Lonesome and Righteous Beauty

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The world wasn't the same anymore. Nowhere was safe in the eyes of the Imperium; they were the truth that deemed themselves invincible and holy. Their rule was absolute and to them, a cost always needed to be paid. Anybody who ruled a specific land has been dethroned, and if they held a righteous status then death would be the last thing they ever saw. A century it has been since the Imperium made a name for themselves and the lives of humanity have been shrouded in misery. Those who were kept under watchful surveillance continued to hold traditions to heart. No new technology to further mankind had been invented because the Imperium feared that their creations could be used against them. They held all the resources necessary for living. However lost and hopeless the world seems right now, there is a savior living amongst the chaos whose ready to sever the tiniest bit of evil with his own. The clash of thunder struck the skies that soon began to drop heavy rain against the pavements of land. The torrent of hydrogen was targeting a nearby village, so the residence quickly fled to their homes. Mothers had gathered their children and the other family members joined in union. The small candles were providing much sight for the villagers since the outdoor was cold and apathetic. The continuous roar of the lightning was beginning to become unrelenting and quite frightening for all the youngsters. Still, they felt safe since they had the comfort of their parents by their side, and some had siblings. Though some were afraid of the blasting of static, there were those who weren't paying any mind to the disturbances. Because of the harsh weather, many adults were stationing inside of the local tavern. Anyone under the age of eighteen were not allowed to enter due to inappropriate conduct.
The air was filled with nicotine. Old man of many stature were present and their loud, raspy voices didn't take heed of the noise level of the bar. Mostly, they were showing off in an attempt to sway the hearts of the female waitresses. Women of many race were wearing short caramel miniskirts with button-down white shirts that had to be tucked. The footwear was of their choosing as long as it was slip resistant shoes. The women workers were the main reason for most of the villagefolk or even outside tourist wanting to take detours from their designated paths. In their perspectives, they placed their bets on who would be able to take one home. However, pretty and quirky each waitress was, there was one that stood out the most. Her name was Luena Cartel. She was a pale skin woman with leafy green eyes that magnified her beauty on a universal level. Her hair caught most people's attention because of the golden rich shade that reminded them of a priceless fortune they could never hope to have. In addition, her smile told stories of a maiden who has lost a lot in life but doesn't show it to anyone who she feel is unworthy. Her uniform brought out the best in her features and many lusty men wanted to know how she looked in a vulnerable state. Passing by a table in which she had just rested a plate of food, a group of imperium soldiers were gawking hard at the enchanting goddess. The supposed leader of the gang received a dare from his lesser rank friends and decided it implement it. Before Luena was about to leave, she could feel the sensation of a hand press against her thigh and was close to gripping her panties. Instantly, she slaps the hand away and turns a nasty look at the imperium soldiers who began to laugh teasingly. The leader of the group lashes his tongue arrogantly and the expression in his pupils imagined Luena as a snack that he would soon sink his teeth into. As much as she wanted to smack his eyeballs out the socket, she refrains when the man's hand drops down to the weapon hiding underneath his coat. She couldn't really see what it was because of the position he was sitting but knew that it was likely to be used against her. For the first time, she spoke, "Thank you very much." Her voice held a trembling fear that she tries to hide with a diligent attitude. Afterwards, the waitress exits from the outer station and goes into the back where only employees were allowed. When she entered, she stumbled past other female coworkers who would try to speak to her but she paid them no mind. It was until she managed to find a sink to wash her face into, and she did it multiple times for personal reasons. When she was finished, the beauty of the bar nearly jumped out her skin when she received a grip to the shoulder. She was afraid that it could've been the soldiers, then her heart rest-assured at her trustworthy friend.
Amelia Latchford was her name and she was just about, or some would say more elegant in beauty and energy than Luena. She was a short lady with a chestnut skin tone that many other girls adored her for. Her first day she was the life of the show and everybody wanted to talk to her. Amelia had silky straight charcoal hair and her eyes were the same texture. Her lips were small, but her nose had a particular size and it didn't deter her gorgeousness.
"How's it going, girl, I saw what happened out there?"
"Its fine, nothing we're not used to, right?"
Amelia exhales and leans against the wall lazily, "That's what I'm tired of, these imperium jerks need to just vanish off the face of the planet!"
Luena giggles for a tiny second, slowly feeling better. "That's a dream that I'm sure we all can't wait to happen, and what's worse, the villagefolk are starting to fall into their footsteps."
"You damn right, there was one of them just now that tried to grab my ass and I almost ripped off his ball sack. They better stop playing before one of us snap our chains!"
Luena laughs again, this time, it was louder, "I just want something better for all of us."
Amelia heard her coworker and wanted to say something but their boss, the bar owner, Ben told them to get back to work. Ben was an obese brown skin man with a fuzzy mustache and a nicely shaved head. He wore an expensive black suit and pointy, church shoes. On his hands were diamond and gold rings that sparkled like a flash of a camera. He had hazel eyes that had a sharp vibe about them. He told his lady workers the first time they met him that his favorite color is gold, and that they should do whatever it takes to make a lot of it. Even though he can be goal-orientated and selfish, he is the complete opposite after work. Both waitresses exited out the back, and once again had to serve the perverted men. Amelia was searching around for anyone who needed help, and much to her disdain, she had to go back to the table of the person who tried to tease her.
