Curse Those Deep Dark Thoughts

Start from the beginning

I scampered off the ground and out the door, stepping into the hallway. The corridor seemed to stretch on forever, the discoloured green carpet leading into a realm of apartments identical the one I lived in.

I stepped into the elevator, avoiding eye contact with the other residents inside the tiny box. The elevator dinged and soon enough we were on the first floor, and I dashed through the lobby then stepped out into the wonderful city I call home.

Cars sped by on the street, people bustled by carrying briefcases and lights flashed from all different angles. I looked around at the towering buildings and decided I would try to go find some food. The city really was a marvelous place when you think about it. So many different people all in one place. All of them complete assholes too. In all my time living in the city and attending school here, I have never once met a nice person.

Then again, that might just be because I avoid people at all costs and the only time I make human contact is when I'm wandering around trying to avoid people.

I crossed the street and turned down the next block when I saw a building all too familiar to me. I always knew it was there, but I had just never registered it in my brain because I spent most of my time with my head down. It was the fucking Camp Corp building.

I groaned and went to turn the other way, but then I saw it. Are you shitting me?! Standing in front of the building were two people who vaguely looked like David and Gwen- but they were facing away from me so all I could see were their backs. So it just wasn't possible that they were there- it was just my imagination.

They were just two people wearing the same clothes with the same haircuts and the same overall physical appearance of Gwen and David. I brushed it off and turned around-


Nononono. I looked up to see David down the street, standing on his toes and waving his hands over his head. I knew that if I didn't go to him, he would come over to me.

I strutted down the street and pulled my hood over my head to try and hide the bruise that was forming on my face. I knew David would notice and I just wasn't in the mood to attempt to dodge his questions. I wound my way around hoards of people and approached Gwen and David in front of the Camp Corp building.

"Max! It is so good to see you! Camp Campbell is so lonely when there aren't any campers around." David placed his hands on his hips and smiled his usual ear-to-ear grin.

"Heya Max," Gwen greeted, placing her briefcase on the ground and then crossed her arms.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" I asked.

"Just filing some paperwork," Gwen shrugged.

"Not just filing paperwork, Gwen! We're turning in all of our forms so that we can return to camp next year and have another fantastic summer with brand new campers! Will you be returning, Max?" David said, his attention is turned towards me.

"I dunno." I shrugged.

David squatted down in front of me, probably about to go into another speech about how great Camp Campbell was, but his grin dropped and his normal shimmering green eyes switched to dull and concerned.

"Max, what happened to your face?" David outstretched his hand but I quickly swatted it away.

"It's nothing." I murmured.

"Are you sure? Who did this to you?"

"Nobody did this to me! I just... fell. That's all. Now fuck off." I shoved my hands back into my hoodie pocket and shifted my gaze to the ground.

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