crescent moon

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the darkness loved your pretty brown eyes: those brown eyes that hid the secrets
of the foreign universe beyond our comprehension, the reflection of the bruised city lights, the darkest fairytales retold within those glass castles of haunted
misery and bloodied dreams as the wind caressed your flawed skin - hauntingly
perfect in my eyes - while your eyes lit up like the saccharine stars in the
champagne skies with the warmth of a thousand suns - able to outshine even the
most fatal supernova - whenever your sweet rose lips uttered: "i'm fine". the little
white lies you'd repeat a million times just to make me smile, but i knew better
for i saw your soul, previously bathing in liquid gold, drowning in the cavernous
waters of sweet purgatory, but i said nothing like the useless coward i am. i wish
you could lay beside me under the greying twilight for one last time as the
crescent moon crumbled before our eyes and the rain poured on our battered
skin as you dragged me under the fading lights, your smile tattooed in my mind
before (gradually) your hand slipped from mine.

We are now placed #951 in sadpoems

Thank you angels!!

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