2- Enlightening Aftermath

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A Month and a half later. . .

I looked up at the towering buildings as Nora and I walked down the street towards the precinct.

My apartment wasn't far from it and Nora was staying with Barry and his wife Iris a few floors above me in the penthouse. So it was pretty convenient.

"It must be amazing to be able to run at light speed with these buildings around."

Nora took a moment to answer which I found interesting. She loved talking about the speedsters of Central City.

I nudged her. "You good?"

She nodded. "Yeah I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Today. Luke it's going to be your first day out in the field since the satellite is no longer considered a bio hazard threat." Nora said suddenly rambling.

"Are you worried? Do you think I'm going to mess something up?" I asked confused.

She shook her head unrealistically fast. "Absolutely not. You're far too smart to mess up, I'm excited for you."

Over the last month I had gotten close with the West's and the West-Allen's even getting to be good friends with Joe and Cecile.

Nora was easily my best friend out of all of them. We were the same age after all it only made sense.

"And for your other question. Yes I think it would be amazing to run at super speed through the city. Especially at night." She said skipping a little.

Today Nora was dressed in a pair of black jeans, black boots, and a tight black shirt underneath her usual leather jacket.

I wore a pair of tennis shoes, blue jeans, and a red vneck under my black leather jacket.

We flashed our badges as we neared the crash site. The officers stepped out of the way and we ducked under the yellow tape.

An officer handed us a pair of rubber gloves as we stepped towards the satellite.

"Barry's late. Of course he is." I said laughing and shaking my head.

"Before I left this morning he said he had some errands to run quick." Nora said as she snapped her gloves.

A gust of wind exploded from the street behind me causing the yellow police tape to wave around.

I spun around and saw Barry rounding the corner of the street and making his way towards us with his briefcase.

He put on his gloves as he neared us. "Sorry I'm late guys. I had to get caught up with some things."

I stared at him suspiciously but shrugged it off as we turned our attention back towards the satellite.

Barry pulled out a device and scanned it.

"Oh yeah. This thing is at dangerously high levels of dark matter. There's no way there won't be any new meta humans running around Central City here soon." Barry said.

My forensic eye came out of hiding as I got into the zone.

I walked around the satellite examining every inch of the tainted metal. Chunks had been taken out in so many different places.

"Not meta humans." I said looking at a very distinguishable chunk of metal that was no longer there.

I stood up and looked them in the eye. "Meta-technology."

"How do you figure?" Barry asked as him and Nora came over to my side of the satellite.

"Look at this." I said pointing to a piece of missing satellite. "This looks like car key, and this one over here looks like a phone, and don't even get me started on this one over here but it looks like four tentacles got stripped from this one." I said showing them.

"Holy crap, you're right." Barry said sharing a look with Nora and nodding. Once again I shrugged it off not wanting to get into any family matters.

"This satellite has power, Barry. We need to get rid of it as soon as possible."

He nodded. "I have a contact over at A.R.G.U.S who can dispose of this right away."

I crouched down to examine the piece that looked like a car key.

As I stuck my finger into the missing piece a large black spider crawled out of it and onto my hand.

I hated spiders, absolutely despised them with a passion. I watched in fear as this large spider crawled up the side of my arm until it reached my shoulder and climbed around to the back of my neck where I could no longer see it.

A few seconds passed and I thought I was in the clear from the spider.

I thought wrong.

A sharp pain ripped through my neck, I jerked up and smacked the back of my neck.

I saw the spider hit the ground and roll up into a ball, dead.

Nora grabbed my arm. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm good, just got a cramp." I said nodding reassuringly.

"I got a phone call to make and some things to take care of." Barry said packing his things up. "Join us for dinner tonight, Luke?"

I glanced and Nora who was agreeing with Barry.

"I'll be there." I said to him smiling.

"Seven o'clock." He said to me before taking off.

"Work is over. What now?" Nora asked looking up at me.

"I think I'm going to head home." I said shrugging.

I saw her face fall in the corner of my eye.

"You're welcome to come hang out if you'd like." I said to her.

Her face lit up.

Ever since I got here I didn't see her around any friends her age. There was only Barry and Iris. I understood her excitement when her best friend asked her to hang out.

"I'm going to stop at Barry's and change before I come over." She said to me.

"Yeah that's fine, I'll leave the door open." I said to her looking through my phone. "I'm going to go grab some Big Belly Burger then quick. Want anything?"

"Get me whatever you get." She said before walking off.

"See you then, Nora."

I rubbed the pain that was getting significantly worse on the back of my neck.

I had no idea my life was about to take a major turn. . .

The Central City Spider (Arrowverse fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now