After giving Luena a funny look, the maiden tried not to laugh and decides to throw back on her stern mask. As she searched for anybody who needed help, she stumbled upon a rather young looking black man sitting by himself. This was strange to her because he was the only one who didn't have a group of snobby and degenerate people around him. She decided for herself that he needed help and walks over to the table. As she grew closer, she studies him like an upcoming test that she was soon to fail. His features caught her off guard. He looked about six-foot and had spikes in his head that looked like a palm tree. The side of his head, in front of his ears, were shaved presentably. His face was subtle and lacked any emotion. Staring deeply into his wine colored eyes, she had never seen a man so studious and professional. As for his wardrobe, it was a brown trench coat and hidden behind it was a black and white vest that revealed the outsider's muscular body. He had charcoal, inky dress pants and his feet were protected by steel toed boots. Luena was fascinated by the aura the man transmitted and she grew embarrassed when his attention was brought to her. At first, she almost stutters but regains her confident composer, "Good evening, is there anything that catches your fancy, sir?"
Surprisingly, the mystery man smiles and replies, "Yes, do you sell breakfast?"
"Of course, along with lunch and dinner; what can I get for you?"
"I'll have some eggs, ham, and grits if you have any?"
"What of to drink?"
"Water is best for me."
"Alright, I'll be right back with your order, so sit tight."
The man grins thus showing his white teeth, "Trust me, I'm not going anywhere."
Luena almost felt her heart jump at his handsomeness and goes to prepare the order. She completely disregarded anybody who wanted her which made things hot for the newcomer. Men in their groups were starting to throw glances of hatred at the loner who was minding his own business reading the newspaper. After a minute or two of waiting, Luena returns with food and water. She gently places it in front of the man and smiles politely, "Enjoy, sir, and let me know if there is anything else I can do for you."
"Actually, there is something you can do for me?"
Luena hesitates, "What is it?"
"If you don't mind perhaps, you can accompany me for a second while I eat. Your composer strikes me as an indomitable woman and you couldn't be more fascinating in my eyes."
Luena was taken aback and didn't know how to respond. Still, she kept her guard up because she has been through this road before and remembers how bumpy it can be.
"I apologize, good sir, but I cannot grant your wishes. My boss would not like me to court with the customers especially if I am not on break."
While she was talking, the smooth gentlemen lightly places his index finger against the right palm of her hand. She was so focused on his eyes that she had no idea of when he was performing the gesture. Next, his hand twinkles against hers and then she could feel the soothing clench of his strength and it didn't feel bad. "Sorry for my forcefulness," His tone was delightful to hear, and his clever wordplay struck Luena hard. "May I have the honor of hearing your name?"
"Its Luena."
"Fetching name, then you may call me Neil."
Without having anything else to say, Luena walks away from the table. She kept her head up high until she was out of sight once again. Now in the back, she exhales sharply and decides to sit in the waiting room. Before she had time to clear her mind, she was bombarded with questions from the arrival of Amelia, "Girl, who was that fine piece out there you were talking to?"
"His name is Neil, and I don't know exactly who he is but he's taken a fancy in me." Luena tried not to appear flustered.
"Whoever he is, I want some of that. You better not slip up or else he's mine; he's not from here, I can tell, so this is the perfect opportunity to be picked up by a nice, compelling rich man."
"If it's simply for the money then I wouldn't be interested."
Amelia smirks at her coworker and shrugs her shoulders. Out of nowhere, both ladies were startled at the sound of glass breaking. Rushing back outside, everyone in the back were stunned to find one of their own had dropped the drinks that belonged to the group of imperium soldiers. The leader of the gang was standing over the blonde waitress who was holding the side of her lips that was dripping with blood.
"That'll teach you to be disrespectful around me, whore!" The soldier shouts.
Luena couldn't believe her eyes and was about to rush out to help; however, Amelia beats her to it by helping the waitress first, "Can you stand, let's get you to the back to clean your wound?!"
The woman couldn't speak because of the pain, but she had numerous tears dripping from her ocean eyes. The imperium soldiers wasn't going to let things settle there, "Hey, that girl spilled beer all over my wardrobe; I believe I deserve to have reasonable compensation for her inadequacy!"
"You're not getting shit," Spat Amelia, who was keeping her coworker behind her. "You think just because you have a sword and a group of punks behind you that makes you a man. You're nothing but a weak, little boy by putting your nasty hands on this woman!"
"Want to repeat that again, you whore!"
This time, Ben comes around the corner and tries to handle the situation, "Please, calm down, is there anything I can do to fix this mess for you?"
"You need to train these whores better than this! This is supposed to be an establishment for men to do what they want, and the woman are meant to serve! Have you forgotten what the imperium has done for you pests?" His speech gave the other soldiers the leisure to stand and agree wholeheartedly with cheers.
Ben begins to sweat and once again, pleads hard. "I ask again, if there is anything in my power that could reverse your anger, I will grant it."
The imperium leader thinks hard on what he wanted, and it didn't take long for his truest desire to surface. He lifted his apple eyes towards Luena and declares boldly, "Give me her and I'll forget this whole situation!"
Everyone's eyes channeled to Luena who felt her heart drop to her stomach. Once again, she stared at the soldier who lashes out his tongue lustfully. Ben frowns intensely on what the man wanted and even Amelia was shocked beyond belief.
"Give me her right now, and my men and I will be on our merry way!"


Thanks for making it this far,
I hope you all enjoyed it.
I always try to make the villains as crazy as I can so excuse me
if I get too carried away 😅.
There's more to come with
This, I'd appreciate it if you could
leave a comment or vote
and give your honest opinion.
I'm new and still wet behind
the ears lol, thanks.

Until next time 😉👋

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