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"So... how was taking the chibis to school?" Byakuran asked as soon he saw his brunet friend at the entrance.

"It's crazy, if I'm being honest. And I'm already tired from all that happened in the past few hours. But overall, it's nothing I can't handle" Tsuna answered as he wears his white apron, completing his uniform. The albino just hummed.

"That's great of you. Except for the tired part, because today it'll only be the two of us."

Tsuna frowned, "Bianchi-san didn't come?"

"Nope. The new girl called my brother early this morning. She asked for a change of shift for a personal matter. And since neither of Shoichi, Spanner, or even the old hag able to change her--"

"You shouldn't have called Kurokawa-san names, Byakuran. That's not nice..." he lightly scolded, but the albino just scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah... but anyway, as I was saying, none of the three are able to double shift, so you'll in charge of cooking." Tsuna just nodded.

"It's been a while..." he commented with a slight smile. Byakuran, on the other hand, was only grinning.

"And what do you know? It's Monday too... I'm sure Haru-chan will be delighted to eat your full-of-love-handmade-lunch after months~" the taller man teased while wiggling his brows. Tsuna just rolled his eyes.

"How many times should I tell you? She was only my friend... it's not like she's interested in me that way--"

"Ahh, how blind one can be? I almost feel so sorry for her to ever liked such an oblivious man like you" Tsuna only shook his head, more to his own amusement rather than annoyed, knowing perfectly that it'll take forever before he could win any argument with him. And he knew that he shouldn't waste any of his precious energy trying to make a point. So all that he say was, "whatever, ya' marshmallow-freak..."

-And Byakuran was satisfied that he just won another round...


Time flies when you're having fun, they said. Well, Tsuna was happy that his shift is finally done because seriously, they can't even take a break since the customers were flooding in, endlessly.

He's been questioning what was special today because he knew that they hadn't put any discounts for Halloween-- that he just notice that it'll be coming in a few more days-- just yet. He was, however, refuse to accept Byakuran's words that this always happens every time he was the cook. I mean, that can't be possible, right?

Yeah, whatever...

Right now, he needs to focus on the road as he drove his way back to the schools and pick up the children.

He had told them where to wait for him and was quite happy when he saw them following his instruction. He stopped the car and went to the waiting kids.

"Papa!" Ryohei and the triplets chirped as Tsuna waved at them with a grin.

"So, guys, how was your first day at school?" Tsuna asked them as he got into the car, and buckled himself in. After he knew he was secured in his seat, he drove out of the kid pick up line.
"It was fun, papa! I made lots of friends and I even learned things!" Ryohei said excitedly.
"Oh, yeah? What'd you learn, champ?"
"Stuffs and PE" He said with a chuckle while Tsuna sweatdropped at how the boy dubbed the rest of the lessons as 'stuffs'
"Okay, then... how about you, Haya-kun?"

The silvernet grinned widely, "everyone was nice! I get to play with my friend's robot, it was super fun!"

"I... also get some friends. They have some pretty dolls their mom made them..." Nagi said, taking Tsuna's attention in that instant.

"Well, then... why don't we make some ourselves, hmm? We can stop by the store to buy some googly eyes and more things."

"Ooh! I want to make something too!" Takeshi said, throwing his hand in the air as he jumped in his seat. Tsuna chuckled.

"Of course... in fact, why don't we all do it together?"

Mukuro nodded, "I don't have homework to do, so why not?"

"--I refuse." Kyoya suddenly said, "I prefer to sleep.

"Aww, come on, Kyoya-nii! You're always asleep! Play with us more!" Takeshi pouted, earning a glare from the raven.

"I don't care. I'll steal your crayons" he threatened and the poor boy almost in tears.

"Papa..." he whined and only then Tsuna decided to interfere.

"Now, now, you shouldn't be that harsh towards your brother, Kyo-kun. Apologize."

Kyoya huffed, "fine. I'm sorry. But I'm not going to get all sticky with those creepy googly eyes" and just with that, the older raven decided to take a quick nap. Tsuna can only shake his head.

"Yeah, anyway, I'm going to take your baby brother now. All of you, stay put, okay? Muku-kun, please watch your siblings for a bit..." the brunet saw the eldest nods before then unbuckle himself and went in to the kindergarten.

"Ah... Sawada-san, you finally came." The teacher greeted with such a beautiful smile, making the young father blush.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sasagawa-sensei. May I see Lambo?" The ginger-haired woman motioned for him to follow her to the caterpillar classroom where Lambo could be seen with a girl playing with a toy car.

"He was crying for you in the first 15 minutes after you left him, But then I-pin-chan offered to play with her and now they are inseparable..." she crooned, and honestly, the sight was so cute that even Tsuna himself is squealing-- in his mind.

"I feel bad to take him home, now..." Tsuna confessed as the teacher giggled, though still, calling for the boy that his father has come for him.

"Bye bye Lambo!" The braided girl waved.

"Bye bye I-pin!" Lambo waved back before then he jumped into his dear Papa's embrace.

Fixing his grip around the boy's hips, Tsuna then bid the teachers goodbye with his own charming smile before then off they go, back to their home sweet home...

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