I felt my heart melt and my eyes softened. A faint smile appear on my lips as I touch the charm, "Its beautiful and I love it." I said softly.

"I'm glad you did."


"So how did you come up with this song?" Jake asked as he look over to my lyrics and a few chords I came out with.

I shrug, "Playing around with the tunes and then I just try to come out with the perfect words." I answered. "Well we need a little bit more changes on it and we're good." Austin said.

It was after school the next day, we came over to Jake's house cause he got all the equipment we need to record the song and all that stuff. I was very excited and nervous to know that we're actually doing this. "Are you and Jared together?" Cameron asked when he walk in the room and sat beside Jake.

"Not officially." I said quietly.

Sam frown, "He need to man up and ask you out already." He stated. I rolled my eyes, "He did ask alright. I'm just not ready yet." I told them. He sigh and walk up and sit next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

"You know we always gonna be there to pick up your broken pieces he left behind right?" He said softly.

I chuckle, "How can I ever forget when you're there reminding me almost everyday. I bet you want to remind me every minute." I joked.

Sam just grinned at me sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and we talk about something else.

We ended up playing some board games while waiting for Cameron and some of the boys to reach. They had detention for being so rude to the teacher. But honestly, it was furious when Mrs Burk look like she had steam out of her ear when Cameron retorted that she can't mingle with anyone else when she told Cameron not to flirt with me.

"You have got to be kidding me." Sam exclaimed.

I look at him and raise my eyebrows just as he type on his phone furiously. "Trouble at paradise eh?" I teased.

He rolled his eyes, "Chad is coming over tonight with Vanessa. But the reason was because mum found us." He told me quietly.

We fell silent.

You could hear the pin drop and the water drip from the water pipe. Sam look at me nervously and worried, "We don't know how she found it but she did. And dad said she came back for us. But she want you more."

And right then I snapped, "What do you mean wants me more? What am I? A toy for people to buy and throw me when they don't need me anymore?"

Sam winced, "She's not taking you away from us Taylor. You're our priority. I'm never gonna let her separate us." He told me firmly. I rolled my eyes, "What can you do Sam? For all we know, she could bring this to court and fight custody over us." I hissed.

Jake just look confuse over us. "You lost me at buy and throw." He stated confusingly making me crack up.


Chad was trying to calm down.

Dad is staring blankly, showing no emotion.

Sam, well, he look like a kid who got broken and being stomp all over again on the same wounds.

I look at the woman, the woman who I used to loved. The woman, I thought who love me to death. But right now, I don't know who she is anymore. We still share the same feature, but I couldn't recognize her beneath all the lies and betrayal.

"Why are you doing this to us?" I whispered helplessly.

Mum turn her gaze to me, "Because you're my daughter, you all are my kids." Shea answered shortly.

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