14 | go to hell

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Will had informed them that he was feeling that the Mind Flayer was back

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Will had informed them that he was feeling that the Mind Flayer was back. But he wasn't the only one. Corinna has been feeling that he was back since Billy's incident. "He's a host. For the Mind Flayer." Corinna announced to Max, El, Will, Mike and Lucas. It had to be that. If the Mind Flayer was back, it'd need a host to attach itself to. And the dots all connect for Billy to be the host.

"How do we know is someone is a host?" El asked.

"They don't like the heat." Will replied to her.

* * *

They all went back to the pool to see Billy. He was sitting there in his lifeguard chair, covered from top to bottom in a long sleeve shirt, shorts and a towel covering his calves. "I don't know. He looks pretty normal to me." Max was still not believing that Billy could be a host.

"Normal? How many times have you seen him with a shirt on?" Lucas raised his brows at the sight.

"I mean, it's a little weird." Max sighed.

"More than a little. He was in a tub with ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold. Plus everything else—" Mike began to list off the reasons.

"But he's lounging at the pool, which is, like, the least Mind Flayer thing ever." Max retorted.

"Not necessarily. The Mind Flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's like... you're dormant. And then, when he needs you, you're activated." Will explained his personal experience with the Flayer.

"Okay, so we just wait until he gets activated." Max nodded.

"We don't have the time for that. He could hurt someone in the meantime. Julez is on her way. I told her about everything and she should be here—" Corinna was interrupted by a load roar of a car engine that sped into the parking lot of the pool they were standing in spying on Billy. The car whipped into the space next to them, and with the engine still on, the window rolled down and revealed Julez. "So I heard that son of a bitch Flayer is back." Julez shouted over her loud engine.

Everyone smiled widely at the sight of her. She'd be a huge help in defeating the Mind Flayer. "Perfect timing." Corinna chuckled at her.

Julez turned off and hopped out of her car to join the group on their mission to test if Billy was really a host. "The sauna." Mike announced, gaining everyone's attention.

"There's a sauna. We somehow get him into the sauna, lock him in, heat him up. Then we will know, for sure." Mike explained the plan.

"That sounds..." Corinna was clearly satisfied with the plan.

"Amazing." Julez answered for Corinna.

* * *

Within the next few hours, everyone set up the trap in no time. The pool was nearly at its time to close and everyone was in their positions. Only a few more minutes passed before they heard Billy's loud steps enter the locker room. The listened into him showering, then, when he was readying himself to leave they initiated their plan. Mike hurried over and began slamming doors on the other side of the locker room. "Hey! Pool's closed!" They heard Billy angrily shout.

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