Mr. Right

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Your chats, your jokes that makes me smile
You— that always make my problems be forgotten for a while,
You that I kept falling for
You that I see my future with

I forsee that loving you will not be that easy
Distance will be our greatest enemy,
Trust, love and loyalty
Three words that makes every relationship healthy

We have many differences
Different views and preferences,
We are a total opposite
My astrology chart is water and yours is earth

You are my virgo
I am your scorpio,
You seek order
I seek power

You, the one who tempts the inner part of my personality
You that tames the hidden beast in me,
You that I keep on liking
Your love that I keep on longing

Your face, eyes, your lips I wanna make mine
You, that someone I want to spend time,
My future with you I kept on imagining
In my dreams, always appearing

You that I want to be my king
You that I will always keep on liking
I am the princess and you are my prince
I love you, ever since

©Mj Ronsairo
📷 creds: Smule

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