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Wish quietly purred. she kept her tail wrapped around her newly born kits. "they're perfect" she whispers softly to a silver and white she-cat with her. 

The she-cat nodded but had a coldly worried look on her face. "yes, but you know what Flame is going to do to them when he finds out abo-"

 Wish quickly cut off the she-cat by slapping her mouth. "Ice we don't talk about that! besides Flame is most likely the father" 

Ice slowly nodded as her tail flicked, she kept a sharp eye on the kits. "do you think any of them will be like me?" she asks shifting her paws.

Wish stayed quiet for a moment. "yes... we will have to hide them if they prove to be like you" she says with a sigh. Ice nodded then looked away a bit.

 "I need to go, I have to go battle train and learn how to control myself around flame better... bye mother," Ice says before giving wish a lick on the ear than padded out of the room.

Wish sighs then licks the top of one kit's head. "I'll name you six later" she purred smiling. 

"Why don't you name the black one Whisper and the Brown tabby Lappet" a dark raspy voice mewed. Wish looked around trying to see who said that but found nothing.

"H-Hawk?" Wish asked curling her tail around her six fragile newborn kits, she was going to defend her kits with her life until they could defend themselves and each other.

There was silence for a moment before the voice replied, "Yes, It's me."

Wish let out a sigh of relief, "alright, you scared me dear..." she whispered, she licked the top of the brown tabby kit. 

"This one looks just like you" she purred, the brown kitten mewed quietly which made Wish smile more.

"yes, he does..." Hawk mumbled as a light breeze flew through the room. "Can his name be Lappet like we agreed for the strongest male? he's a fighter I can tell" 

Wish didn't reply for a moment, she then nodded and smiles. "Three of them will be Lappet, Whisper, and Dasker" 

"Dasker is a wonderful name dear, what about the other three though?" Hawk's raspy voice asks as a rose floated in the wind before landing behind Wish's ear.

"Flame gets to decide them... he said he'd kill a kit or two if I named more than him..." Wish choked out and teared up, she was worried about her kits dying before they could live a bit.

"If he does he'll regret it" Hawks voice growled before the doors slammed open. Flame padded into the room wearing a crown made by vines and charcoal.

"Hello, My dear" he purred as he came over and licked Wish's cheek. Wish flinched a little a moved her head to the side a little.

"How many little heirs do I have?" Flame asks with a sly smirk, Wish hated that smirk so badly from what it normally meant.

"You have 6 heirs, 3 sons, and 3 daughters." Wish mewed quietly before resting her head beside the kits, her eyes sparkled a little from the hope that one day one of these six will beat their father and win the throne so she could be free.

Flame looked at the 6 kits and scoffed. "They don't look like me, in fact, what is wrong with that one" he hissed and gestured towards Lappet, the small brown tabby tom.

"Nothing is wrong with him, he just looks like my mother, it's rare for a kit to look exactly like their father." Wish said with slight worry in her eyes.

Flame rolled his eyes a little a growled under his breath. "He shouldn't have been in with MY kits. Brown tabby toms are banned and to be executed" Flame spat before he quickly clawed the kit away from Wish.

Wish starred at him in shock, Lappet let out a slight yowl of pain. "You can't do that! he's innocent and will be very loyal, I promise!" Wish begged but Flame didn't listen.

Lappet slightly opened one eye that was lime green but it closed quickly as Flame dug his claws into the kit. "He has green eyes like in the prophecy, it's me or him" Flame growled before a dark brown tom with black spots came and tackled him away from the kit.

Wish had tears rolling down her eyes as she quickly brought the kit back towards her, the wounds were deep on Lappet and he seemed so weak...

Flame let out a yowl of pain as the brown spotted tom bit a tuff of his fur out. Flame then spun around and slashed the tom across his face. 

The tom Hissed loudly before he booked it out the room, Flame then started to chase him. 

Wish was licking Lappet's wounds carefully as the small kit was breathing very quickly.

Ice then walked into the room huffing quietly, she looked at Wish and Lappet and had eyes full of cold horror. 

"What happened Wish?" Ice asks sitting next to her.

"F-Flame...  Ice  P-Please take h-him and r-raise him a-and heal h-him" Wish begged as Lappet's breathing was slowing down.

Ice stayed quiet but nodded, she grabbed the rose from behind Wish's ear, she wrapped a vine around it then whispered into it gently.

She then placed the rose necklace on Lappet, the wounds faded away and he seemed fine.

Wish sobbed quietly, Ice nuzzled her and sighed. "What's the little brats name?" Ice asks wrapping her tail around Lappet.

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