Chapter 12

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The sun rose from behind the sea. Although the sea never actually hides behind the sea does it? It just looks as if it was tucked away for the night whsn suddenly rises into view.

Lance pounded these random thoughts as he watched the ocean waves lap at the shore, along with his plans to get Keith out with him.

Perhaps he could kidnap him.

Perhaps that's a not good idea.

So instead Lance ordered some room service for the two of them. Pancakes and iced coffee to be exact. Keith's favourites.

Who doesn't love a good apology Pancake?


The porcelain-skinned boy woke up to the Sun peeking through the curtains. He combed his fingers through his untamed raven mullet, He looked to the side to see Lance say crossed legged on his own bed playing on his phone.

Keith couldn't help but stare, his concentration face was the purest yet hottest blessing he could wish for. The way his eyebrows turned down slightly, his ocean eyes almost squinting. Even though he was looking down his jawline could carve stone regardless.

He loved it. He felt as if he loved him.

Those exact blue eyes turned to check on the previously sleeping boy. He was surprised to see the raven haired male staring right back at him. Keith looked away flustered, desperately wiping his, puffy, sticky cheeks from crying the previous night. He assumed Lance had seen his tear stained cheeks as who else would've got him in this hotel room?

That just caused the desires to throw himself over the balcony even stronger.

"Morning, I got us some Pancakes" The fawn-haired boy smiled warmly. It was comforting but Keith still was upset with him.

He wasn't even sure what had happened last night. The kiss was so intoxicating, it felt so real, so good. It didn't last long though, the spark died and Keith's heart broke as he was left alone without an explanation.

There was a knock at the door awaking Keith from his thoughts. Lance got up to greet the lady, well more like the food but the lady too.

Once he returned, a plate of Pancakes were placed on Keith's lap. His stomach grumbled at the sight.

"scoot ya legs" The Cuban smiled as he motioned to Keith's legs that were spread out down the length of the bed. He placed their iced coffees on the bedside table before taking a seat right in front of the boy who now had his legs crossed under the covers.

Keith glanced up, his eyebrows furrowed, before digging into his pancakes as if he wasn't bothered, he just ignored his current grudge victim.

They both ate in silence, Lance building the courage up to say something. He tried desperately to think of anything to break the silence. Anything at all.


The boys head glanced up at the mention of his name. He had half a pancake in his mouth, he was a little hungry you could say. Lance found it overwhelmingly cute.

Keith hummed, his eyes diverting away to avoid eye contact.

Lance placed his half-eaten plate of Pancakes to the side for the time being. He had to get something off his chest.

"I'm sorry" Was all he said as he gazed down at his linked hands sat on his lap anxiously. His palms were sweating.

Keith quickly swallowed the pancake remains. His lips were dressed with a slight frown.

"It's fine" was all he could mutter back.

Lances eyes were full of regret and sorrow. "No, it's not fine. Not at all" His voice was low, anyone could hear how upset he was with himself.

He decided to continue.

"I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I just ran. I didn't explain anything, I just left you alone and without a key in the middle of the damn night. I could've explained, stayed with you, at least given you the key or even—" Keith cut Lances rambling off by placing his pale hands over the boy's sun-kissed ones.

"Stop, it's fine we were caught up in the moment and things got messy. I get it. We can forget it ever happened alright"

Lances eyes shot up to see the pain-stricken violet orbs looking down at their hands.

"No" Lance replies bluntly.

It was Keith's turn to look up in shock. They were both hurting and it would dead obvious to anyone who would've seen their expressions at that time.

Two broken boys trying to join their halves together to complete each other.

"I don't want to forget it happened, not now not ever Keith Kogane" Keith felt like he could cry at that moment. Everything was happening so fast.

"Lance" He whispered, his breath taken away. He didn't know what to say or even how to speak a proper sentence.

Lance continued "Please tell me you don't want to either because I can assure you I never will and I never want to forget that moment" The passion of his pleads we're genuine.

Keith felt as if this was some cruel dream you wake up from and wish you could fall back into straight away.

"Lance.." Keith started again. This time Lance waited for him to muster up the words.

The suspense was real.

For the first time, Lance couldn't describe what emotions he saw on his best friends familiar features which scared him to death.

"I never want to forget it too" The Raven-haired admitted, looking down with flushed cheeks spreading across his pale face.

The felt the Cubans hands shift under his befface their hands were link. Keith smiled softly at the simple yet affectionate gesture.

"So this means you li—" Keith's question was cut off by a single finger placed on his lips.

Wait, I want to take you out first" Lance declared with an affection gleam in his eyes. He didn't want to confess here in their hotel room with half eaten plates of pancakes by their sides. Although that'd still be beautiful and perfect, he'd already figured out where he wants to confess.

Keith was perplexed as to how this was happening and why now? He was so happy it was surreal.

"Like a date?" He queried. The last thing they needed was another miss understanding right now.

"Yes, a date" Lance confirmed. Both boys grinned economically before finishing off their breakfast happily.

The whole room felt 1000 times lighter than before.

Lance had this whole thing planned out.

Gosh, get yourself a partner who serves you your favourite food in bed.

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