Chapter 9: Eternal Flame

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Chapter 9: Eternal Flame

Bill and Ford were wrapped up in blankets and drinking hot cocoa, playing chess like old times, but of course Bill was winning "HA! Checkmate!" Bill cried, knocking Fords player down. 

Ford huffed "Every fucking time!" He growled "How!?"

"I've been playing for century's my dear, nobody can beat me, the last time someone did....well lets say they were never seen or heard from again"



Ford sighed and picked up the pieces, re-positioning them back on the board, "I miss the set we had in your Mindscape, it was so pretty" Bill said, passing Ford the black pieces. Bill was white, always white.

"Yeah? Well maybe for Christmas I'll get you a really nice looking set" Ford said.

"Really!? That sounds great!" Bill said grinning, he was making Ford a sweater with the help of Mabel, it was difficult to learn to knit and Bill got frustrated more than once, he wondered how Mabel made so many each day, and tolerated his grumpiness when she was teaching him.

There was a loud noise from outside, "Did you hear that?" the demon asked.

"Hear what?" Ford asked. The chess game began to shake, "Earthquake?" Ford asked

"I'm not sure" Bill said getting up, the loud noise got louder and louder and Bills eyes widen.

The front of the shack exploded as whatever was attacking barged through. It spat a wad of goop at Bill encasing him from the neck down in sticky slime, "BILL!" Ford cried as the creature did the same to him and began to carry him off through the snow

"NO! FORD! OI! LET HIM GO!" Bill yelled struggling to get the goop of him, he used his fire to burn it off, the smell making him feel sick. Stan and the younger twins came running, watching as Bill began to pull on a pair of boots and jacket.

"Wait Bill! Take this" Stan said, passing him a kitchen knife, "Thanks, wait didn't you use this to chop tomatoes last night?" Bill asked, taking Stan's beanie and jamming it on his head, "It will wash off, just don't loose it."

"I'll get him back, I swear it, I found love once and I'm not letting him go that easy" Bill insisted, picking up the hot sauce bottle "Wish me luck!" he added and raced after the creature, his feet leaving footprints in the snow.

"Hes really doing it! Hes really going to save him?" The higher ups said, The Oracle smiled as did Madison, "But of course, like we said, he has found love"

They watched as Bill waded through the snow, "FORD!"


"Lets hope they make it"


The snow storm was awful, the hot sauce bottle already half empty, "Nearly there Bill" he said to himself.

"BILL!" Ford's voice rang out, closer now, "UP HERE!" Ford yelled, he stopped and looked up noticing him the trees, "Ford Are you okay!?"

"Yes! But you need to leave!"

"What!? Why!?"

There was a loud growl from behind him and he gulped, "Its a trap" Ford spoke,

Bill stepped back, and the beast pounced.


The demon  wrestled with the creature, trying to throw it off him, "Stars you're heavy! What have you been eating? Bricks?" Bill asked as he managing to get it off him. He backed away towards Ford, who was trying to get himself down, the snow was freezing the goo cocoon solid.

"I WILL NOT LET YOU KILL MY BOYFRIEND!!" Bill yelled, quickly climbing the tree and launching himself at the creature. He plunged the knife into into its shoulder and it roared in pain, swiping at him and leaving four deep gashes into his shoulder. Bill didn't let it phase him, and continued his mission, "You know when mummifying bodies, the Egyptians would take a hook and pull the brain out of the nose, I don't have a hook, so I'm going to improvise" Bill snarled, lighting his hand on fire and plunging it into the beasts eye, its roared and bucked, flinging Bill off its back and falling to the ground, it let out a loud sigh and stopped moving, blood trickling from its wounds.

Bill hit a tree and was out cold before he could realize what had just happened.

The force of the impact from the beast made the tree shake, Ford was knocked out of the branches and the cocoon, now frozen solid, shattered when he hit the ground.

"BILL!" Ford cried, racing over to his side, the gashes were bleeding heavily and  the red blood was turning the snow pink.

"Oh no, no, NO! BILL! Please don't die!" Ford muttered, wrapping the shoulder tightly with what little he had. He picked him up and cradled him, "Lets get you back, hospital or something."


Stan and the others waited and waited, nervous and worried until a figure of a man appeared, walking through the snow,  a body in his arms.

"FORD! You're okay! Whoa what happened to Bill?" Stan asked.

"Its got him, we need to get him to a hospital now!" Ford said, "Roads closed, Ford, we could call but I think the phone lines are down, I'm sorry."

"I'll do it myself then!" Ford said, nudging his way passed Stan and making his way to the Lab.

He cleared all the junk from the table and laid Bill down.

The blood thankfully, had already congealing, all he had to do was stitch them together and wrap it back up. Bill's fast healing powers would take care of the rest. He cleaned the monster blood and goop from his hands and face and wrapped Bill in a couple of thick blankets and waited for him to wake. His feet tapping impatiently and his guts feeling twisted and weak.


Bill woke up pleasantly warm, his shoulder ached slightly.

"Bill?" came a voice, he peeled his eyes open to see Ford leaning over him, "Hey" he said quietly, wincing as he was enveloped in a hug, "I thought I was going to lose you" Ford said, tears tracking down his cheeks.

"Naw, I can't die you know that" Bill said, kissing Ford's cheek, it tasted salty, "You're an idiot" Ford said, laughing softly. Bill took out a hand from the blankets and wiped the tears away, "I love you, I'd never leave you, not again, not ever."

Ford nodded and gathered him up in his arms,

"I love you, Bill"

"And I love you too, Sixer" Bill said, wrapping his arms around Fords neck, and leaning into him.

"So they have proven themselves?"

"Yes, well done Madison, they will not be killed"


The higher ups nodded "The threat of Bill Cipher is over, we have nothing to fear, the multiverse is once more safe, until the next time some other creature rises up."

"Good, thank you" The Oracle said.

Madison watched Bill and Ford reunited, happy, in love and she knew, that Bill would not stray from his path ever again.

The snow had stopped and the sun had melted the cold almost unnaturally fast as if the storm had been a warning. Summer was back, hot and warm just the way Bill liked it.

"You want some hot cocoa?" Ford asked,

"Ooo with marshmallows!?"

"Yes Bill"

"But of course! Carry me!"

Ford laughed "I already am" he said, adjusting Bill in his arms as he made his way upstairs,

"Never let me go" Bill whispered in his ear.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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When Life Gives You Lemons (A Gravity Falls Fan Fic) (Billford Fluff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang