“Callum? What's the matter?” Enya asked, carefully picking Bait up to avoid throwing him off her lap and stood up as the two teens approached her. “Why are you crying?”

“Is it true?” Callum asked softly. “That you...you saw him?”

“He means the king, he's asking if you really saw the king's body that night.” Rayla explained and placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. “I was going to tell him but... Claudia told him herself.”

“I...I did see it, when I was carrying Soren to the balcony where one of the elves Rayla traveled to Katolis was with was shooting some kind of magic arrow.” Enya admitted, her eyes starting to well up with tears at the memory. The sight was so heartbreaking, seeing the king's limp body, the smell of blood that filled the room and Pip's little sad cries. “Callum I'm so sorry I thought you and your brother knew, I should have tried telling you both when I got here!”

“I should have known, I should have. Rayla was wearing two of those magic bindings on her wrists and one came off when we were leaving the palace while the other grew tighter and tighter to the point she was going to lose her hand!” Callum cried as his shoulders began to shake and tears began to fall down his cheeks. Enya carefully placed Bait down on the chair to envelope the crying teen in tight hug as he hugged her back tightly.

“She, it's okay, it's not your fault. I should have said something earlier.” Enya said softly as she tried to soothe him. “Gosh if you're like this, how are we going to tell Ez?”

Callum lifted his head up and turned to look at his baby brother, who was still asleep. “I... I'll tell him tomorrow, myself.”

“Are you sure you don't want me to help?”

“No, no I think I can do it myself.”

“I can't believe that idiot lied to you two like that, what was he thinking!” Rayla muttered, her hands curled in fists. “Leading you two on that your father was alive, you see why Enya and I told you we couldn't trust him and his sister?”

“I'm sure by now Claudia told her brother that she told Callum the truth.” Enya assured her as she released Callum. “But we still have to be on guard, they might act like they won't attack us right now, but we should at least expect it.”

“Maybe Soren had a reason for lying to us? A good reason?” Callum suggested.

“Aside from trying to convince you and Ezran to return home with you?” Enya scoffed and shook her head. “No he probably didn't have a good reason.”

“You're not going to try and convince us to come home, are you?” Callum asked and Enya shook her head again. “Nope, after all this I am not letting you all out of my sight. I will be accompanying you to help deliver Zym home. Rayla is not even bothered by it.”

“It'd look less suspicious if we had an older human with us, three underaged humans walking around without an adult will raise questions.” Rayla added with a small nod. “Ez did mention you told him and Callum that you used to live somewhere near the border, we'll have an easier time looking with your help.”

“Indeed I do, I know that whole forest near the border like the back of my hand.” Enya said with a nod and looked to Callum. “You need to get some sleep, we're leaving tomorrow and I don't have my horse with me to carry you if you're too tired to walk.”

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