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Ladies twirl in fabulously colorful gowns and others skip in bright minidresses. The men grin and laugh in clean suits in a dizzying variety.

I watch in awe at the swirl of vivid color, dancing across the smooth ballroom floor and I squeeze Izuku's calloused hand out of shock. The quiet garden was so tranquil and silently pleasing that the bustling ballroom slipped my mind like Mina did when she was drunk and fell on Tooru.

"Should we join them?" Midoriya shifted in his spot next to me, staring at the twirling couples with an unreadable expression. I glance at him, having to look upwards a bit, and I can't fully tell if he wants me to say yes or no.

I join him in staring at the dancing crowd. It looks so intimidatingly fast and complicated that I internally cringe.

"Nah," I say slowly, my eyes trained on a sandy blonde in a silky black dress, spinning and twirling and gracefully inching around the ballroom with a beautiful grin. "Maybe later."

Every flick of her hair and shift of weight was done swiftly with unimaginable perfection.

"Maybe," He breathes. And I wonder if he was watching the girl too.

I don't like her very much.


The delicate blonde had disappeared into the successful party by the time we were seated at the mini-bar, at a small circular table with two matching cushioned chairs. It was a very posh pub.

Little others were trickled around the petite bar in the large Yaoyorozu manor, some were very very drunk, and others were tipsy. Even the bartenders looked like they had a few shots, their faces pink.

The semi-sober Izuku, having nothing to focus on, focused on me. He stared into my wide eyes in a way that makes me feel bare and special at the same time, a very intense look, and I wonder if that's how he'd looked at the blonde.

After one more moment of him drinking me in, he waves his hand in a lazy, assertive gesture and a waiter scurries to our table, pouring us generous servings of a drink I've never seen in expensive glasses that weren't there before.

Another gentle flick of his wrist sent a candle aflame, dancing in front of me like the swirl of dancers just in the other room.

Izuku continues to downright stare at me and I can't say I don't like it. I try and act like I don't notice and look around the room in a slow 180, skipping over his unnervingly handsome face.

He looks at me like he's devouring me with his bold green eyes, drinking me in like a glass of fragile wine. Every little movement I made caused his eyes to flick ever so slightly and I felt so completely naked in front of his raking eyes.

And suddenly, he stops,  and I frown. He gives me a lazy grin and throws me a different look from his eyes.

"Don't worry your pretty little self." His rough hand feels so gentle as it smooths a loose strand of my chestnut hair behind my ear.

I wonder if he knew how fast my heart is beating, causing my lack of breath to speak any witty reply to lighten the thick tension. He looked more carefree than I've seen anyone in a public setting.

How is this guy still single? Maybe it was a personal choice.

"That was my ex. Camie," He explains for something I didn't even think he noticed. His voice is low and gentle, tickling my face.


"And don't worry." His lopsided lazy grin melted my heart, "You are infinitely more beautiful than her on her best days."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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