We didn't speak as I went inside, leaving him by himself so he could morph back. I went straight to the room I had been occupying, and freshened up. Once I made sure I didn't have dirty clothes or dirty hands, I went to the dining room for the last time, giving everyone who was there a smile.

Dinner was a bit tense as we ate what felt like my last meal. Just the mood that was in the air felt like I was on death row, and I would be dying tomorrow; which if I was being honest, I could. Even the cheerful baby who screamed and laughed as her mother fed her didn't make anyone smile. The mood slowly changed when the last person placed their fork down, and cleared their throat.

"Shall we lift the spirits up with one last game?" I smiled again, and nodded, eyeing Delilah as she stood up, making all the men stand up as well. For the next ten seconds, chairs scraped back as everyone stood up, and then it turned into chaos as they decided on their partners. It reminded me of my first day here, and I couldn't help but laugh as Delilah skipped to me and grabbed my arm, patting it. "Let's walk ahead and leave the arguing wolves. I got a secret stash of booze I can share with you."

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as she winked while she loudly whispered, knowing the supernaturals would hear. "Uh, Delilah?" Alex spoke, but we were already practically sprinting away from the room. Of course, they managed to catch up, and once the teams were secured, the game began.


"Oh my god I gotta go!" I cried as I covered my mouth and stood up. "I can't."

"No, stay!" Laughed Eveline, who was still clutching her sides as she tried to not laugh anymore.

"If I stay here any longer, I will pee my pants and ruin Delilah's furniture. I can't laugh anymore."

It was silent as I weaved my way through the seats, and then someone cleared their throat. "Well I guess that can end the game. Sorry Tom, but your drawing sucked." Alex chuckled as he looked at Alice's mate. "And for the second time in a row, Eva won. Congrats!"

I gave everyone a salute and a wink before I walked out, leaving them all flabbergasted. I reached my room in peace, emptied my crying bladder, and managed to fall asleep without any problems. But when morning came, all of yesterday's thoughts came rushing in, and my breath got knocked out of me as I realized what day it was.

I didn't know why I was shocked, since I had decided I was going to leave. I guess I had completely forgotten with all the shits and giggles we had had during our game, that I forgot about my leaving. But now that it was here, facing me, I was... scared.

With a sigh, I got up, changed into the clothes I had come in that very first day after my shower, and took deep breaths. I grabbed the small bag Delilah had insisted on me taking, and slowly made my way down to the main foyer. I saw no one as I slowly opened the door, and crept out, not wanting to say goodbyes. Waterworks would only blur my vision if I dismissed myself, and I didn't want that to be their last memory of me.

"And where do you think you're going?" I jumped as Delilah's voice pierced the air behind me. I turned around, blushing as I got caught, and my mouth fell open as I saw everyone. Even Xavier.

"I was just... Er... leaving."

"Without saying goodbye?" I looked down at my feet, biting my lip as I shook my head. I could feel my eyes aching as I tried not to cry, but knew I would not be able to hold them back as I heard her stepping up.

"I can't." My voice broke. "I'm sorry, I can't. This is why I didn't want to say goodbye." She hugged me nevertheless, wiping the tears from my eyes as she herself tried not to cry.

"Stay then, Evangeline. Stay here with us."

I shook my head. "Please don't ask again. I won't and it's final." I stepped away from her embrace, wiping my face as I cleared my nose. I took a few deep breaths, and then accepted the hugs from everyone as they all formed a line. I apologized for what seemed like forever as they all chastised me for trying to sneak away, until I finally got to Xavier. His hug impacted me the most, but what made the waterworks start again was the lingering kiss he left on my forehead before walking away without saying a word.

"Goodbye." I whispered as I got into the car that was waiting for me behind them and closed the door. When it zoomed forward, I covered my face and cried for a few seconds. I only let myself cry for the shortest of seconds before I stopped myself, and forced myself to be happy, not realizing I had left part of my heart behind.

The car stopped at the airport, and the driver handed me a ticket to my shock.

"Anywhere you want." Was all he said before he drove away, leaving me by myself. I looked down at the first class ticket and sighed, not knowing where I was going. I walked inside the airport, and looked at all the people that were bustling around, knowing exactly where they were going. I stood next to the doors, looking down at the ticket to my freedom, and closed my eyes, taking more breaths as a lady announced a departure. Immediately, I knew that was exactly where I was going.

It didn't take me long to get inside the plane. Since I was only carrying a bag, I took it inside with me, and placed it on the seat next to me, since apparently I was the only first class passenger in my row. When the flight attendant came by to offer me a breakfast after take off, she handed me an envelope with a smile, walking away without letting me say anything.

I stared at it, flipping it over and over again, not seeing my name. When I tried to get her attention again, she gave me a small smile, and a shrug, only saying, "I was instructed to give it to you."


She nodded. "The ticket you gave us came with that."

With trembling hands, I placed it above my bag, and ate my breakfast instead. It laid there, unopened for the entire flight of six hours. Even when I unboarded, it laid inside my bag, practically burning a hole through my back as it called to me.

As soon as I stepped into the airport, a woman bombarded me and placed a purple lei over my neck. With an air kiss, she smiled at me, and cheered, "Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii! We hope you have a wonderful visit!" And then she went on to the person behind me as I stepped even further.

Aloha indeed. Let's see if this place can make me forget...

Choosing Fate (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now