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Listen to billies new album, this is based on the song 8



Wait a minute, let me finish
I know you don't care
But can you listen?
I came committed, guess I overdid it
Wore my heart out on a chain
Around my neck, but now it's missin'


After Thanos, Stephen turns into a ghost.

He's scared, not that he would ever admit it.

He's scared that he'll become overwhelmed by the power of the time stone, that the same greed that nearly consumed him on Titan will come back.

He's scared of their eyes. Of their questions and demands. Afraid he won't be able to give them the answers they deserve.

But mostly he's afraid of Tony.

He's afraid that his own emotions will cave and Tony will know how hopelessly in love Stephen is with him.

Too bad he couldn't keep iron man out of his sanctum.


So I think I better go
I never really know how to please you
You're lookin at me like I'm see-through
I guess I'm gonna go
I just never know how you feel
Do you even feel anything?


Tony visits regularly.

Not all the visits are happy, in fact, a lot are of harsh words, quiet apologies, and cryptic answers.

He wants to get close to Stephen, why? He doesn't know.

Despite this, he keeps the man at an arms length, entirely unprepared to let someone else in.

Too bad he didn't see the longing in Stephens eyes.


You said "don't treat me badly"
But you said it so sadly
So I did the best I could
Not thinkin you would have left me gladly
I know you're not sorry
Why should you be?
Cause who am I to be in love?
When your love never is for me?


Tony told Stephen not to bring up certain things, told him briefly of his failed relationship with Pepper and how he feared being left behind.

Stephen took every word he said to heart, tried, tried, so hard to keep his promise of making sure Tony wouldn't get hurt like that again.

I would've helped if they hadn't fought.

Stephen caved, he told Tony of his feelings, in a painful outburst of heart, he told the man he loved everything.

Tony left.


Tony had to take a step back.

A step back from himself.

He tried to put himself inside Stephens shoes and finally, finally, he felt the pain he'd put Stephen through.

Two weeks after they had fought, Tony went to the sanctum.


Stepping inside of the sanctum, Tony was met with silence, Wong was standing in the foyer, seemingly waiting for him.

The man looked like hell, his eyes shone with emotion and harsh lines met his usually softer features.

"Wong?" Tony questioned.

Dread pooled in his stomach.

"Where Stephen?"

Wong shook his head, visibly struggling to keep his emotions controlled.

"A creature from his last journey latched onto him, draining his life force."

Tony felt his world spin, his chest was tight and eyes went misty.

"He's gone."


Stephen was buried besides his family, grave beside his sisters own.

The funeral doesn't drag on. People are mostly silent, emotion swirling around them all, causing their throats to close up, only exchanging silent greetings.

Tony stays there hours after the ceremony ends.

When he finally goes home, he wants to scream and cry.

So he does.

Stephen Strange is gone.

574 words

This is totally me projecting onto Stephen- Okay so I'm fine for the most part so don't worry, I wanna talk though.

So if you didn't know, when Billie wrote the song 8, it wasn't actually written from her perspective, it was written from someone she had hurt perspective.

That should kinda explain the double perspective stuff in this chapter.

The lyrics are supposed to explain Stephens emotions but Tony is the one realizing it.

Tony is kinda supposed to be made out as a bit of an asshole in this, because y'know it happens to all of us, we hurt someone without knowing and then once we realized it, it might be too late.

But that's not what I really wanna talk about.

So for whoever is still reading this, what are you opinions on second chances?

I like giving people second chances, though I'm a lot more cautious now.

If someone gives me a reason to stay in my life then I see that they deserve it, but some people I can't find their actions to be redeemable and if I do let them back into my life, they'd be at an arms length.


I'm just curious

Have a good day

(Send in your oc's and head cannons, I'll add em in my chapters.)


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