Episode Two: "Elusive Reasons"

Start from the beginning

Louis led Arvo to the gate, closing it behind him. "Don't try any shit," Louis said coldly. "I'll fucking kill you if you try to hurt Clem."

Arvo sauntered into the forest. Louis returned to Clem. "Well, we'll see how that goes," he chuckled.

Ruby approached, accompanied by Aasim, hands intertwined. "Well, ya'll. Who was that?" she questioned.

"Ugh, it's a long story. I was eleven at the time. Basically, we were part of the same group...kinda. He wasn't really an ally, more like a prisoner. But Kenny abused him too much, so he and two of our people tried to escape one night with most of our supplies. They were going to steal the truck Kenny had fixed and everything. But I woke up and heard them." Clem paused and sighed. "I caught them trying to get away, and when I called for help, Arvo shot me in the shoulder." She pulled away her layers to reveal the scar.

Enragement swept across Louis' face. "If that fucking guy tries anything I swear to God, I'll kill him," he sneered.

"Hopefully he's changed. But keep a close eye on him if he ever comes back," she commented.

Ruby shook her head. "Well damn, shug. We'd better watch that one for sure."

"Yeah that's fucked up," Aasim added. "But we'll watch your back, Clem," he said as he and Ruby drifted away.

Clem looked at Louis. When he noticed her gaze, his look of anger turned into one of deep affection and tenderness. "Come on, let's go by the greenhouse. I've got a small surprise for ya," he said, adding another signature wink.

They strolled over to the greenhouse. Louis was grinning ear to ear by the time they arrived. He helped Clem get seated, leaning her up against the brick wall surrounding the greenhouse. "Okay, close your eyes," he said.

Clem closed her eyes. "Oh, lord. What are you doing? Should I be scared?" she giggled.

"Okay. Open your eyes."

Clem was astonished by the beautiful sight that her eyes beheld. In Louis' hands was a gift sent directly from God above. A magnificently sweet treat that she thought to be extinct. Chocolate.

"Oh. My. GOD! Lou! Where did you find that?!" she screamed with joy.

"Welllll, I've had it for a few days. I was trying to reorganize the kitchen and found it. I figured we could share it as our second date," he said, his signature wink and jacket grasp to follow. He took a seat next to her and unwrapped the unmolested bar, breaking it in half.

Clem leaned her head on his shoulder, and he held half of the chocolate up to her lips. She took a bite, her taste buds exploding with the sweet sensation. "Mmmm," was the only sound she could muster.

"Good, huh?" Louis asked.

"You have no idea! It's been so long. The perfect second date," she said, looking up at him enticingly. She took another bite.

"The perfect second date, with the perfect girl," he whispered. "I lov-... like you so much, Clem."

"Aww! I like you even more, Louis."

She felt his left hand take her right, their fingers interlocking like necks of swooning swans.

Clem closed her eyes. Seconds later, the gate to the greenhouse groaned open.

"Clem! Louis! Look what I found!"

It was A.J., a book in his hands. He showed the cover. Clem read the title aloud. "Prosthetics: The Basics, Volume One."

A.J. was beaming. "It's a foot book, Clem! We can make you a new foot!" His signature shuffle dance ensued. "Ruby helped me find it!"

"You are so bad at that!" Clem laughed. "That's awesome! Looks like you and Louis have a new project to work on, then. Build me a foot."

Louis examined the cover. "Hmm. I bet we can do this, A.J. We'll make Clem a new foot in no time! She'll never even notice hers is missing." He kissed Clem's cheek. "We'll start on it once we sort this caravan out."

Hours passed. It was beginning to get late, and Clem was getting edgy. "Where the hell is Arvo?" she thought.

Everyone had just finished dinner. The post-meal game of the night was called Twenty-One.

Louis explained the game. "It's simple. Everyone draws two cards at first. Your goal is to get as close to twenty-one as possible. Each numbered card is worth whatever it's value is. Face Cards are worth ten, and Aces are either one or eleven, whichever you choose. If you want, you can draw cards to try and get closer to the twenty-one, but if you go over after a draw, you bust. AKA you lose that round automatically. Whoever is closest after everyone finishes their draws wins. Any questions?"

"I think I got it," Clem said.

Louis had just finished dealing the first hand when a knock rang through the courtyard. Clem, startled, looked at the main gate. There was Arvo, accompanied by another.

"Hello, Clementine! We are back," Arvo called.

The school kids approached the main gate. "Be extremely cautious," Clem cautioned. She motioned for Louis to open the gate.

Arvo entered followed by an extremely handsome Hispanic male. Clem's jaw nearly hit the floor. "GABE?! It is you!"

She limped over to him and hugged him, not waiting for a response. He returned the favor. Louis looked on skeptically.

"Wow. Clementine, I honestly never thought I'd see you again after you left Richmond. It's really great to see you," he said. His voice was very smooth, not scratchy as she had remembered it.

They ceased hugging, and Clem stepped back. "It's great to see you, too. But, why did you leave Richmond? Did something happen?"

Gabe shook his head slowly. "We were at war with another community. One night, they launched a surprise attack... our caravan is all that made it out alive. Javi, Clem... he's gone. He wouldn't leave his people. So I took on the responsibility of getting anyone out that I could before it was too late. All that is left are the twenty-two of us."

Clem was shocked. "No, Gabe I'm sorry... Javi died a hero, then? I always knew he would go out protecting people."

Gabe smiled at her. "Thank you. A lot of times, when people go out, it's for elusive reasons. They just disappear or die for no reason. At least he was doing what he loved: protecting others. Protecting me."

Clem smiled back. She felt Louis brush up next to her. "So, this is the Gabe you were talking about, huh? Well, hello, Gabe. I'm Louis, Clementine's boyfriend," he said.

"Boyfriend, huh? Interesting," Gabe replied. He reached out and shook Louis' hand. They locked eyes, almost combatively. Clem noticed and stepped in.

"So," she began. "Are you all just passing through?"

"Most likely. We plan on heading South. Luckily no one followed us."

Clem motioned to him. "We were about to play cards. Do you want to join us?"

"No. He doesn't. I'm sorry, Clem, but this is for my sister. This is for Natasha!"

Arvo drew a revolver out of his jacket and aimed it at Louis' head. "I want you to feel my pain," he said coldly.

Clem's mouth was agape as a shot rang through the courtyard, followed by a silence so cold it could freeze hell over.


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