Doll House

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It was that time of the year again. The time when the leafs died; turning a brown colour, before falling to the ground with loud crunches that Niall hated hearing. Maybe it was because once that began, so did his chores. He'd wake up at seven in the morning to his mum yelling about the leafs being all in her driveway before he'd have to get up and grab the rake. It wasn't so much the duty of gathering all the leaves into a big pile before sweeping them into the huge garbage bag; it was more watching the neighbor kids poke fun at him before kicking said leafs and making a bigger mess. 

Now Niall had a temper on him and anyone that knew him from his school days knew this too, but that didn't stop the kids from being a pain in his Irish ass. And once they got him started it was kind of hard to get him to stop especially since he knew he had to hurry and get ready for work in a couple of hours. But helping his mum was always number one because his father hated raking leafs and Niall wasn't much help elsewhere around the house so he decided why not? It was just a couple of minutes out of his day as he stood outside in the chilly weather with his nose red and ears tingling. But, was that time of the year again.


He groaned as he heard his mum's voice; the first day of many, before rolling onto the ground with a loud thud. She didn't need to say anything else because he couldn't sleep last night. He heard the wind blowing and the leafs hitting at his window making him hate his life because nature was giving him one big 'fuck you, Niall' by making a mess on his front lawn and huge backyard. He wondered if it was going to be worse when he finally moved out, then again he decided on his apartment and keeping up with the lawn there was not going to be his job.

"Comin'." He grunted out his door before tripping over his work clothes to grab some sweats and a hoody. He didn't bother looking in the mirror at himself because he already knew he looked like straight shit. Being Irish had it's advantages, but one of the biggest disadvantages was his pale skin and how it seemed to get paler when the sun decided to disappear for months making Niall miss that vitamin D and the nice glow it gave his skin. Well, sometimes it gave him a red glow that burned his skin when he laid out in the sun for too long but he forgave Summer because Summer was always promising. Fall seemed to bring out the impatient mood and don't get him started on Winter that basically made him look like Casper.

The rake was waiting for him when he hit the bottom of the stairs causing his blue eyes to narrow as a hand went through his dyed blonde hair. He sniffled a bit, smelling the beginning of pine and dead leafs hit his nostrils. There was also a smell of promising pumpkin latte that awaited him in the kitchen when he was done; rewarding him. His mum sure did know how to get him because if there was something Niall loved after beer it was his caffeine. So he went forward and grabbed the object he needed to help him with his morning so he could get the delicious drink before going off to work for his prick of a boss.

The Fall air hit his face immediately once he opened the door causing him to curse under his breath. He wanted so bad to go back to bed...his beautiful and comfy bed that had his body heat in it already, begging him to stay and cuddle his pillow some more. But his mistress, the pumpkin latte, had promising things for him too with it's delicious taste. The only thing standing between him and both things were the stupid leaves. Why did they have to live in a house with a giant tree in front of it? Why did the damn tree have to drop leaves like a bad habit? Why was Niall not wearing shoes as he stood on the cold concrete?

He glanced down at his bear feet and nearly jumped from the ice cold ground. Niall could mentally kick himself for being so dumb to not to remember to put on shoes...well at least he remembered bottoms this time because last time Mrs. Jenson across the street had a very good view of his Nialler. He snickered just thinking about that memory and how his mum nearly split a wig dragging him back into the house, profusely apologizing to everyone on the block. In Niall's defense, he was sorely hungover from having a beer tournament with his friends Harry and Zayn. But that was another story.

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