said. Took down a building and got caught in the rubble. If I hadn't been so worried I might have laughed at the irony."

Todoroki didn't seem to hear her; he was staring at her change of attire. Or rather, at the heart-shaped logo on her shirt. Though she couldn't be sure, Yaoyorozu thought his cheeks flushed the faintest shade of pink.

"What is it?" She asked. "Were you worried or something?"

"Why didn't you just make something?"

Yaoyorozu blinked. "What?"

"A bandage," he replied. "You could have created one."

Yaoyorozu's face heated. "Wh-what...?" He was right. She could have. "I-I, uh... I..." Her mind raced back to the moment, to the flash of panic that coursed through her. She hadn't even thought of that; of using Creation. In the single moment, as time dragged on and his face contorted in pain, all she'd though about was helping him. A twinge of embarrassment warmed her cheeks, her arms lifting to cover her chest.

"I've seen the medical books in your bag," he went on. "I know you know how to make them. Why didn't you?"

"I wasn't thinking..." she admitted. "In the heat of the moment, I just wanted to save you."

Todoroki stifled an uncharacteristic laugh. "That's pretty heroic of you."

Yaoyorozu glanced away from him. "Yeah, well, I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant I could save you.

Todoroki's eyes fixed on her with a hard stare. "Next time, I'll be the one to save you." She hooked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"How about neither of us needs saving next time, okay?"

He cleared his throat. "Sounds good.


Over the next few weeks, Yaoyorozu and a few of their fellow classmates visited the other students who had been sent to the hospital. Todoroki's leg was healing on it's own, with a little help from Recovery Girl near the end so he could return to school. It was his first day back since the attack, and he was glad to be out of the hospital.

"Good morning, Todoroki," Yaoyorozu greeted him upon entree. He returned the greeting with a single nod as he took the seat beside her. The girl smiled brightly. "How have you been? It's been a while."

Todoroki set his bag down beneath his desk and pulled out his textbook to prepare for class. "Fine. My leg still hurts a bit, but it's just a scratch now."

"That's good." The two were silent for a while. Yaoyorozu stole a glance in his direction, biting her bottom lip. She wanted to break the silence, but she didn't know how to talk to him. Shoto Todoroki was not one for casual conversations. "You know, class wasn't really the same without you," she said suddenly, gaining his attention once more. He rose an eyebrow and she quickly added,"Almost half the class was missing. I barely had anyone sitting around me. I was just kind of alone in the corner with most of the remaining class up front."

He nodded his head, looking down at his desk. "Sorry for being gone, I guess," he replied, his voice as monotone as ever.

"No! Don't be," Yaoyorozu rushed on. "It wasn't your fault. You were hurt." They sat in silence once more. Yaoyorozu watched her classmates mingle about toward the front of the room, laughing and talking about random stuff that had happened over the last few days.

Well, up until Mr. Aizawa entered the room, looking exhausted. As always.

"Good morning class. Your first hour of the day will be a study hall, so you guys can prepare for your test in a few weeks. Use your time wisely. Or just do whatever... just learn something," he said, fidgeting with his sleeping bag and laying it on the floor, carefully slipping inside. Without anything better to do, Yaoyorozu took out her textbook to memorize an assortment of materials to aid her in future battles.

It wasn't exciting or fun, but it was necessary in her eyes. After all of the villain attacks lately, she needed to be prepared.


She looked up from her book, meeting Todoroki's eyes. "Hm?"

"I've been meaning to thank you," he stated shyly, looking back to the bare desk before him. She gave a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?"

"For stopping to help me out a few weeks back. Everyone else just ran past. You stopped to help me, risking your own safety and putting yourself in danger. Thank you."

Yaoyorozu felt her temperature rise. What is this? In the absence of spoken words, she gave a single nod, accompanied by a confident smile. "What was I supposed to do, leave you?"

He told his head. "Well, I mean you could have just-"

"No, I couldn't have," she interjected sharply. "What kind of hero abandons someone when they need them the most? I couldn't call myself a hero if I were to do that to you, no matter how strong you are."

She noticed his ears turn red, just faintly from beneath his hair. "Well, I owe you one."

"It was no big deal. You don't owe me anything, Todoroki."

They're conversation went on, Todoroki asking questions about what all he had missed out on and Yaoyorozu attempting to joke while giving him the answers he sought out.

After what felt like only half an hour, the bell finally rang again. If Yaoyorozu were being completely honest with herself, she wished the moment wouldn't end. She heard Mr. Aizawa groan at the sound of the bell, waking him from his nap. He sat up, putting his sleeping bag away.

"Class dismissed."

Everyone started packing their things and gradually making their ways to the door, staying in their little groups of friends. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki were usually the ones who walk out alone; they usually left at separate times. But this time, they exited the classroom together, talking about the most random of things. Once they reached the school gates, they said their goodbyes, going their separate ways.

"Wait." Yaoyorozu paused a few steps away, glancing over her shoulder to look back at the boy.


"Are you heading back to the dorms?" He asked. Yaoyorozu turned all the way to face him.

"Yes. Why?"

"Would you be alright with helping me with out project? I may have fallen further behind than I thought for the time I was absent," he requested. Yaoyorozu blinked at him, and her smile returned.

"Sure! Would you like to come over now or later? Or, were you heading to your own residence?" Yaoyorozu gestured down the path he was currently on, heading away from the dormitory.

"I don't have anything to do. I'd rather do it sooner rather than later. I was planning on going home, but I'd rather study with you." She felt herself blush, sensing the heat rising in her face as he said it, but she swallowed and shook the feeling away.

"Well, if it's what you would like. I'd be happy to help! Come on." Yaoyorozu motioned him on and Todoroki followed close behind as they headed for the Height's Alliance.

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