Chapter 7: Wide Awake

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Chapter 7: Wide Awake

Bill woke up in the clearing next to Ford, who had sometime during the night rolled over to him, it made him smile. Shivering, he wrapped his arms around the sleeping man and pulled him in closer. Mabel and Dipper had gone, probably woken up and walked back.

"Morning" Bill whispered in Ford ear as he felt him stir, Ford opened his eyes "Did we fall asleep out here?"

"Duh, Pointdexter" Bill said.

"Why are you hugging me?"

"Cause you're warm and I'm cold"

"So you decided to spoon me?"


Ford chuckled.

"Wheres Dipper and Mabel?" Ford asked, noticing their absence.

"Not sure, I think they might of woken up and gone back, don't worry about it, even at night this clearing is perfectly safe from dangerous things, they wouldn't of been dragged off"

"Really now?" Ford said sarcastically.

"Yup, now shoosh, I want to go back to sleep"

"Lazy" Ford muttered, but he didn't move from Bills hug.


"I wonder when they're going to get back?" Dipper asked, stirring his cereal.

"Probably doing it" Stan said.

"Ew, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel said,

"Last time we were there they were asleep, they're probably still asleep"

The door to the shack opened and closed and Bill and Ford walked in, interrupting their conversation. Bill stretched and sat down at the table, "Morning all."

"Hey Bill! How was your morning?" Mabel asked

"Good! I spooned Ford!"

Dipper choked on his cereal and began to cough, while Stan cleared his throat awkwardly. Bill laughed, "He was warm I was cold, geez not all spooning's are sexual"

"I know, I know" Dipper wheezed.

Mabel burst into laughter.


Ford felt a lot better after his shower, mind you he mostly just stared at himself in the mirror afterwards, having his younger body was really nice, he had his abs and tanned skin, the wrinkles were gone, everything was nice, young again, he mentally thanked Madison.

When he came out of his room and into the kitchen Bill gave him a grin, "Had fun staring at yourself in the mirror, Sixer?"

"Yes actually" Ford said, fixing himself a cup of coffee.

"It's nice huh? Being all young again?"

"Sure is" Ford said with a smile "I really don't miss all the aches and pains in the morning, that's for sure"

Bill chuckled "Good"

"You want breakfast?"

Bill shook his head "Nope, I'm good"


Bill nodded, fiddling with Fiddleford's old Cubic's Cube.

"Where did you find that?"

"Under the bed in your old room, I got bored"

"I haven't been sleeping in there as much as I should be" Ford said.

"Where do you sleep when you're not sleeping there?"

"Wherever I fall"

"Table tops and couches aren't good for your back, even when you're young"

"Quit trying to tell me whats good for me or not, I can handle myself" Ford said, taking a sip of coffee.

Bill grinned "I wouldn't mind handling you myself either"

This comment earned him a wack round the head with the weekend newspaper.




"Bill, open your eyes!"

He opened his eyes to see Madison floating there before him, "Oh hey!" he said grinning "Long time no see Mads! How are you?"

"Good, but we are not here to talk about me, we are here to talk about you, you and your relationship with Stanford Pines, I see its going well?"

"Yup, ain't he cute!?"

Madison giggled "I'm happy you're in love Bill, it is good to see, I wanted to tell you the Prophecy is being fulfilled, right on plan."

"I was always a sucker for prophecies, my last one almost killed me, I do hope this one doesn't"

Madison nodded "I hope it doesn't either"

"Oh, by the way, before I wake up, Stanley is kinda upset he isn't young like his twin, is there any chance you could change him too? Make him young again?"

Madison nodded "I suppose so, they are twins after all, its time to wake up now Bill, until next time!"

Bill woke up to screaming.

He jumped out of bed and raced to Stan's room, Stan came out, grinning from ear to ear, still in his boxers.


"Ah, so she did do it?"

"Huh? Did you have something to do with this?"

"Yes, Madison, the one who changed Ford visited me last night so I asked her to change you too" he was cut off by a very strong hug "Stan! Stop it! Let me go! I can't breath!" Bill managed to splutter.

Ford laughed from the corridor, leaning on the door frame while the younger twins stood there gaping, "Whoa Grunkle Stan! You look good!" Mabel said

"Whats with the mullet?" Dipper asked, pointing it out,

"I got more hair on my head and I lost some weight too! And overnight!" Stan said, letting go of Bill and poking his belly. Bill gasped for breath and went over to Ford, slinging an arm round his neck, "That was nice of you to ask Madison to do that for Stan."

Bill blushed "Thanks, I thought since you guys are twins it would be weird, so-"

Ford cut him off with a kiss, right on the mouth.

Dipper ran off making gagging noises and Stan went back inside his room, closing the door quickly.

Mabel stood there squealing with joy until Dipper came back and pulled her away to give them their privacy.

Ford pulled away, "Well that was unexpected" Bill said

Ford chuckled "I never told you this but you're cute when you're confused"

Bill grinned "Aw, you sap! I'm hardly ever confused!"

"I know, that's what makes it cute" Ford said walking off.


Yeah you did, you dog!!!

Bill and Ford, sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!


Okay calm down! All of you!

Ford kissed me!!!!!!!!!!!

Dominant Stanford strikes again!

When Life Gives You Lemons (A Gravity Falls Fan Fic) (Billford Fluff)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя