Chapter 1: The world now

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The apocalypse has been going on for a few years now. I still remember when life was normal I lived happily, had friends, and I had the best boyfriend in the world. He is still alive but my friends… only two are left, others were shot or turned into zombies. Me and the few others found a safe spot. It was a abandoned hotel, or apartment I couldn't tell anymore. I was sitting on the bed stabbing the knife in my hand into one of the pillows. Evan walked over and sat next to me. He grabbed my hand making me stop stabbing.

“First off we need those, second I don't want you to stab yourself,”

"We don’t need them,” I spoke extending the word ‘need’ slightly. Evan sighed with a small smile on his face. “Fine, I want them for comfort. You need your head elevated so you can sleep. I’d rather not have you use me as a pillow again. That was very uncomfortable for me,” Evan looked down at me and I looked back blushing. I looked to the side and muttered a ‘sorry’. I put the pillow beside me and curled up into a ball.

“Aw come on don’t be that way,” Evan kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist. Jorja walked by us.

“Come on lovebirds one of you has to head out and hunt for our food,” I stood up and Evan grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the bed. “No your not going. I don’t want you to die,” I could hear Evan’s voice crack on the word die. I looked at him.

“I don’t want you to die,” My voice started to trail off at the end. We looked at each other for a few moments. Jorja spoke up.

“Oh my god!” Jorja made her voice higher imitating me “I don’t want you to die! I love you so much,” She extended the word love. Her voice went back to normal. “Come on its one or the other! Or you know why not just both go so you can die in eachothers arms! You are all so stupid,” I stood back up and grabbed Evan’s hand making him follow me. “Are we really gonna go together?!” Evan sounded slightly alarmed. I nodded my head grabbing my gun from the from what I think was the living room, my gun was just a normal pistol. He grabbed his gun which was a simple revolver. I started out the door almost forgetting Evan. He ran up behind me and whispered in my ear.

“You really shouldn’t be so reckless,” My face went red yet I kept walking with him besides me. I walked outside making sure my gun was close. I look over to Evan. He had his gun pointed at something yet I wasn’t able to see it. I turn over to see what his gun was pointed at. When I looked over I saw a figure with very pale skin limping its way over to us. I pointed my gun at it and started shooting at it. Evan turned to me slightly surprised.

“Where the hell did that come from?!” I shrugged and looked at the figure again. It was on the ground. I grab Evan’s hand and start pulling him. “You know this would work better if you weren't pulling me around everywhere, also-” I cut Evan’s sentence short by putting my finger to his lips. I drew my gun and pointed it at a rabbit. I pulled the trigger with also no hestain. I didn’t miss my shot. I walked over to the rabbit letting go of Evan’s hand. I picked the rabbit by one of its hind legs. I tossed it to Evan and he catched it.

“There's our dinner,” I spoke with a smile on my face. “Mm delicious,” Evan spoke with sarcasm in his voice.

“Your from the South your use to eating this stuff,” Evan looked at me with a blank stair. “Racist!” I sighed and looked at Evan. “Southern is not your race so it's not racist. What I said was just rude,” I looked around before we started to walk back. I saw nothing but the other destroyed buildings. I turned to Evan and start to walk back to our safe place. Soon we got back in the place. Evan put the rabbit on a table. Jaylee spoke for the first time today.

“One of us has to skin that… Next time try and get something without any fur,”

“What do you want me to get?! A furless ground mole?!” Evan looked at me “Jess you really shouldn’t be so rude,” I sighed ignoring Evan.

“Either way I always skin the animals,” I walked over to the rabbit and pulled the knife from my pocket. I took the skin off the animal, soon leaving it as nothing but a lump of veins and meat with bones.

“So we gonna head outside to cook this sucker or do we have a stove that still works in here,” Jorja walked over to the stove and tried to turn it on. The next words she said were in a game show host voice.

“It's a dud. We are gonna head outside,” I sighed and picked the rabbit up getting its blood over my clothing.

“I’m gonna need a watch as I cook,” Evan stood up but so did Jaylee. They looked at each other. Jaylee walked to me without saying and anything and dragged me out the door. I started a fire and wasn’t even paying attention to Jaylee. Her once short hair grew out to be waist length. I put the rabbit over the fire to cook it. I leaned back looking up at the dusk sky. Ever since the beginning of this Jaylee never really spoke. It was silent for a little while. Soon Jaylee spoke.

“You know, I think the bunny is done,” I looked over and it did look done so I took it off. I walked back in putting the rabbit down. I took a piece of it and ate it the others did the same. I laid back on one of the beds and Evan did the same, so did Jaylee and Jorja. Jorja actually laid on the floor. I was sharing a bed with Evan. I didn’t mind though. Evan was laying on his back and I turned over to him. I put his arm around me and put my head on his chest.

“Using me as a pillow again, huh?” I nodded and looked up at him. Evan sighed and soon started to run his fingers through my hair. Not to long after a little talking with Evan I passed out.


    I was sitting in a coffee shop with all of my friends. All besides Jaylee, Jorja, and Evan. They all had their own life so they were not here. I was talking to my friends normally. I turn over I see a few people that don’t look so great. They were pale and seemed to be losing control of their body. They were all twitching and kept looking at the other people. I didn’t think much of them. ‘Probably just freaks’ I told myself. I kept talking to my friends. Soon a man walked in wearing a suit. He looked around and spoke up.

    “This place has been infected. Take them all out. Others could have been gotten,” This man spoke with a Russian accent. Not to long after a bunch of other men with guns came in. They started shooting every person in there including my friends. The people who looked strange up and started to bite a few others. Some of my friends were bitten. I ran behind the counter and smashed one of the windows. I saw the man in the suit running and all the men with guns being bitten. I ran out of the window to a safe distance. I texted all my remaining friends about it.


    I shot up from my dream. I looked where I was. Still just in Evan’s arms with my head on his chest. I nuzzle into Evan’s chest with tears in my eyes. I didn’t mean to but I woke Evan up.

    “Everything okay kitten?” I muttered ‘just a nightmare’. I knew it was a nightmare about the day the apocalypse started. I had this dream almost every night for the last four years. Evan sat up making my head fall onto the bed. Evan grabbed my waist and picked me up and placed me in front of him. “What was it about?” I look back almost worried to tell him. I looked to the side not wanting to talk about it. Evan hugged me.

    “I understand,” I nuzzled into the crook of his neck. I felt my eyes start to water. Evan ran his fingers through my hair. He muttered a few things that I didn’t nor really wanna hear at that moment. We sat in this position for a while saying nothing. I’m pretty sure he fell asleep at one point. But if he did I know he woke up because he muttered to me, “The sun is rising now wanna go hunt for some breakfast?”

Chapter one end

Words: 1433

Characters with spaces: 7151

Characters without spaces: 5737

People in the story... Evan
Jaylee can be found at Furry amino as Bean

Jorja can be found at undertale amino as That One Idiot

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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