9 | burn it out of him

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In less than half an hour, the Byers' shed became an unidentifiable interrogation room for Will

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In less than half an hour, the Byers' shed became an unidentifiable interrogation room for Will. Julez, Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce were all in the shed doing the interrogating. Everyone else simply sat quietly in the house as they waited for progress to be made in the shed. Before long, Hopper rushed back into the house. "What happened?" Dustin asked as everyone rushed over to meet Hopper, who was urgently grabbing a pen and paper.

"I think he's talking. Just not with words." Hopper informed as he wrote out the Morse code Will seemed to be communicating to them with.

"H-E-R-E. Will's still in there. He's talking to us." Hopper proclaimed.

They hastily created a system where, as they interrogated Will, Hopper would buzz in the Morse code Will spoke to them with. All the while, the rest of the group inside of the house would write down the code and decipher each word. It didn't take long for them to figure out his next message: CLOSE GATE.

Just as they figured out the code, the wall phone began to ring loudly. "Shit!" Dustin yelled as he hung up the phone. But then, the phone rang once again. Nancy ripped the phone off of the wall.

"Do you think he heard that?" Max whispered.

"It's just a phone. It could be anywhere. Right?" Steve asked for assurance.

But, then, the sound of the demodogs' screeches could be heard in the distance. "That's not good." Dustin's breath hitched in fear.

Everyone found a place to hide in the living room while Hopper and Nancy stood at the front door with two guns to protect them. Rustling could be heard from outside the house and the howls from the demodogs continued. Then, out of nowhere, sounds of the demodogs being hurt and possibly killed could be heard. "What are they doing?" Corinna asked in quiet whisper.

Then, out of nowhere, one demodogs was launched into the house through a window. It seemed as if someone had thrown it with their bare arms. Everyone screamed and Hopper pointed his gun at it. The demodog seemed to be dead, but that meant a stronger more dangerous force was lingering outside. After that, the front door was slammed open, revealing a small preteen: Eleven.

She was dressed in rouge clothes with a badass hairstyle and dark makeup. "Eleven?" Corinna called out as she recognized the girl.

"Oh my god." Julez whispered out.

The three girls ran to each other and engulfed one another in their arms. The powerful sisters were reunited. "Four? Not dead." Eleven noted Corinna's presence.

Corinna smiled widely at her two sisters. "Yes. Yes. I'm not dead. And neither are you." A tear managed to slip past her eye as she looked at Eleven, no one had really mentioned much of Eleven once Corinna got there, so she simply assumed that she had unfortunately died. Luckily, that was not the case.

"Where were you?" Julez asked Eleven.

"City. With Eight." She replied nonchalantly.

"Eight is alive too? Are there any more of us?" Corinna inquired.

El sadly shook her head. "As long as we have each other." Corinna smiled and allowed happy tears to run down her cheeks.

All of them grew up in that horrible facility together. They were grouped based on their strength. Eleven was mostly isolated because she was the only one with the psychokinesis ability, although she did sometimes see Eight (Kali) and Four (Corinna) in the rainbow room. Kali and Corinna were trained together because they had the same ability.

After Corinna disappeared, everything went to absolute shit. Eleven was placed in complete solitary to train. Kali escaped the lab and left Julez assuming that she was dead. Hawkins Lab lost control of their experiments. Julez and Eleven eventually escaped and ended up where they were at that very moment— in Hawkins fighting demodogs. Corinna turned to Hopper and looked at him dead in the eye. "You said you were waiting for a military? I think you've finally got one."

* * *

Eleven quickly made a game plan to close the gate she had opened when she escaped Hawkins Lab. She was going to close the gate and needed Julez and Corinna to stay to protect everyone else while chaos was likely to break loose. "It's not like it was before. Its grown. A lot. That's considering if we can even get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs." Hopper informed Eleven.

"Demodogs." Dustin corrected.

"I'm sorry, what?" Hopper contorted his face.

"I said demodogs. Like demogorgon and dogs—" Dustin reiterated.

"Okay! We get it!" Julez cut him off.

"We can do it." Eleven spoke.

Hopper shook his head. "You're not hearing me."

"I'm hearing you. We can do it." Eleven restated.

"There's another problem. If the brain dies, the body dies." Mike reminded.

"I thought that was the whole point." Max was perplexed.

"Will's a part of that body. Closing the gate will kill him." Mike informed.

"It's like a virus right? Make the host uninhabitable." Julez shrugged.

"But how?" Lucas asked. Joyce scrunched her brows together and wandered into Will's room where Will laid.

"He likes it cold." She spoke as she looked at the open window in the room. "It's what Will kept to me. He likes it cold. We keep giving it what it wants!" Joyce groaned then began closing the window. She had realized that she hadn't been catering to Will's needs since he came back from the lab. He wasn't the one that was hot, the one that needed tlc. It was the Mind Flayer.

"We need to burn it out of him." Joyce's voice trembled at the thought of burning her own son, but she knew it was the right thing to do to save him. It sounded insane but clearly the Mind Flayer wasn't very fond of heat.

"We have to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time." Mike added, so that the Mind Flayer couldn't summon more creatures to come rescue him.

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