
187 13 3

Failure; noun, lack of success.

;strong language warning;

"I dont know! I thought it would be a good idea at the time! Yeah- He could have died! Whatever Ash, I- yeah.. okay bye." The bluenette shut the phone with a disgruntled sigh. Running a hand through his messy blue hair.

Looking down at the shaking man that was wrapped up in blankets. He looked pale and messy. His long brown hair splayed out on the bed.

Absentmindedly tapping his nimble fingers against the hard prosthetic that took residence on his face. The bluenette tried to think of what to do next.

That is, until the brunette stirred. Pushing himself up on his arms with a shaky groan. Moving his hand up to wipe his eyes. He took a second to gather where he was. Why he was wearing someone else's shirt. And why he wasn't dead.

The bluenette practically jumped out of his skin when the male sat up. His breathing catching in his throat. Going completely still.

When brown eyes met blue, the air seemed to go so heavy, it could crack at any second. Finally swallowing the lump in his throat. The blue haired boy spoke.

"you're awa-" though he was cut off, "who are you?" The man asked in a rough, crackly hurt voice. Taking a shaky breath, the bluenette hesitantly sat down on the bed.

"My name is Sal Fisher, I found you laying in the middle of the street. It was raining pretty hard too.." Sal mumbles.

The brunette stared at Sal for a moment. Breaking the harsh eye contact. He nods, "my name is Larry Johnson.." he mumbles.

Running a hand through his messy long hair, Larry sighs. Moving to get out of bed without a word.

Sal bit his scarred bottom lip, "you could say thank you, ya know." He mutters. "Its not like I saved your fucking life or anything." He crosses his thin arms over his chest.

"Why would I say thank you? Your efforts were for nothing." He rasps. Standing up. Towering over Sal with a groan.

Then it all flooded back, him, what he did, the things he said. Larry kind of froze, stumbling on his feet. He resisted the urge to cry. His breathing going rapid and broken.

Sal watched him fall apart for the moment, he put a hand on Larry's shoulder. "Hey.. look, I'm sorry.. please sit back down." He says softly.

Helping Larry back to the bed, he sits down next to him. "Why were you out there anyways?" He asked quietly.

Once Larry calmed down a bit. He sighs. His posture hunched and hurt. He opens his mouth to tell his story.

Hey, I'm in a car currently. Sorry if this isnt very good.

I'm so fucking tired, hopefully I'll edit this later.

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