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"Ugh!" Danny muttered a curse as he crumbled up his trigonometry homework. He absolutely hated everything at the moment. It was the end of a long week. A week of disagreeing with every word his father said, a week of not understanding math at all, a week of the worst sibling fights possibly ever.
Danny rubbed his face in a frustrated manner when a small knock was heard. It was so small, he wasn't sure if he had just imagined it. "Is someone there?"
"It's Jamie!"
"What do you want?" He asked angrily.
"I was gonna ask if you were done with fig-manor-tree." He missed pronounced the word.
Ordinarily, Danny would've found that cute, but today he didn't. "What do you think?"
"Uh... no?"
"Go away, Jamie!"
"Fine! Then I'm leaving!"
"Thank you," He whispered.
"But you're gonna miss me!"
Danny looked at his door and shook his head. Even he didn't know why he was so angry. Maybe it was because he was a teenager. Maybe it was because he had pre-spring fever- it was mid March, and a blizzard had hit New York. Maybe it was because he had had a huge fight with his girlfriend last week.
That was probably it- he loved his girlfriend so much, but why did she get mad at him? All he did was accidentally get involved in a peace riot and had his face plastered all over the city. And just because his last name was Reagan he got in so much more trouble than he would've gotten in if his last name was Smith.
Danny still didn't understand why she got so mad at him; okay, so there was property damage and trespassing and something to do with fire, but surely she wasn't made about tiny things like that? His thoughts were interrupted by another knock. "I thought I told ya to go away!"
"I'm more stubborn than that!" A female voice answered.
Danny got up and opened the door. An annoyed Linda walked in.
"Danny, we gotta talk." She crossed her arms and leaned against his desk.
"About what?"
"Do the headlines 'Police Commissioner's Grandson Involved in Peace Riot' mean anything to you?"
"Linda, I don't understand. It was an accident. Why are you so mad?"
"Danny, you know better than that! Where's your cop instinct, huh? You could've been hurt, playing with Fire!" As soon as the words left her mouth, Linda put her hand on her forehead and sighed, "oh, my goodness, I sound like your wife!"
Danny smirked and took his girlfriend's hands in his. "I'm sorry I scared ya, but I know there's something else that you were mad at. What was it?"
She sighed as her cheeks flushed. "It was my dumb hormones. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at ya. I just have really bad, uh, really bad...."
"Yeah," Linda smiled embarrassedly. "So..." she traced her finger up and down her boyfriend's chest. "Am I forgiven?"
Danny smiled. "Yeah, I forgive ya." He planted a kiss on her lips and leaned his forehead to hers.
She closed her eyes in happiness, then asked, "you having problems with trig?"
"Ugh! Yes! Whoever came up with trig should be dragged out to the street and shot."
Linda laughed, "Come on, I can help you."
Danny gathered his book and papers and headed downstairs with Linda in tow.
By the time dinner rolled around, Danny was back to being himself- much to the relief of every one , including Linda, at the table.

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