Chapter 2: Turning Back Time

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Chapter 2: Turning Back Time

That night he hardly slept, but when he did it was riddled with the past, Bill and him, Stan and him, the beach, the swing set, the portal, the good old days, before all the shit happened.

Then a figure of a woman came up to him, hand out as if to say 'do not be afraid'

Her voice was kind, her body covered by white light, her white hair floating around her, Stanford was a little confused, was this still part of the dream?

A day will come, when enemy and enemy shall reunite, not in anger but in love, the future will change, the evil destroyed, balance will be restored.

Stanford Pines I have shown you the goodness of the past and I give you the gift of youth, do the multiverse proud, defeat the darkness within the being known as Bill Cipher, love him, like no one has ever been able too, change him, change you, save us all.

He awoke with a start, gasping for breath, body drenched in sweat.

and he felt....Weird.

The pains in his back had gone, his breathing felt clearer than when he usually woke up, he rubbed his eyes, for once he felt great!

...Hhmmm?...that didn't sound right...

He got up and went to the kitchen, making himself a cup of coffee, breathing in the intoxicating scent of the dark liquid as he sat down.

The sky was still dark this early morning, the outside was calm, no wind.

The stars twinkled in the clear sky, he saw a gnome scurry into the trees holding a piece of fruit in its mouth.

After he had finished the drink, he placed the cup in the sink and almost jumped in surprise as he saw himself in the reflective metal.

There, staring back at him in shock was a younger him, brown hair no longer gray, no wrinkles and nothing old whatsoever.

"STANLEY!!!!" he yelled, racing to Stan's room.

The door banged open, Stan holding a bat, looking tired but determined looked at him in shock "WHAT!? WHAT IS IT!?"

"ME!" he cried, pointing to his face.

Stan dropped the bat and stared at him

"Whoa! Your all young!! You lucky bastard!" he poked Ford's smooth skin, then he ran his hand through Fords hair, floofying it up "Holy mackerel! How the hell did this happen!?" he added with a look of surprise, taking his hand away. He was still not quite sure if he was dreaming or not.

"I don't know, maybe Bill has an idea, stay here! If I find out hes done this....well I don't know! Its not exactly a bad thing now is it?" Ford said, racing to the vending machine and punching in the numbers.

One look at him and Bills eyes widened, a light blush tinted his cheeks.

"Whoa you got young! How did you do that!? Magic!?"

"It wasn't you?"

"No, did you have any weird chemicals lying around perhaps?"


"Weird food?"


"Piss someone off?"

"No, but I did have a dream" he said, and he began to tell Bill the dream he had had.

"That bitch! Her names Madison: The Prophesier, her entire existence is to tell prophecies, her and The Oracle are sisters, shes got this whole prophecy of hers claiming that you and I are destined to be together! It's utter crap!....Right?"

"Bill, if its a prophecy it will happen, that's how prophecy's tend to work" he said,

"Yeah, but us? Do you honestly think you can love me? After all I've done?" he asked him, fiddling with his fingers.

"I hate you, you're rude, annoying, and a pain in my butt, I could never love you again, you've gotta change a lot for me to even think about it"

Bill grinned and raised his eyebrows "A pain in your butt hmmm~"

"You're disgusting" Ford said, giving him a nasty look.

Bill laughed.

"You know this whole you being young thing could work, I'd say you look 24, 25, it's a good thing. You look good for your age Fordsy, I mean who wouldn't want to be young again!?" he said grinning.

"Suppose" Ford muttered, going a little red.

Bill noticed and grinned,

"Admit it Sixer! You still like me!"

He turn to Bill and smirked,

"Admit it Bill, you still like me"

It shocked him what Bill did next, he was expecting a snarky comment, or a sassy outburst, but this was new.

Bill went red and turned away, a look of confusion on his face, he seemed to be trying to figure out something.

Ford grinned at him and pointed a finger at Bill

"You do!.....But why?"

"Look at you! You're all young again, how can I not like you! You got so old.....and I missed it I suppose" Bill replied, turning to face him, his face tinged red. His features didn't show anything but a complete poker face.

"I'll be going now" Ford said, wanting this conversation to end.


"Yes?" Ford turned his head back,

Bill looked flustered "Can I, I uh..never mind, just go, it's not like you want me up there with you and the others anyway" he said waving a hand at him from his cell.

Ford went back to the elevator.


"Stan I need to tell you something"

"Yeah what? Don't tell me you're going through puberty again?"

"I'm not that young Stan! And no, I should of told you this a long time ago.......I'm gay"

"Oh that! I knew that" Stan said, sipping his coffee, he didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"Wait!? You knew!?"

"Yup! So what? You like Bill? Is this where this is going?"

"I, I use to, when we were friends, before he betrayed me"

"Well this new form hes got is pretty cute, I'd go for him if I was gay, and crazy, please tell me you don't still like him!?"

"His looks Yes, him as a person No, hes a horrid creature" Ford said,

Stan nodded "Makes sense, just don't forget to tell the kids you're gay when they get here tomorrow, unless you don't want to, remember its okay to be gay these days, not like back in our day"


"Yeah Bills right with one thing, things do change, just stay clear of Mabel, knowing her shes gonna try and hook you up with the nearest guy"

Ford paled "Oh, right and the nearest guy here is Bill, Stan!?"


"Don't tell them about Bill, please!"

Stan smirked "Can't promise anything, I won't lie when I'd say I'd like to see her trying to get you and Bill together, what a show that would be!" he said, bursting into laughter.


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